first cycle typical ?s


New member
i received deca and test prop, but only 4amps 1cc 2 weeks worth of prop, my source has fallen through, im on week 2 Friday will be my last cc of test and ill still have about 3-4 weeks of deca left. what are the side effects of just running deca by it self for the remainder of my cycle. im 20 and this is my first cycle so i hope i dont run into serious side effects as in gyno and having to do a pct...

ill post up a few pics of day one of cycle and as of yesterday starting into my 2nd week. red pants are day one, black are week 2

before 5'5 156 14 1/2 arms
was working 55lb dumbells

now 5'5 167 15 1/4 arms
now workin 85lbs dumbells






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im lookin to gain maybe 35-40 lbs because i know ill end up losing 10-15 lbs after cycle is over. im tryin to swell up, get my size, then work with that, and later use a cutter to get my clean look going. with what i have now am i in the direction to get what im lookin for? and of course i eat a super diet
just focus on eating hard and working out hard....i'm definatly not one to be a downer about peoples first cycles....when they're ready, when they're not....but just focus really hard on eating as much meat as possible and crankin those weights, what does the tat on ur chest say btw?