First cycle weekly blog (with pics)


New member
Hi guys, I'm about to start my first ever steroid cycle and was just seeing if anyone had any last minute advice. I will be starting the cycle on Monday 2nd July and will constantly be giving you guys post with my progress and also pictures of my progress including a pre-cycle picture.

I will be using dianabol, med-viron 300 (250mg enanthate & 50mg prop), anastrazole during cycle.

My steroid cycle is this:

Weeks 1&2 - 1ml test twice weekly, 30mg dianabol daily, 1mg anastrazole once weekly

Weeks 3&4 - 1ml test twice weekly, 45mg dianabol daily, 1mg anastrazole once weekly

Weeks 5-15 - 1ml test twice weekly, 1mg anastrazole once weekly

I am splitting the test into two injections as I've been advised the prop is fast acting so it would be more beneficial this way.

For my post cycle I am planning on using clomid and hgc

Day 1 - 100mg clomid
Days 2-11 50mg clomid
Days 12-21 40mg clomid

I'm not yet sure on how much I should use hgc so any advise would be appreciated! :)

My training regime is as follows:

Monday: legs
Squats (3x10)
Leg press (3x10)
Lunges (3x10each side)
Glute ham raises (3x10)
Leg extension (3x10)
Hamstring curl (3x10)
Calf raises (3x10)

Incline bench (5,5,max)
Straight bench (5,5,max)
Decline db press (5,5,max)
Incline fly (5,5,max)
Cable crossover (10,8,max)
Close grip bench (5,5,max)

Wednesday: rest

Thursday: back
Pull-ups (10,10,max)
Dead lifts (5,5,max)
Bent over rows (5,5,max)
Lat pull down (5,5,max)
Bent over db rows (5,5,max)
Pullovers (5,5,max)

Friday: bis + tris
Standing barbell curl (5,5,max)
Standing db curls (5,5,max)
Standing hammer curls (5,5,max)
Preacher curls (5,5,max)
Tricep pull downs (5,5,max)
Lying tricep extensions (5,5,max)
Weighted dips (8,8,max)

Saturday: shoulders
Db side raise (5,5,max)
Barbell upright row (5,5,max)
Standing military press (5,5,max)
Db shoulder press (5,5,max)
Hang, clean + press (5,5,max)
Shrugs (5,5,3)

Sunday: rest

Every session will include abs and core workout aswell and finish with a 1.5mile best effort run

As way of diet I will be eating as much lean protein as I can including a double whey protein shake after every workout.

Finally some starting details:
Age - 20
Height - 183cm
Weight - 80kg
Objective - gain lean muscle mass

Want to know anything else? Just ask


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I don't think that u need the anastrozole during cycle unless is needed less shit to take bro. Some people do it but lots don't..n r u doing 100mg test prop in total n test e also ??
I've already got the anastrazole now lol :(
And the med-viron 300 contains 250mg e and 50mg p per 1ml so will be both

:) look like you have never lifted a weight a day in your life. You should have at least 3 years of consistent lifting/proper diet before thinking about gear. I'm not chirping, I'm criticizing... there's a difference.
I was for about 2years and got in really good shape but last 7months I haven't been able to get to the gym due to multiple reasons
Diet will be spot on too, already is very good but some tweaking is gonna be done for the cycle
Just done my first pin! :D no nerves or any holdbacks at all just bish bash bosh and it was done :) delta feeling like I've just been punched in it but apart from that can't wait to hit the gym
Later for a good hard legs sesh!!
Just been to gym and done a killer leg sesh followed by 1.5mile bike home
Squats (free) 80kg 3x10
Calf raise (free) 80kg 3x10
Leg extension 90kg 3x5
Hamstring curl 70kg 3x5
Squats (Multi-bar) 120kg 3x10
Calf raise (machine) 160kg 3x10
Back Kick (machine) 40kg 3x5 each leg
Leg press 200kg 3x10
Abs workout

Sorry if it seems I'm posting a lot but I'll be using this as a kind of blog to track my progress :)
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Just done chest sesh

Chest press (machine) 90kg 3x10
Cable crossover resistance 8 3x10
Incline bench 60kg 3x6
Straight bench 70kg 3x6
Decline db press 22kg 3x5
Straight db fly 14kg 3x5

Weighted abs workout
Just pinned my quad, done it now instead of in morning so I have chance to sleep off any potential dead leg before work in morning
Took two gos, first go I went slightly too high and it just felt so uncomfy I had to take needle straight out, double checked my spot using spotinjections and second go I got it. Was harder to get the test in my quad than it was in my delt but I'm just guessing that's because it's a bigger, stronger and firmer muscle :)
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Couldn't do my session yesterday as had the worst headache I have ever experienced in my life! Was unable to do anything apart from lie down and close my eyes.

Did a good bis and tris sesh today and included some pullups because of missing yesterday back session

Overarm pullups 3x5
weighted dips 20kg 3x10
Lying tricep extensions 20kg 3x8
Tricep pull down 35kg 3x5
Preacher curls 37.5kg 3x5
Standing bb curl 30kg 3x5
Standing db hammer 14kg 3x5
Standing db curl 12kg 3x5

Weight dropped at the end because my arms were dying but pushed on and somehow managed to pull a bit extra out the bag :)
sorry if anyones been keeping an eye on this thread, my phone has broken so im not able to keep this updated anymore, i'll be posting again when my phone is fixed :)