First cycle weekly blog (with pics)

I jumped into a cycle way too ealry like yourself.. only difference was I got jacked, just your log alone shows lack of dedication and time to spend 5 minutes out of the 1440 daily to update it, thats why your results look exactly the same as before you started.. only now you are going to get fat and maybe bigger nips... this is THE main reason why people on this board tell others they are too young and have not reached potential
I jumped into a cycle way too ealry like yourself.. only difference was I got jacked, just your log alone shows lack of dedication and time to spend 5 minutes out of the 1440 daily to update it, thats why your results look exactly the same as before you started.. only now you are going to get fat and maybe bigger nips... this is THE main reason why people on this board tell others they are too young and have not reached potential

I agree with that i lifted from 17-21 i stopped started doing triathlon training and went from 6'2 248 pounds to 6'2 165 pounds from 21-23 now that im 24 and i was gonna jump right in a cycle cause im half the size but from just eating alot of clean calories and getting the right amount of PROTEIN,CARBS,FAT withing 2 months im up to 185 and u can see my abs my shoulders got size and arnt sunken in. It would be. Waste if i cycled off the bat i would of tore something or just gained same results i would build a solid foundation before u wanna cycle or else bad things are prone
' look like you have never lifted a weight a day in your life. You should have at least 3 years of consistent lifting/proper diet before thinking about gear. I'm not chirping, I'm criticizing... there's a difference.

^^agree..should have waited a little longer. what you build on this cycle you could have built up naturally with good diet/training. now that you've started anyhow...good luck.