First cycle weekly blog (with pics)

will have to go to the parents house to check weight as my scales have disappeared, and yeah drinking water constantly and diet is roughly 50/50 protein to carbs, eating every 2-3hours and minimum 8hours sleep per night
Hopefully test should be kicking in soon too :D look like you have never lifted a weight a day in your life. You should have at least 3 years of consistent lifting/proper diet before thinking about gear. I'm not chirping, I'm criticizing... there's a difference.

YEaH ^^^

And you keep maxing out on the reps at the end of set.I bet you dollar to donuts you couldn't do that off the juice.Then you can tell the difference where you're at in training when you plan to juice.
had a bit of a problem, my guy has ran out of the med-viron 300 and cant get any more so im moving onto sus 250 for the remainder, meaning i should hopefully see some really good gains in the next few weeks because I'll have the enanthate and sus in my system at same time

and when training i have always maxed out my last set of each exercise since long before i even considered using any steroids :)
Yeah my back is the weakest part of me an I've always had trouble trying to work it for some reason. Body fat has gone up quite a lot because I spent a long stretch out of gym, it used to be a lot less than it is now
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Just weighed in at 85.1kg, That's a gain of 5.1kg (11.25lbs) in four weeks
So now the dianabols started me off, let's see what the enanthate is made of :D
Alright guys, just went to pin, tried both glutes and both delts but all four spots drew blood after insertin the syringe. I've used all these spots multiple times before and never had a problem and this time I did nothing different. So was just wondering if anyone else has had the same problem and if theirs any reason for this happening? Gonna retry in a few hours
Alright guys, just went to pin, tried both glutes and both delts but all four spots drew blood after insertin the syringe. I've used all these spots multiple times before and never had a problem and this time I did nothing different. So was just wondering if anyone else has had the same problem and if theirs any reason for this happening? Gonna retry in a few hours
How long a needle are you using?
Did you clear the needle after each attempt? If not there would still be blood in there... Likelyhood is you just hit a vein the first place and were prob fine the 2nd time, but wouldn't know unless you pushed the blood out first.
Needle is 1 inch, same I've always been using and yes I cleared the syringe of blood and changed the needle each time
Yeah I'm guessing it's just a case of been majorly unlucky lol cos I've had no problems in these spots before so...
Don't think you're ready for the juice but I like you're enthusiasm and positive attitude. Keep it for when you're ready.
Well he's already started and I appreciate his enthusiasm too. Sometimes we just have an off day man, so the timing (at least with test e) is never so critical that you can't set it down for the morning and come back to it later. Try try again bro!