first cycle with e2 problem help?


New member
I'm 20 yes old 213lbs 12 percent body fat. Anyways this is my first cycle and I'm running test e 500 week, airmadex .5 eod and proviron ed anyways I'm on week 11 and out of nowhere my sex drive went and I started experience ed and when I ejaculate I can feel my prostate. Anyways I am planing on making sunday my last pin and using the pct I dot from rui. Will I go back to normal with this??
-I will be going to my general practicioner tomorrow
1-ur to young
2-any idea what your e2 actually is ? Pre cycle total test---on cycle level ?
3- bunk adex ??
It could be e2...u need numbers...RUI sell s solid ancillaries so

What country u live in ?
Is ur doc hip or is he gonna tell u and sell u either out or god know s what.

U walked into this voluntarily and the amount variables are many. Are u having sex w a partner or yourself...seriously...the stress to perform can be the worste of all. I m not doggin you...but at 20 you ll probably be Ok...

Doc s have mortgages too like lawyers. I d run pct and see but that s me. If ur doc s a dick and a propagandist alarmist believer all your future woe s maybe blamed on this one damn cycle....

Patience Daniel son. Patience praying penile performance prevails----in time.
T I have had little to no iternest In my pattern in past week and tried to have sex with self other day and felt prostate.. I switched armidex to purchase peptides recently could this be why?
My knowledge of pep tides is less than Oriental cars...I do not fool with them....

It s a possibility of course...however...2 summers ago my prostate was painful upon ejaculation...I had a tumor which was removed then chemo ed for 6 weeks. Now my cum pump s doing awesome based on volume, fps and trajectory of semen. He s a paint ball gun....

I still say drop the aas, run ur pct be cool. But if ur prostate s actually painful and not psycho sematically irritated based on an article Title u sAW ON SOME b/s magazine screaming AAS linked to prostate xxxx...get ur ass to the doc...and or get bloods and see where ur PSA s fall...or get an exam...but do not...tell them about aas unless your doc s cool or u can black mail he could really crucify you.
Now my cum pump s doing awesome based on volume, fps and trajectory of semen. He s a paint ball gun....

Now that's funny!
Thanks for the advice again T I was also going to go because I'm worried that the area of my last pin became extramly aggitate after working out and has been red and swollen for past 3 days in area roughly 3 in big around i was going to get antibiotics as a precaution should i wait this out a couple more days?.
1-ur to young
2-any idea what your e2 actually is ? Pre cycle total test---on cycle level ?
3- bunk adex ??
It could be e2...u need numbers...RUI sell s solid ancillaries so

What country u live in ?
Is ur doc hip or is he gonna tell u and sell u either out or god know s what.

U walked into this voluntarily and the amount variables are many. Are u having sex w a partner or yourself...seriously...the stress to perform can be the worste of all. I m not doggin you...but at 20 you ll probably be Ok...

Doc s have mortgages too like lawyers. I d run pct and see but that s me. If ur doc s a dick and a propagandist alarmist believer all your future woe s maybe blamed on this one damn cycle....

Patience Daniel son. Patience praying penile performance prevails----in time.

Great advise, except for the doctor selling you out part. Doctors can't break HIPPA for shit like that. If they could there would be no medical rehabs because all the addicts would be reported. Now if its child abuse or going to hurt someone else thats different, but please don't propagate nonsense like that.
T I have had little to no iternest In my pattern in past week and tried to have sex with self other day and felt prostate.. I switched armidex to purchase peptides recently could this be why?

You felt your prostate? Wow, long fingers!
xcv--"by sell u out" I was not saying it to indicate they d call the cop s or some dumb shit like was more meant to convey to OP, that a statement like " Patient has indicated to self administering aas and therefore I made the following intent was to remind OP that doc s are humans, they have liability to consider AND just cuz they are Dr s does not elevate them some higher f k n plane where greed and or a reason to maybe push a new med can be justified...perhaps when enough rx s of some drug are wrote they re whisked away on a pharamceuticall companies all expense paid junket to wherever-happens every day.

Are you a doc ? No offense dude really but lot s of doc s wind up in rehab, most divorced at least once etc. They re people too and often motivated as much for personal gain as for patient welfare. I respect a doc, when it s warranted; it s not always s so...

Anzel---lol---but my prostate ached during and after ejaculation and I ndid not finger fuck me bung hole to realize that not right.

OP--a hot spot from pinning is not reason to go to doc unless it s getting worse. Bad pin s and the resultant pip and sometimes swollen and painful inj. site is common. It ll get better or it won t..if it s still a pain or seems to be getting worse I d definitely go....Pinning s an unnatural phenom for our epi, the muscle pinned and the compound being injected as well.

OP, this can be a potentially painful hobby lifestyle w dangers both small and great inherent to the shit we do to ourselves....and I f k n luv/need it.
Again T you've been a big fucking help to me man! I've loved every second of this cycle and experience amazing gains! Today the pain subsided greatly in quad but are seems to be more red. This was also my first pin ever to bleed from I gues I may have nicked a vein or something
All good and the first cycle often yields both great result s and can also have thing s happen that alarm you.
If the pain s getting less...u r on your way to being OK...alright ? It s like when u first rode a bike or started with sex...shit happens...the good gets taken in stride the bad 99 percent of the time freak u the --ck out.

I ve harpooned my sciatic nerve and limped around campus for 10 day s back when I used 18 gauge 1.5 inch needle s.

I ve had blood squirt out, run like a river down my leg, had golf ball injection sites...etc....

It s part of stabbing yourself. probably hit a blood vessel not a vein.

Take a breath, quit sweating the small stuff ( it s all good bro) always have a clean cotton swap, swipe or paper towel handy etc.