First Cycle Worked Out... and two BIG questions

juice4fun said:
First to those who call bullshit heres a middle finger for you. Don't give a shit what they think or say. I didn't eat shit food like fast food or any take out. I mostly ate alot of steak, seafood , and had the good old protien shake twice a day. I did alot of cardio first before I lifted to warm up and spent on full day aweek to do a very heavy cardio workout. I have always went to the gym but never got to serious and when I did I had a guy by the name of Roger Neff help me on what I need to do to accomplish what I wanted. I will try to post some pics. if I can get my camera to work to shut some of the people that call bullshit.

LMFAO.... stop flipping me off over the computer kid

i dont care what pics u put up.... just estimating if you lost 9% bf @ 175 pounds you lost in the neighborhood of 15-16 pounds of fat, on top of that, you ate enough calories to put on 40+ pounds of muscle to boost you up to 200... if u did all that in 8 weeks y did u stop there? in a few months u might just have yourself a pro card

come on serious

The shortest half life in test is the propionate and phenylpropionate with 4.5 days.


I'm assuming that the rate limiting step in all of this is not the diffusion of T into the bloodstream, but rather the de esterification step and that it's first order with respect to the concentration of the T ester. Am I correct?? If not, maybe someone else can do a literature search for the mechanism. I don't have the time.

I appreciate your comments, I didn't know that T levels needed to be that constant... but it makes sense. I did the math again and 0.25 mL every day gives very even blood levels.

As to the Arimidex and the estrogen, I'll give that some more consideration. I thought it was kind of silly to get all bloated during a cycle and just lose that with water loss after a cycle. But hey if it really does help with gaining the actual muscle mass... maybe I will just keep a stockpile of Nolva ready and forget about the Arimidex.

As far as the taper goes... I only bought 20 mLs and didn't give any thought to preloading, so when I decided that 750 the first week was the way to go... all I'd have for the last week was 250. The only reason for using the last mL was, hey I paid for it I might as well use it.

I have gotten very good advice, yours included. The one comment that happens to stick out in my mind the most is from StoneColdNTO regarding the ligaments and stuff (maybe because somebody just posted about his arms hurting after benchpress). I'm still making really good gains every week and having fun with it so maybe I will wait. Going home for thanksgiving is just going to fuck up a week in the middle of my cycle anyway.
i'll throw my input in, if you want close to your genetic ability, you need no juice for that.....

Your genetic ability will get you as far as it will get you, if you don't like it and are stuck after a long time of training then people use Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) to push them over that limit :}