First cycle yyyaaaa buddy


New member
First cycle everyone I just got set up with my diet, gear, supplements, and plan of attack.

Age 28
Height 6 ft 1 in
Weight 260 (will weigh on day one fasting)
Experience 2 years -3 years lifting after 1 1/2 years of being a bum

Cycle 14 weeks
Test e 600 mg (300 mg Sunday & Thursday)
Arimidex 0.5 EOD or e3d (I hear you gotta play this out by feel to find your dose)
PCT Clomid

Milk thistle
Multi vitamin
Bp liver insulin support
Joint support
Fish oil

Workout program
Day 1 chest and tri
Day 2 legs
Day 3 back and biceps
Day 4 shoulders and abs
Day 5 active rest/yoga

Pre blood work done will do blood work 6-7 weeks in and then after pct is completed

Several guys on here helped me get my plan off attack squared up so I'll post this for you guys to hopefully see your advise pay off. Plus having a log is a great way to guilt myself into the gym. As if 40 ml of test e isn't enough of a reason to.

I hope ya'll enjoy
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you should be running hcg throughout the cycle and not blasting it at the end.. thats an outdated philosophy
Yes indeed several guys did TRY to help you with your plan of attack but I guess it didn't work so well...
I got hcg the two weeks of hcg and can get more within 2 days of me calling I've been advised to wait a few days to see how I react to the test so if I use it I can get more quick. Skin calpers were delivered today when I get home tomorrow night I'll be able to figure it out in the morning after fasting
Correction I just need to dilute the hcg instead of blasting that's my bad. It's taken care of I talked to my buddy
I think it's a great first cycle brother i will get flack for this but I don't like hcg myself but test only first cycle go for it my freind
First pin was today easy enough I did the "z track injection". Wanted every drop to get in. Felt pretty good grabbed a foam roller and rolled out my butt to help spread and massage the area.

Hit the gym really hard "placebo effect". However I'm not gonna look back and say I was half hearted in a single lift thru this process. I grabbed my weights and worked on getting those Boulder shoulders. Focused on the mind muscle connection and pushed the weights hard and did a nice 4-6 count fighting gravity on the way down. I felt great.

Pretty stoked about the diet 3J hooked me up with plenty of options to eat for each meal at it will not be the same foods day in and day out. I've never done carb cycling but 3j put together a good diet for me. Thank you for that 3j.

Weight 258.0 on the dot this morning.
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Pin #2 was today went with the right delt

Great workouts this week chest yesterday and biceps the day before. Making sure to focus on the negative still and explode with the push. I start every workout with a 12-15 warm up to get the mind muscle connection. Usually listening to Danzigs - mother it get hyped up for the onslaught that is about to follow.

Yesterday was a 50 g of carbs day and today is a 0 carb day with veggies being the only exception. I won't go into my diet to much since 3j helped me. (Hopefully this log will get you to recruit his services). So far I'm very happy with it.

Weights 254.5 today ( will let my weight run till Thursday when 3J will adjust if needed)

I'm not doing cardio this week because we're wanting to see how I do with just the diet and lifts.
Yesterday was legs day
Squats, leg curls, leg ext, calf raises
I never go super heavy on squats just kept a mental count as I lowered the weight looking foreword as low as possible ass to heels damn near. Threw in a few slow reps pressing up as I've seen a member shredder does a good 10 count up which threw a wicked curve ball. Then stripped off weight and did a drop set of 30 got a few guys looking at me grunting and my facial expressions with having only 185 on the bar. After the 15th or 17th rep the burn killed but I knew the drop set was half over

My joints are getting better. They were sore from the workouts with the droplets being added but the joint support is helping more and more each day

Pinned the right delt Thursday which was real sore yesterday but we're all good today.

200 grams of carbs today I'll get after arms and then shoulders tomorrow
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Sorry for the delay. Between school work studding and lifting the threads been falling behind.

Last night was the 5th pin my weights holding steady but my waist measurement it dropping. So far my strength hasn't jumped up but my guy told me to wait another week or two. But I'm never sore from my lifts and I'm hitting it hard.

So far my pins are going well rotate between glutes and delts. I just pin legs day after I lift legs or I pin delts day after I do shoulders. I've found I'm good for 24 hours then I get the PIP. Last glute gave me a good knot. I just roll it out. To help.

Diets going great 3J is helping me a lot with the carb cycling veins are more noticeable.

Shoulders today
DB military
70 x 9
65 x 9
60 x 8
55 x 10
Drop set
35 x 20 pause for 15 then got 10 more

Front raise DB at same time not alternating
40 x 12
40 x 10
35 x 11
35 x 10
Drop set
20 x 25

Shrug behind back to rear row (Kia green does these your rear delt is destroyed
70 x 20
70 x 20
65 x 20

Upright row
115 x 15
115 x 13
115 x 11
105 x 18

Rear delt cable rev fly
33 lbs x 15
33 x 15
33 x 12
33 x 10

shrugs 1 1/2 reps (so I Shrug go down half way then back up then all the way down = 1 rep)
225 x 15
225 x 14
225 x 14
135 x 30

Front raise (years ago I sprained my collar bone so my front delt is smaller than the other so I do this at the end just to try and have the other delt catch up)
35 x 15
35 x 12
35 x 10
30 x 12
Drop set
20 x lost count did it till I was toast

Cardio 20 minutes 130-140 bpm the first week of no cardio was killing me I'm happy now that I get to go for a trot at least.

Pumps are getting crazy. When I do triceps and chest especially it feels like my skins gonna rip. The adex is helping keep water weight off I gained about 1.5 lbs the first week and it's back down now. I will re weigh myself Monday I couldn't weigh myself Thursday.
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