First Cycle

WHAT WAS EVERYONES FIRST CYCLE ..what did they use??how much?? what age did you start?>and what were the effects?

myelf im trying to choose between test enat, Sustanon (sust) or deca
500mg/wk Sustanon (sust) (week 1-10)
400mg/wk primo (week8 - 12)

Nolva entire time...

Gained 15 lbs lbm kept almost all weight and 75% of strength

26yrs old for 1st cycle...many more since
First "real" cycle was 2-Sostenon rejidects a week for 8 weeks. It was beautiful and would definitely do it again!:D As for anti-a, never even knew about them till about 1.5yrs ago, so in my opinion no need to use them unless you are prone to gyno which you wont find out until you start your cycle or just want no bloat. Either way play it safe and have it on hand.
First cycle is in my sig! I do not reccommend this for most of you rookies out there. BTW, I'm 22 and not too many side effects, just the usual.

cockdiesel...most ppl are gonna say stick with one drug, and let it be a single test ester. Out of your choices, I suggest stacking Test Enanthate with Deca for your first cycle. Do not touch Sustanon (sust) unless you understand the different esters in it and how it works.

Also, have an anti-estrogen on hand. I run femara every 3rd day throughout!

i haven done a cycle yet, but i want to be a part of this thread. when i do one im gonna go all out with mad post cycle meds cause i defintlay dont mind spending the money to do it right.
ChemicalSubject4Hire said:
First cycle is in my sig! I do not reccommend this for most of you rookies out there. BTW, I'm 22 and not too many side effects, just the usual.

cockdiesel...most ppl are gonna say stick with one drug, and let it be a single test ester. Out of your choices, I suggest stacking Test Enanthate with Deca for your first cycle. Do not touch Sustanon (sust) unless you understand the different esters in it and how it works.

Also, have an anti-estrogen on hand. I run femara every 3rd day throughout!


That's a sweet cycle for a newbie.....well

I ran sus@500mg/wk 1-10 and gained 30lbs and kept 25lbs.
Age 20yrs old

Plenty more to come he he
why do people say run test only, is that so if u get sides on the second cycle u can differentiate betwee the test giving the sides or the others, and why only one ester?
simpllyhuge said:
why do people say run test only, is that so if u get sides on the second cycle u can differentiate betwee the test giving the sides or the others, and why only one ester?

Test is cheap and mg for mg it's arguably the best steroid.

No side effects at 600mg/wk and below. (Plenty of medical abstracts to back this up).

A single ester makes it easier to keep track of your injection schedule and when you need to start post-cycle therapy.