First Cycle


New member
I want to run a first time cycle with Testosterone enanthate for 10 weeks. I'm wondering how much mg a week I should take and what I should take it with to keep from hair loss and to make sure I don't lose my gains.

Height: 5'11
Weight: 165
Body Fat: 4%
Tribe6 said:
I'm trying to take something to get bigger and enhance athletic performance.
if your really 4% walking around day to day what you need to enhance performance is food lol . 10-12 weeks of test eth or cyp at 300-500 mg a week followed 2 weeks after your last injection with standard clomid or nolva post cycle therapy (pct) .
DADAWG said:
if your really 4% walking around day to day what you need to enhance performance is food lol . 10-12 weeks of test eth or cyp at 300-500 mg a week followed 2 weeks after your last injection with standard clomid or nolva post cycle therapy (pct) .

I agreew ith Dawg especially the part about food..4% is no joke and prolly isnt healthy.. to me it means youre not eating enough and when you dont eat you wont gain...try slowly upping your cals and see if that does the trick
I am not sure who told you you are at 4% bodyfat, but i find that very hard to beleive. You are also extremely skinny, which probably means you have no clue how to eat or train, or both. Why don't you post up your diet and workout routine, as steroids are not going to do shit without having those two thinsg in order first.