First Cycle


New member
I am new to this and have been researching for a month or so.

25 years old
good diet

I have taken PH's before and they worked great for me. The only negative side-effect I experienced was really, horrible cystic acne. That is one thing holding me back from using anything again.

From my research I have discovered the following will help with the acne problem.
Minocycline 100mg/day
Vitamin B5 2-3g 2x/day
Nizoral shampoo
dish soap
sesamin extract?

With that being said, this is what I was considering for my first cycle,

week 1-12: test e 250mg/week ** I read an article on these forums that showed fewer people had acne problems on 600mg/week compared to 300mg/week but did not explain why
week 1-11: Eq 400mg/week
week 14-18: Nolva 40/20/20/20
week 14-18: 25mg Aromasin

Since acne is my main concern, do you guys believe this is a safe first cycle, or should I start with a cycle of Primobolan?
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welcome to ology brother!!

First off for a first cycle I would simply advise you to run testosterone it's own in the ball park of 400-600 mgs per week.

Do not complicate a first cycle since it will be fantastic regardless, svae later cycles for adding in new things etc

at 5 ft 9 160 I would also strongly recommend you contact our site nutritionist 3J! the better foundation you have built up prior to starting steroids the more muscle you will be able to retaina nd keep between cycles.

IMO you need to add clomid in to your post cycle therapy (pct) to ensure a rapid and full recovery! 50 mg per day for 4 weeks should do the trick!
The reason I added Eq was to keep the mg of test low and the side-effects low as well. I realize my gains will not be as great, but I am not trying to be Mr. Olympia. I would like to eventually be able to maintain around 175-180.

I would rather take Eq alone or Primo alone so I have minimal side-effects.

I feel like if I do test 250 2x/week my skin will freak out just as bad, if not worse, then when I was on a PH. I've even taken a strong natural test booster and broke out bad.

Thanks for the info
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The reason I added Eq was to keep the mg of test low and the side-effects low as well. I realize my gains will not be as great, but I am not trying to be Mr. Olympia. I would like to eventually be able to maintain around 175-180.

I would rather take Eq alone or Primo alone so I have minimal side-effects.

I feel like if I do test 250 2x/week my skin will freak out just as bad, if not worse, then when I was on a PH. I've even taken a strong natural test booster and broke out bad.

Thanks for the info

without test your not going to function as a man listen to Zeek he knows this game well
The reason I added Eq was to keep the mg of test low and the side-effects low as well. I realize my gains will not be as great, but I am not trying to be Mr. Olympia. I would like to eventually be able to maintain around 175-180.

I would rather take Eq alone or Primo alone so I have minimal side-effects.

I feel like if I do test 250 2x/week my skin will freak out just as bad, if not worse, then when I was on a PH. I've even taken a strong natural test booster and broke out bad.

Thanks for the info
bro were just telling you what's best for you. I also suggest you read a little first because you have no idea what your talking about. TEST should be ran with every cycle.
bro were just telling you what's best for you. I also suggest you read a little first because you have no idea what your talking about. TEST should be ran with every cycle.

Don't get me wrong, I am listening and absorbing what you all have to say. I was under the assumption you could run a cycle of primo alone. I am glad you cleared that up with me.

So if I do decide to cycle this is what I'll do
week 1-12: test e 250mg 2x/week
week 14-18: Nolva 40/20/20/20 & clomid 50/50/50/50
week 14-18: 25mg Aromasin
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Don't get me wrong, I am listening and absorbing what you all have to say. I was under the assumption you could run a cycle of primo alone. I am glad you cleared that up with me.

So if I do decide to cycle this is what I'll do
week 1-12: test e 250mg 2x/week
week 14-18: Nolva 40/20/20/20 & clomid 50/50/50/50
week 14-18: 25mg Aromasin

aromasin is better used on cycle..u can use it in pct too
Don't get me wrong, I am listening and absorbing what you all have to say. I was under the assumption you could run a cycle of primo alone. I am glad you cleared that up with me.

So if I do decide to cycle this is what I'll do
week 1-12: test e 250mg 2x/week
week 14-18: Nolva 40/20/20/20 & clomid 50/50/50/50
week 14-18: 25mg Aromasin
now that looks a lot better.
If you're really prone to acne try spraying your back with white vinegar after you shower (before bed), and wash it off in the am.
Make sure your body/facewash has salicylic acid in it, and exfoliat every 2 or 3 days by rubbing sea salt on your skin.
The monocycline is key, I use it too.
If you're really prone to acne try spraying your back with white vinegar after you shower (before bed), and wash it off in the am.
Make sure your body/facewash has salicylic acid in it, and exfoliat every 2 or 3 days by rubbing sea salt on your skin.
The monocycline is key, I use it too.

This is very helpful. I've heard of people using apple cider vinegar like that. is white vinegar better? Doing those 3 things along with the monocycline help a good bit?
I started taking deca 250 weekly and testogel 50 mg 5 days 250mg for 3 weeks now and still have 7 weeks left. i just started feeling sensitivity around the nipple area so i was wondering if that was normal or should i start taking liquidex or letro and if i should, what dosage would you guys recommend i take. Please advice. Thanks