First cylce need some advice

Age: 21
height: 6'
Weight: 265
BF: 21%

I started my first cycle 4 weeks ago and so far everything going great. a little background, I've been training for 6 years pretty consistently, played college ball for two years, blew out my knee and back squatting 750lbs. During the recovery put on about 60 lbs of bad weight due to horrible diet. For the past 8 months I have been getting my health and diet corrected to begin the cycle. lost the added 60 lbs and my diet and workout schedule close to perfect. My goal is to gain the lead muscle mass while cutting the unwanted Bf down to around 16% for now.

Wk 1-12 : test-E 500mg a week I pin Tuesday and Friday + Dbol first two weeks 40mg a day
I'm starting my anti-E week 5 but I don't recall the name its something water If someone could help me out with that it would be much appreciated ( my friend whom is doing the cylce with me got all the anti e and he just dropped it of before he went out of state, doesnt have a label)
Wk 12-15 Clomid

I was wondering if in addition to the dbol in the beginning of my cycle, if i could also run Winstrol (winny) half way through my cycle or when im ending my cycle?


Herbalife shake + fruit+ cottage cheese
21 grams of protein and 210 calories

Herbalife shake + qtr cup of lean meat ( chicken, ground turkey etc...)+ fruit + cottage cheese.
45-60 grams of protein 250-350 calories

Half chicken break with half cup of ground turkey, half cup of brown rice or quinoa, colorful assortment of vegetables + cottage cheese or mixed nuts.
65 to 80 grams of protein and up to 500 calories.

Mixed unsalted nuts, avocado, fruits/veggies

all meals, no seasoning little to no sodium, if i use oil to stir-fry its extra virgin coconut oil. I try to drink a gallon of water of more a day as-well.

I train twice a day for a total of 5 hours a day. once at 4 a.m then work then again after work at 7 p.m.
Cardio for two of the 5 hours.

The first week of the cycle i dropped crazy weight down to 254 which is what i want, then gained most of it back it two weeks but good lean mass. I notice a total change in my appearance my body's tighter and more defined and I'm doing the two hours of cardio a day but it seems i have hit a wall in week 4, my body is just maintaining its current weight, I'm defiantly still making gains in the gym but just not cutting down anymore. any ideas on what to do??

If i can just get my Bf% down to 16 or 17 % this cycle that would be great but I'm really striving to get my weight down to a lean 225 thats my ideal goal.

Any help and advice is greatly appreciated.
You need adex. and for pct i would have nolva and clomid.

^^This. However if you are trying to avoid adding extra bodyfat/ water weight I would swap the arimadex for aromasin @ 12.5mg ED.

If you are wanting to add lean mass and drop a bit of bodyfat I would recommend a 3 day cycle where you alternate your Carb/Fat intake. First, find your maintenance levels, the amount of macronutrients that do not cause your weight to fluctuate up or down, of calories and macros. Then you should run the three days as such:

[Example; if your maintenance Cals are 3000/day and Carbs are at ~300/day]:
1. High Carb/Calorie Day: Eat above your maintenance level of both Calories and Carbs (3500Cals and ~350gm Carbs) Keep fat as low as possible on high carb days.
2. Moderate Carb/Calorie Day: Eat your maintenance levels of macros while still trying to keep fat low (3000Cals and ~300gm Carbs).
3. Low Carb/Calorie Day: Eat below your maintenance level of Cals/Carbs (2400-2500Cals and ~150-200gm Carbs) increase fat to make up for the calorie deficit because of the reduced carb intake.

Keep protein around 1gm/lb of body weight on High and moderate carb days, and increase protein intake to 1.5gm/lb along with fats on low carb days to make up for the calorie deficit.

You can either do a continuous cycle of days 1,2,3 and repeat or you can keep it consistent from week to week depending on your workout routine. I have done it both ways, and both are effective, it mostly depends on how it works with your routine and how it works for your body. Currently I run my diet like this:
Sunday: High
Monday: Moderate
Tuesday: low
Wednesday: high
Thursday: moderate
Friday: low

You will notice that saturday and sunday are back to back high carb days, that is because sunday is considered a "re-feed' day. Usually you want to use a re-feed day when you exercise the bodypart(s) that need the most work.
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Dr got some good tips. I'm not a diet expert but I keep my protein intake high. The food u say your consuming is way off. You need 300+ grams of protein imo..
Really appreciate all the advice guys! Honestly I've basically beentaking in as little s possible which is why I think I stopped dropping weight. I looked at the diet thread by 3j along with Drs advice and im going to tweak my diet, also I've started adding HIIT to cardio and seem do be doing pretty well again. Ill post pics and update soon.

Thanks again.