First ever Clen/Var cycle to drop 13kg (28.6 pound).


New member

Hi there.
Am about to start a Clen/Var cycle.
I have in the past year lost 25kgs - done naturally through a balanced diet (1400cal) by a nutritionist and 4-5x cardio 1-2 weights per weight.
Recently injured my back and had to take 9 weeks off training - still managed to lose 8kgs (17.6 pound) through my diet and walking 2-3x per week.
Just been given the all clear to head back into the gym however summer in 12weeks away and I'm obviously behind where i should have been if i could have trained during the past 9 weeks.
Been offered Clan and Var.... how rapid will my weight loss be? is it worth the risks? Normally im all for natural is best but getting depressed due to my limited training abilities with my herniated disc.

Body fat currently at 34%
168cm tall (5"5)
22years old.
Dedicated to a clean diet and disciplined at the gym.

Tried low carb diet, body hated it, didn't lose any weight.

What ya all think? yes or no?
I think that your body fat is WAY too high to see any real benefit from clen. You should have plenty of energy readily available and you shouldn't have any problems losing weight because your leptin levels should be very high. Anavar (var) on the other hand, sure you could use it if you're trying to gain some strength and lean muscle, but it won't help you lose any weight- that's all diet. Also, you should have lost weight on a low carb diet- because your body gets rid of a lot of excess water. I hate to dissapoint you, but you should keep on progressing naturally until you reach at least half your current body fat.
Where's the testosterone? Anavar (var) only cycles are for chicks, really. And you need to lose weight. Your body hates low carb cuz it's used to cheeseburgers, dieting isn't easy, or everyone would look awesome. Turning to drugs before you are in shape won't do you any good.
Where's the testosterone? Var only cycles are for chicks, really. And you need to lose weight. Your body hates low carb cuz it's used to cheeseburgers, dieting isn't easy, or everyone would look awesome. Turning to drugs before you are in shape won't do you any good.

Do/can you read? This is the women's section! Why do you have to be so disrespectful with your answers? There are nicer ways to relay information. Go get some manners.
I was wondering why he mentioned test too. The only time women should take testosterone is if they want to become men. It's not hot when your girlfriend has a deeper voice than you do.
Where's the testosterone? Var only cycles are for chicks, really. And you need to lose weight. Your body hates low carb cuz it's used to cheeseburgers, dieting isn't easy, or everyone would look awesome. Turning to drugs before you are in shape won't do you any good.

I think your confused, this is the womens forum, so I'm pretty sure she's a female..

Hi there.
Am about to start a Clen/Var cycle.
I have in the past year lost 25kgs - done naturally through a balanced diet (1400cal) by a nutritionist and 4-5x cardio 1-2 weights per weight.
Recently injured my back and had to take 9 weeks off training - still managed to lose 8kgs (17.6 pound) through my diet and walking 2-3x per week.
Just been given the all clear to head back into the gym however summer in 12weeks away and I'm obviously behind where i should have been if i could have trained during the past 9 weeks.
Been offered Clan and Var.... how rapid will my weight loss be? is it worth the risks? Normally im all for natural is best but getting depressed due to my limited training abilities with my herniated disc.

Body fat currently at 34%
168cm tall (5"5)
22years old.
Dedicated to a clean diet and disciplined at the gym.

Tried low carb diet, body hated it, didn't lose any weight.

What ya all think? yes or no?

Hi Hayolee ~Welcome~
I'm assuming your a female since your posting this on the womens forum...
Var and clen isn't what u need to lose weight... Eventhough Var is often used for cutting but it's a common misconception among women that it's a "fat burner".. In all honesty at your BF what u need to focus on is diet/training...
I know how frustrating it could be to have to restrict your training due to back injuries, etc (I have 2 herniated disks & It's a challange for sure) But with the right diet/training & good cardio routine u can bring down your BF, using clen now won't benefit u at all.. Try a different diet, even if the previous diet worked well our bodies are very adaptable & changing things up is always good, same goes for your training routine.

Good luck to u :)
Hayolee, Mrs P is the smartest, nicest lady here. (And no, I'm not Mr P.)

Huge congrats for losing 25kgs. Bad luck on the back - but we all get injured. It's part of the learning process. Just don't believe anything that doctors tell you. Anything. At all.

I seriously don't think steroids should be in your shopping list yet, but if you want to do it then Anavar (var) is it. But I think you should leave it alone for another six months at least - until you gt sub-20%. Why? Because you will feel SO GOOD ABOUT YOURSELF AND YOU DID IT NATURALLY!!!

And them, after you've bragged to everyone, you can give roids a go.

And in the mean time read, learn and enjoy.

Congrats again!

Edit: You're southern hemisphere; are you in Oz? Because we have more bunk junk than any country on earth, so the chances of your Anavar (var) and Clen being real is fairly low.
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