Hi there.
Am about to start a Clen/Var cycle.
I have in the past year lost 25kgs - done naturally through a balanced diet (1400cal) by a nutritionist and 4-5x cardio 1-2 weights per weight.
Recently injured my back and had to take 9 weeks off training - still managed to lose 8kgs (17.6 pound) through my diet and walking 2-3x per week.
Just been given the all clear to head back into the gym however summer in 12weeks away and I'm obviously behind where i should have been if i could have trained during the past 9 weeks.
Been offered Clan and Var.... how rapid will my weight loss be? is it worth the risks? Normally im all for natural is best but getting depressed due to my limited training abilities with my herniated disc.
Body fat currently at 34%
168cm tall (5"5)
22years old.
Dedicated to a clean diet and disciplined at the gym.
Tried low carb diet, body hated it, didn't lose any weight.
What ya all think? yes or no?