First ever cycle!! I have crossed over to the dark side!!!

Today was shoulders/triceps and it was fucking good!! At the gym I weighed in at 220lbs! Fuck yeah!!!

Barbell military: 195x8r, 195x9r, 205x5r (felt really strong here)
Dumbbell military: 90x10r, 100x7r, 100x7r
Upright rows: 145x10r, 145x10r, 145x10r
Upright rows: 145x12r, 145x12r, 145x10r
Dumbbell laterals: 45x9r, 45x9r, 45x8r
Dumbbell laterals: 45x10r, 45x10r, 45x8r drop 30x5r drop 15x5r
Cable laterals (FST-7): 25x12r, 25x12r, 25x12r, 25x12r, 25x12r, 25x12r, 20x12r
Cable laterals (FST-7): 30x12r, 25x12r, 25x12r, 25x12r, 25x12r, 25x12r, 25x12r

Close-grip bench: 225x10r, 225x10r, 225x 8r drop to 135x7r (I did this using free weights instead of the smith)
Close-grip bench (on a decline): 225x10r, 245x10r, 255x8r
Overhead dumbbell extensions: 110x10r, 110x10r, 110x9r
Machine skulls (FST-7): 120x12r,135x12r, 130x12r, 130x12r, 125x12r, 125x12r, 120x12r
Rope pressdowns (FST-7): 75x12r, 90x12r, 90x12r, 90x12r, 90x12r, 80x12r, 80x12r

I felt really, really good today. I've never used 100lb dumbbells for shoulder press before. After the cable laterals my side delts were so pumped in hurt! For the 30-45sec in between sets I would flex and stretch my shoulders and sip on some water.

The first week of April I'm starting my pre-contest diet. I'll definitely keep you guys posted on that as well. After doing research I've found that there are a TON of different ways guys use for their pre-contest diets. What I'm going to do is just drop my carb intake by 50g/day every couple weeks. Half-way through I'm going to try a carb loading day to see how my body reacts. I'm going to post a Word file of the diet I plan to follow. Let me know what you think.
Ok, here is yesterday's back workout. I didn't have time to post it after I was finished. Doesn't matter though. It was a great workout!

Rack deads (no straps, only chalk): 135x10r, 225x8r, 315x6r, 405x4r, 495x2r, 515x2r
Rack deads (no straps, only chalk): 135x10r, 225x8r, 315x6r, 405x4r, 495x2r, 525x1r
Barbell rows: 245x10r, 255x10r, 255x10r
Barbell rows: 255x10r, 255x10r, 255x10r
Dumbbell rows: 140x10r, 140x10r, 140x10
Dumbbell rows: 140x12r, 140x12r, 140x12r
Wide grip body-weight pull-ups: BW(213)x10r, BWx9r, BWx8r
Wide grip body-weight pull-ups: BW(218 at time of exercise)x10r, BWx9r, BWx8r
Seated cable rows: 210x12r, 210x12r, 210x10r
Wide grip seated cable rows: 210x12r, 210x12r, 210x12r
Plate loaded machine rows (FST-7): 140x12r, 180x12r, 180x12r, 180x12r, 160x12r, 160x12r, 160x12r
Wide grip pulldows (FST-7): 150x12r, 150x12r, 140x12r, 140x12r, 140x12r, 130x12r, 130x12r

Overall I felt extremely good about the numbers I threw up yesterday. Today is an off day. I've been going 2 on 1 off and I'm feeling a lot more rested that before when I was doing 4 on 1 off. I do pin number.....13 tonight. It's going by rather quickly.
Chest/biceps today and it was awesome!!!

Flat dumbbell bench: 120x10r, 125x10r, 130x6r drop to 70x6 (Last time I did dumbbell bench I could only do 120x6r on last set)
Flat barbell bench (max): 135x8r, 225x5r, 315x1r, 365x1r, 405x1r (personal best!)
Incline flyes: 55x12r, 55x12r, 60x10r
Flat flyes: 60x12r, 60x12r, 60x12r
Incline plate-loaded machine: 135(each side)x11r, 135x11r, 135x9r drop to 90x5r
Incline dumbbell bench: 100x10r, 110x10r, 110x9r, 110x8r drop to 60x11r
Pec deck (FST-7): 145x12r, 145x12r, 145x12r, 145x12r, 140x12r, 135x12r, 135x12r
Cable crossover (FST-7): 45x12r, 50x12r, 55x12r, 55x12r, 50x12r, 50x12r, 45x12r

Dumbbell curls: 60x8r, 60x7r, 60x6r drop to 40x5r drop to 20x6r
Barbell curls (wide): 135x7r, 135x7r, 135x5r drop to 95x7r
Cable front double bicep (FST-7): 30x12r, 35x12r, 35x12r, 35x12r, 30x12r, 30x12r, 30x12r
Cable front double bicep (FST-7): 35x12r, 35x12r, 35x12r, 35x12r, 30x12r, 30x12r, 30x12r

So as you can see I decided to max out on my bench today and I got 405. I'm really excited about that! Got my free shirt too (400lb bench club). I think it's good to max every few weeks or so to change it up. Next week I start my 14 week contest diet. I'll keep you updated on that also. Monday I'm going to get calipered for a more precise body fat measurement.

Tomorrow is leg day....maybe I'll max out on squats. What do you think?
Chest/biceps today and it was awesome!!!

Flat dumbbell bench: 120x10r, 125x10r, 130x6r drop to 70x6 (Last time I did dumbbell bench I could only do 120x6r on last set)
Flat barbell bench (max): 135x8r, 225x5r, 315x1r, 365x1r, 405x1r (personal best!)
Incline flyes: 55x12r, 55x12r, 60x10r
Flat flyes: 60x12r, 60x12r, 60x12r
Incline plate-loaded machine: 135(each side)x11r, 135x11r, 135x9r drop to 90x5r
Incline dumbbell bench: 100x10r, 110x10r, 110x9r, 110x8r drop to 60x11r
Pec deck (FST-7): 145x12r, 145x12r, 145x12r, 145x12r, 140x12r, 135x12r, 135x12r
Cable crossover (FST-7): 45x12r, 50x12r, 55x12r, 55x12r, 50x12r, 50x12r, 45x12r

Dumbbell curls: 60x8r, 60x7r, 60x6r drop to 40x5r drop to 20x6r
Barbell curls (wide): 135x7r, 135x7r, 135x5r drop to 95x7r
Cable front double bicep (FST-7): 30x12r, 35x12r, 35x12r, 35x12r, 30x12r, 30x12r, 30x12r
Cable front double bicep (FST-7): 35x12r, 35x12r, 35x12r, 35x12r, 30x12r, 30x12r, 30x12r

So as you can see I decided to max out on my bench today and I got 405. I'm really excited about that! Got my free shirt too (400lb bench club). I think it's good to max every few weeks or so to change it up. Next week I start my 14 week contest diet. I'll keep you updated on that also. Monday I'm going to get calipered for a more precise body fat measurement.

Tomorrow is leg day....maybe I'll max out on squats. What do you think?

Im jealous!
Chest/biceps today and it was awesome!!!

Flat dumbbell bench: 120x10r, 125x10r, 130x6r drop to 70x6 (Last time I did dumbbell bench I could only do 120x6r on last set)
Flat barbell bench (max): 135x8r, 225x5r, 315x1r, 365x1r, 405x1r (personal best!)
Incline flyes: 55x12r, 55x12r, 60x10r
Flat flyes: 60x12r, 60x12r, 60x12r
Incline plate-loaded machine: 135(each side)x11r, 135x11r, 135x9r drop to 90x5r
Incline dumbbell bench: 100x10r, 110x10r, 110x9r, 110x8r drop to 60x11r
Pec deck (FST-7): 145x12r, 145x12r, 145x12r, 145x12r, 140x12r, 135x12r, 135x12r
Cable crossover (FST-7): 45x12r, 50x12r, 55x12r, 55x12r, 50x12r, 50x12r, 45x12r

Dumbbell curls: 60x8r, 60x7r, 60x6r drop to 40x5r drop to 20x6r
Barbell curls (wide): 135x7r, 135x7r, 135x5r drop to 95x7r
Cable front double bicep (FST-7): 30x12r, 35x12r, 35x12r, 35x12r, 30x12r, 30x12r, 30x12r
Cable front double bicep (FST-7): 35x12r, 35x12r, 35x12r, 35x12r, 30x12r, 30x12r, 30x12r

So as you can see I decided to max out on my bench today and I got 405. I'm really excited about that! Got my free shirt too (400lb bench club). I think it's good to max every few weeks or so to change it up. Next week I start my 14 week contest diet. I'll keep you updated on that also. Monday I'm going to get calipered for a more precise body fat measurement.

Tomorrow is leg day....maybe I'll max out on squats. What do you think?

Great progress bro.

Definitely go for the max... only way to really gauge oneself objectively is on the major compound exercises from week to week, whether 1rm or multiple reps..
You know that's the one thing I completely forgot about....taking body measurements....fuck! :/ My shirts fit tighter so that's a good thing :) My next cycle I'll definitely remember to take chest, arm, leg, and waist measurements.
Leg day today. Again, I didn't have time to post my workout before I went to work so I'm doing it now. I was going to max out on squats today but there wasn't anyone in the gym that I was comfortable with spotting me for squats. All the good spotters are there M-Th. Anyways, here's what went down...

Warm-up leg extensions: 105x20r, 105x20r, 105x20r
Regular squats: 315x12r, 385x8r, 405x6r (personal best)
Regular squats: 405x6r, 405x6r, 405x7r (Again, I didn't go down as far as I probably could've. I'll do better next time)
Leg press: 790x12r, 880x12r, 880x12r
Leg press: 900x12r, 900x12r, 94512r (I'm counting the sled as 100lb)

Stiff-legged deads: 275x10r, 275x10r, 275x10r
Stiff-legged deads: 275x12r, 295x10r, 295x10r
One-legged seated leg curls: 80x12r, 80x12r, 80x10r
Standing leg curls: 80x12r, 80x12r, 80x12r (Right knee was starting to get a little sore :/ )

Now I tried something a little different. I supersetted leg extensions with lying leg curls for 4 sets
Leg extensions: 205x12r, 205x12r, 205x12r, 205x12r
Lying leg curls: 100x12r, 100x12r, 100x12r, 100x12r

Seated calf raises: 90x20r, 110x20r, 110x18r
Leg press calf raises (again sled = 100lb): 300x20r, 325x20r, 350x20r

Well, that's it. I think I might go back to the 7 sets of leg extensions or maybe do some hack squats or something. Or maybe do some high rep leg extensions. I think next leg day I'll do 405 for deep low reps then drop to 315 and do a widow maker set of 20 reps. I like change.

By the way thanks to everyone for all the compliments on my log. I'm having fun doing it.

It's really nice. I log on and type up on office mobile on my phone what I did last time. Then when I get to the gym I know exactly what I have to do and I just type up what I'm doing as I'm lifting.

Anyways, thanks again :)
So the gains just keep coming Stump? Nice job man!

What week are you on? And what week did you start to see your size go up/when did the cycle really kick in for you?
Holy shoulder! Today was an excellent shoulder/triceps day. I felt great!

Dumbbell military: 90x10r, 100x7r, 100x7r
Dumbbell military: 100x8r, 100x8r, 100x6r drop to 50x10r
Upright rows: 145x12r, 145x12r, 145x10r
Cable upright rows: 150x12r, 155x12r, 160x12r
Dumbbell laterals: 45x10r, 45x10r, 45x8r drop 30x5r drop 15x5r
Dumbbell laterals: 45x10r, 45x10r, 45x9r drop to 30x6r drop to 15x6r
Cable laterals (FST-7): 30x12r, 25x12r, 25x12r, 25x12r, 25x12r, 25x12r, 25x12r
Cable laterals (FST-7): Same as last time

Close-grip bench (on a decline): 225x10r, 245x10r, 255x8r
Close-grip bench (flat barbell): 225x8r, 225x10r, 225x10r drop to 135x20r
Overhead dumbbell extensions: 110x10r, 110x10r, 110x9r
Machine skulls: 120x12r, 150x12r, 180x12r
Rope pressdowns (FST-7): 75x12r, 90x12r, 90x12r, 90x12r, 90x12r, 80x12r, 80x12r
Reverse grip pushdowns (FST-7): 105x12r, 105x12r, 105x12r, 105x12r, 90x12r, 90x12r, 90x12r

After the cable laterals my side delts were SO fucking pumped!!

@Roidedsurfbum: I'm on my 7th week. The gains really started kicking in for me around week 4-5. Yes, they keep coming. I go all out every workout. I have with me whatever I did the previous workout and I try to beat it every time. So far I have. I have 7-8 more weeks left :)

Next week I start my 14-week contest prep diet. I know some don't agree with bulking then cutting during the same cycle but I didn't really have a choice. Either way I'm very happy with my gains so far. My next cycle will be a complete bulking cycle. Tomorrow morning I get calipered for my body fat. I'll let you guys know where I'm at.
Holy shoulder! Today was an excellent shoulder/triceps day. I felt great!

Dumbbell military: 90x10r, 100x7r, 100x7r
Dumbbell military: 100x8r, 100x8r, 100x6r drop to 50x10r
Upright rows: 145x12r, 145x12r, 145x10r
Cable upright rows: 150x12r, 155x12r, 160x12r
Dumbbell laterals: 45x10r, 45x10r, 45x8r drop 30x5r drop 15x5r
Dumbbell laterals: 45x10r, 45x10r, 45x9r drop to 30x6r drop to 15x6r
Cable laterals (FST-7): 30x12r, 25x12r, 25x12r, 25x12r, 25x12r, 25x12r, 25x12r
Cable laterals (FST-7): Same as last time

Close-grip bench (on a decline): 225x10r, 245x10r, 255x8r
Close-grip bench (flat barbell): 225x8r, 225x10r, 225x10r drop to 135x20r
Overhead dumbbell extensions: 110x10r, 110x10r, 110x9r
Machine skulls: 120x12r, 150x12r, 180x12r
Rope pressdowns (FST-7): 75x12r, 90x12r, 90x12r, 90x12r, 90x12r, 80x12r, 80x12r
Reverse grip pushdowns (FST-7): 105x12r, 105x12r, 105x12r, 105x12r, 90x12r, 90x12r, 90x12r

After the cable laterals my side delts were SO fucking pumped!!

@Roidedsurfbum: I'm on my 7th week. The gains really started kicking in for me around week 4-5. Yes, they keep coming. I go all out every workout. I have with me whatever I did the previous workout and I try to beat it every time. So far I have. I have 7-8 more weeks left :)

Next week I start my 14-week contest prep diet. I know some don't agree with bulking then cutting during the same cycle but I didn't really have a choice. Either way I'm very happy with my gains so far. My next cycle will be a complete bulking cycle. Tomorrow morning I get calipered for my body fat. I'll let you guys know where I'm at.

excellent work! Just keep in mind that when you start your precontest diet, depending how its set up, when you lower the fats your joins won't be as well lubricated and you'll be more prone to injury when your dieting. So make sure you are keeping good form. #1 avoid injury, especially before a show.
Thanks Juicer! I attached a file that had my diet in it a few posts ago but I'll copy and paste it into this post. Basically protein and fat stay the same and the only thing that changes is my carb intake and amount of cardio. If you read it all keep in mind that I'm cutting the 'WEEKS 1,2,3' section down to only a week or two since I'm taking in that much already. Here it is. This is my first time doing this so this is pretty much trial and error I feel. Please let me know what you think.

Cutter / Contest Diet or lean bulker
Ok here is what I have used for the past 10yrs. I did not write this, well I wrote it but its based on what was used by a former Olympia contender for years. Follow this to a T. Do not change the protein/fat throughout the whole diet, only carbs will change, Its based on a slow gradual decrease in carbs over 12-15wks. Biggest mistake IMO BBers make is they cut carbs WAY to fast and appear flat by show time.
DO NOT lower fat intake because if your body recognizes its getting enough it will burn body fat for energy, if you cut fat in your diet your body will hang on to body fat (its first goal is survival and fat is the last thing it wants to burn). You want to burn fat, then you have to eat GOOD fat.
You are going to eliminate all junk food, white floor/rice. Breads (except the first 3 wks you can have some HIGH grain bread but keep it minimal). Fried food (unless in olive oil but minimize). High sugar fruits and all dairy. The first few weeks some melon is OK . Start to minimize sugar at this point and by wk3 eliminate it.
All your carbs should come from complex carbs ( potatoes, brown rice, yams, beans, oatmeal, cream of wheat, grits, corn and most grains. even clean tortilla chips are fine).
Do not count GREEN veggies in your carbs, eat all you want. They are fiber and don***8217;t count.

Protein. Try to keep it lean and take in consideration the fat content and don***8217;t forget to add that in your total for that meal. Chicken, tuna, turkey, lean beef, lean deli turkey. egg whites.

Fat. Try and keep it from good sources but in weight loss your body doesn't care one way or another but for health reasons minimize saturated fats. olive oil is good, flax seed oil, avocados, even butter just don***8217;t get carried away.

Water. Your body weight x .66 so a 200lb man will drink 132oz of water per day.

Condiments/marinades/spices. Just be smart. Ketchup, mustard, salt/pepper, marinades are fine. No mayo. Fat free miracle whip is fine but minimize. Dieting is hard enough without having to choke down a meal. But now if this is for contest prep then these are to be used sparingly then eliminated near the end.

Also there might be days where you slip up and schedule makes it hard. NO BIG DEAL just get back on track as soon as you can, and also something to eat is better than NOT eating.
Also 6 smaller meals are better because by eating more often it speeds up your metabolism and you burn the food more efficiently, and yes you need to eat about an hour before bed, while sleeping your body is in repair and needs the nutrients and also by digesting the food will burn body fat.

Now this might seem like a lot of food at first but try and eat it all, what you are doing is preparing your body for what is ahead and it will kick start your metabolism, you will notice after about the 1st wk you***8217;re not as full and ready for you next meal. Also try to keep each meal as even as possible but realize this isn't always possible. You can add a few carbs to early meal and less at bedtime but not by much. You need some carbs even before sleep.
Also meal replacement shakes are fine 2xday(1 after working out), you just have to get the proper ratios of Pro/carb/fat

Try and weight train M,W,F or whatever your WO schedule is.
Cardio to start will be 30min 3-4wk

Now these totals are based on a 200lb man but for your totals cals take your body weight x 15 to get your total daily cals. I like a ratio of 40%pro/40%carbs/20%fat. Someone that burns faster may go 40/45/15 ratio

WEEKS 1,2,3 based on a 40/40/20 ratio 200lb man
Total cals per day 3000 cals split into 6 meals @ 500 cals per meal. Each meal will be.
Pro. 50g
Carbs 50g
Fat 11g

WEEKS 4,5,6 increase cardio to 35min 4-5x/wk
Cut carbs ONLY by 200 cals. Total cals 2800 per day split into 6meals @ 466 cals per meal. Each meal will be.
Pro 50g
Carbs 41g
Fat 11g

WEEKS 7,8,9 increase cardio to 40min 5x/wk. Also at this time 1 day per wk add 500 cal in carbs only. And continue this 1x/wk throughout. I like to do this on Sat.
cut carbs only again by another 200cals. Total cals 2600 per day split into 6 meals @ 433 cals per meal. Each meal will be.
Pro 50g
Carbs 33g
Fat 11g

WEEKS 10,11,12 increase cardio to 45min 5x/wk
cut carbs only again by another 200cals. Total cals 2400 per day split into 6 meals @ 400 cals per meal. Each meal will be.
Pro 50g
Carbs 25g
fat 11g

At this point you should notice a big change in leanness, if you***8217;re happy with your results and are not going to compete then you are done.
At this point simply add 500-800 cals carbs back into your diet, fluctuate these carbs on a daily basis and you are done.

If you want get even leaner we will add 3 wks. (contest prep)

WEEKS 13,14
At this point start counting how much sodium you consume daily. Do this for the next 14 days. At the end of the 14 days, add up what you consumed daily on each of the 14 days then divide this number by 14. This will be your average daily sodium intake. You will need this number later.

1) At the beginning of wk 13, decrease your calories by another 200 cals in carbs only. You are now consuming 2200 cals per day split into 6 meals @ 366cals.

Pro 50g
Carbs 16.5g
Fat 11g

2) Aerobics 45min 5xwk (adjust + - based on your leanness)

3) Loading day. 1 day per week add 800cals in complex carbs to your total daily cals. This will keep muscles full looking and not flat. Spread these cals out evenly throughout the day, NOT all 1 meal.

4) At this time eliminate ALL dressings, diet soda, condiments etc.

5) Keep all things the same till you have 1 wk to go

6) When you are 10 days away from contest, eliminate
the Carb loading day


DAY 7. Keep everything the same

DAY 6. Cut carbs in half, until day 3. Again do by evenly cutting back each meal.

DAY 5. Stop training legs

DAY 4. Keep everything the same

DAY 3. Stop all weight training and aerobics. Decrease sodium by half of the daily average you came up with for weeks 13,14.
Drink only water. no coffee, crystal light etc.

At this time double the amount of carbs you were eating on Day7, however, eliminate all vegetables and egg whites. You are eliminating the vegetables to keep estrogen levels from getting to high, many vegetables contain naturally occurring substances called phytoestrogens which can affect your body's estrogen levels and make you smooth out. You are replacing egg whites with a different protein source to cut back on sodium, and likewise keep you from holding water.
Keep everything else the same Do not cut sodium below 1200-1500mg day (men) and 700-900mg day (women) or you will risk flattening out meaning your muscles may lose volume and appear flat.

DAY 2. Keep everything the same. DO NOT restrict water at this time or you risk appearing flat.

DAY 1. Keep water intake high but taper as needed based on how your holding it. Decrease carbs by 1/2 to tighten up your skin and really bring out the cuts and abs.


Keep diet the same as Day1.
Water intake. Do NOT restrict water by more than half. Drink when thirsty.
Show schedules vary but ideally you will look your best about 3hrs after 4th meal.

Good luck.........11

Just added for you guys that like to do lean bulkers you can take this same concept and reverse it. Instead of decreasing carbs by 200cals every 3 wks go the opposite direction and increase them by 200cals every 3wks. or increase Pro/carb/fat evenly by 200cals. Just something to consider and gives you another option..................11
On my next back day (tomorrow) I'll video my 530lb rack pull and 255lb barbell row. On chest day I'll video my bench and barbell curls. On leg day I'll video my squat and on shoulder day I'll video my barbell/dumbbell military and my close-grip bench. Or you could tell me what lifts you would like to see and I'll video those for you.
I believe ya bro. You were pretty strong to begin with....even before you started this. Your gonna be freakishly strong when you finish lol. Keep up the good posts. I wouldn't mind seeing a video though....but I don't need it to believe you.
Back day was SO good today!! I felt amazing. Here's what I did. And yes I'm am uploading videos of the 530lb rack dead and 255lb barbell row to YouTube right now. I'll post the link. Here you go Shock ;) And if you don't think it's me then look at my tattoos from my pictures and the video and you'll see they're the same.

Rack deads (no straps, only chalk): 135x10r, 225x8r, 315x6r, 405x4r, 495x2r, 525x1r
Rack deads (no straps, only chalk): 135x10r, 225x8r, 315x6r, 405x4r, 495x2r, 530x2r
Barbell rows: 255x10r, 255x10r, 255x10r
Barbell rows: 255x12r, 255x12r, 255x10r
Dumbbell rows: 140x12r, 140x12r, 140x12r
Dumbbell rows: 140x12r, 140x12r, 140x12r (time to up the weight)
Wide grip body-weight pull-ups: BW(218 at time of exercise)x10r, BWx9r, BWx8r
Wide grip body-weight pull-ups: BW(218 at time of exercise)x10r, BWx9r (plus 1 negative), BWx8r (plus 1 negative)
Wide grip seated cable rows: 210x12r, 210x12r, 210x12r
Seated cable rows: 210x12r, 215x12r, 215x12r
Wide grip pulldows (FST-7): 150x12r, 150x12r, 140x12r, 140x12r, 140x12r, 130x12r, 130x12r
Wide grip pulldowns (FST-7): 150x12r, 150x12r, 150x12r, 150x12r, 140x12r, 140x12r, 140x12r

I also had my body fat measured today by one of the trainers. He took three measurements (chest, ab, and thigh). He also took each measurement a few times to get an average. He put me at 8.1% body fat weighing 218lbs. I personally feel thats low compared to how I look. I don't think I look like 8.1% Could that be because of the water I'm holding??
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