New member's my chest/biceps workout that went down today...
Flat dumbbell bench: 130x10r, 130x10r, 130x8r drop to 60x10r
Decline barbell bench: 335x7r, 335x5r, 335x4r drop to 225x10r
Incline plate-loaded machine: 135(each side)x12r, 145x11r, 145x7r drop to 90x7r
Incline plate-loaded machine: 145x12r, 145x10r, 135x10r drop to 90x8r
Dips (leaning forward, body weight): 20r, 20r, 20r, 20r
Pec deck (FST-7): 150x12r, 155x12r, 155x12r, 145x12r, 140x12r, 140x12r, 135x12r
Cable crossover (FST-7): 60x12r, 60x12r, 60x12r, 50x12r, 50x12r, 50x12r, 50x12r
Barbell curls: 135x8r, 135x7r, 135x7r
Barbell preacher: 95x10r, 95x8r, 95x8r (I think I could've gone heavier but my elbow was hurting for some reason :/ )
3" Handle barbell curls: 75x12r, 75x12r, 75x12r, 75x12r
Machine preacher (FST-7): 105x12r, 105x12r, 105x12r, 90x12r, 90x12r, 75x12r, 75x12r, 75x12r
Decline sit-ups with Romanian twists: 20r, 15r, 15r
Decline sit-ups super setted with hanging leg raises: 20r-20r, 20r-20r, 20r-15r
As you can I like changing things up quite a bit. After doing the dips my chest was pretty pumped. I think I'll do those more often (only with more weight hehe). The trainer I had measure my body fat wasn't there today so hopefully he's there tomorrow. If he's not there then I guess I'll wait. Either way I'll definitely let you guys know where I stand all throughout my contest diet. I'll post more pics in a couple days (this time with a few poses).
Your a bucking beast with an F