first fina conversion, component - th. which kit...


Chief SmackaHoe
first time conversion attempt, so i apologize for any questions that are probably asked 100 times...

will a 4g f-type kit from universalkits be enough supplies to convert one component t-h 20 dose strip using basskillers coffee filter method 1??

this yeilds about 40ml@ 100 mg / ml, correct?
im currently runnin 150mg prop eod for 8 weeks, standard nolva pct

planning on running either 75 or 100mg tren/ 100mg prop eod next.

ive made transdermal dmso sloution before and even just eaten fina pellets, but i figured id try my own homebrew this time....

im looking for a good mid summer cutter, and the prop im on now is also a cutter as per my diet (low carb, high protein, moderate calories), im at approx 13-14 bf% now and like to drop it to around 10-11% by end of august.

24 y/o, 5-5, 180, ~13-14% bf, currently running 3rd cycle
5-5 180 is fairly thick. well good luck and keep us posted of your results. drop by the jouranl section to pick up some training tips or possibly post your training log.
ive been blessed with big shoulders and my quads are pretty thick as well...i was always a little chunky when i was younger, and then i started to play football/wrestle, and started to tighten up. i got into boxing in college, some underground interfraternity matches, and droped to 158, but since i graduated, i stopped competitvely boxing, training fell off, but my appetite didnt! id ideally like to shred like when i was at 158, but that was too light for me, id like to stay around 175-180 and drop the bf%.
PB, what size needle would you suggest for a tren homebrew, i use a a 23g - 1 1/2" right now for my prop, will i be able to draw and shoot the tren with that or should i get some 20g or bigger?
i always draw with a bigger pin and then switch to a smaller one for inject. i use a 25x1 for anything cept glutes. for glutes i use 23x1.5

normally i draw with a 20g.
i draw with 23 1inch, and shoot with 23 1.5inch, so i should be ok? i most probably will need more pins and syringes anyways so i might just order the 20g 1inchers and 23g 1.5inch for glutes...
i get the combos. 3ml with 20g pin attached and order and extra box or two of 25g and 23g.

you hitting upper body with those 1.5s?
i rotate eod glute shots only, too much pain (discomfort really) anywhere else...i work a real physical job 4days a week (sanitation) and if i hit my quads im sore as shit for 2 days, same as bi's...
PB, whats the shelf life on with this tren homebrew, i wont finish my current cycle for 5-6 weeks, so i wont be taking the tren for at least 12 weeks...

i have yet to make it, but i was just wondering cuz im dying to try to make it... i used to be a chem major and dabbled in making some illegal drugs in college (lsd and pcp) and had tremendous success, ive got a knack for chemistry and think im going to start my own gear homebrew for personal use instead of paying thru my nose @ my sources prices (which really arent that bad)

disclaimer to anyone who reads this post:

if you're reading this, dont even think about asking me how to make lsd or pcp, i wont tell you. drugs suck. they ruin lives. they also waste money that could go towards more gear.
i put the belt into the "magic solution" (hehe) last night around 8pm, but it has not completely broken down yet dammit... i guess i'll check it after work tomorrow (around noon). shouldnt be a prob right, dont have to add the oil right away do I?
a little heat will help it right along. hot plate on medium for a few minutes and itll be dissolved. then add oil reheat and itll seperate out for filtering. no need for coffee filter.
awsome, thx. but i think this time ill just follow basskillers guide cuz a) dont have a hot plate, b) vials thats came with the conversion kit are freakin plastic...
much appreciated... still not broken down after 2 days, almost, but not yet, i can still see the outline of some pellets on the bottom...