First in ...... peptides are the wave of the future

Peptides ARE the wave of the future! I've got some in route to me right now!! (hgh fragment 176-191 & GHRP-6) Can't wait to start em again. Hey SRC!
Got em almost 2 weeks ago and since have dropped from 190 to 178!! I haven't had time lately to get on my cardio game either so its all just clean diet with the fragment and ghrp-6! SoutherResearchCo is serious value.
I think there should be more posts on peptides, as they're scattered across the boards and info is hard to find. So I'll do my bit:

Currently on PCT (clomid 50mg ED/NOLVA 20MG ED) and running the following peptides:

Ipamorelin 200MCG AM + 100MCG PM
HGH-FRAG 176-191 200MCG AM + 100MCG PM
Modified GRF 1-29 200MCG AM + 100MCG PM

I am 4 weeks into the above so far.

I decided to try Ipamorelin as an alternative to GHRP2/6, 6 of which has the worst side effects IMO. Such as hunger pains and, as I found out researching on other users experiences, GHRP-6 starts out well but eventually I couldn***8217;t sleep at night as my cortisol levels would raise which I now know is a side effect to GHRP-6. With Ipamorelin, I do not get these sides.

Results: The Anti-aging benefits of the above were the first to become noticeable, skin is glowing, lines are fading - but I think my genetics are very responsive to anything to do with appearance - even if I just sleep well and eat well, I look younger. Love handles on the other hand, are my genetic nightmare & I was hoping that the HGH-FRAG 176-191 would have shown some benefit, but nothing that I can see so far.

As far as gains are concerned, nothing close to AAS, but I think in line with the anti-aging benefits I still retain pumps or hardness after workouts, my injuries are healing well and I certainly have a lot of energy - and these are all good things.

I haven't discounted that my dosage on all 3 could be higher, but I will stick it out and see how we go.
Here's a little on what I think about peptides


I have used this off and on for the past 17 months. I don't believe it's as great as first thought but good none the less. What I've seen from it is glucose disposal. You can take in high amounts of carbs and stay relatively lean. It works similar to insulin in shuttling nutrients into muscle bellies. It will provide a good pump, some vascularity and help maintain muscle and weight somewhat. It's great when used during post cycle therapy (pct).


Seems to be much stronger and provide more extreme pumps but much shorter acting. Provides similar results. I prefer this while on cycle and off but prefer lr3 in post cycle therapy (pct).

Peg mgf

I have tried this multiple times in combination with igf DES and lr3 and solo with mixed results. Not much to report at first other than increased DOMS. Felt like I just started training. Then I began to notice some fullness in pecs(only place injected). I increased pec size by almost 3/4 inch and was very noticeable over a 6 week period. About 1 month after stopping use, all the size increase was gone. All of it.

IGF and mgf need to be injected at separate times because they will prevent each other from working. I tried many different dosing schedules

Hexarilin. Very strong for a ghrp and works very well
All ghrp's should be used in combination with a ghrh, preferably mod grf.
Ghrp2 worked well with no increase in appetite
Ghrp6 worked well with a good increase in appetite almost immediately after inject. Very good during post cycle therapy (pct) to keep cals high. Add in igf and mod grf and you have a good combo for post cycle therapy (pct) but you should keep some time in-between the igf and ghrp/ghrh because igf can blunt the effects.

Ipamorelin/mod grf is a good combo with little or no side effects.
These work similar to gh but are increasing the amount of natty gh being released and the number of receptors releasing it. Will improve sleep.
Gh peptides in combination will cause a drastic spike in gh and peak at around 1 to 2 hours then rapidly decline so they are best used 2 or 3 times a day at saturation doses (100mcg each).
Exo gh peaks at around 5 hours and declines a bit slower than peps.

Myostatin provides some good pumps at low doses and some fullness but I'm not sold on it.

Gh peptides are being looked at for a gh post cycle therapy (pct) to force natural gh to produce after being shut down by long time Exo gh use and being added to gh protocols as a money saving measure.
Another ghrh is cjc1295. It's a decent choice but you want the one without DAC for a man. Cjc1295 w/DAC (drug affinity complex) produces gh bleed which is similar to how a female produces gh. Males want pulses not a constant elevated level.