First inject cycle EQ and omna need help with pct


New member
I started training since I was about 14, on and off for my later teens, then started again in my early 20s, stopped training at 25 due to car crash and started training again last year (i'm 27 now and will be 28 by the end of the cycle in dec). I'm getting married in December and want to bulk up with lean gains, not to big but I want minimal water weight. I am still making natural gains but wont hit my target size by December. I'm not too fussed with cutting as I can work on that later.

I plan on doing one cycle and am not really planning to use after getting married, although i'm open if i need another boost later.

Previous cycles:
I've run 3 dbol cycles and one Winstrol (winny) cycle, i'm training with an experienced roid user but am finding what he says contradicting to what I read online.

He has said that I do not need any PCT which I somehow cant believe, and he has also said I dont need anti es. I want to be able to maintain my weight after the cycle and then train naturally for at least a year.

I know everyone is different so I might need it?

My question would be would I need anti es or will the EQ prevent a major build up of estrogen?

I'm planning to use nolva as PCT (obviously after 3 weeks from last jab) but do i need to use it during my cycle?

Also would it be a good idea to finish my cycle with Winstrol (winny) say for the last 4-5 weeks to help remove any water weight?

Main thing to remember is I need my stick to work by december as I'll need it for my honeymoon...

BTW its 3:21 now my time, i've spend the last week reading up every article I can about the above mentioned roids (plus other options) and am ready to place my order. so I might not make any sense. Way past my bed time and its a training day 2moro, I really hope no one has asked this before but i find that hard to believe, I found a similar post but with sust and I didnt want to bring up a 2 year old post, so i'm sorry if its already been asked.
and sorry for being such a noob, I have a feeling am gunna be shot down for not doing proper research.

My weight is prob no good to you guys as i'm in the uk, weighing in at just under 90kg (180-190lbs i think) I want to gain around 10-15kg, so by my guess thats an increase of 20lbs but a minimum of around 10lbs would be fine or anything in between.
EDIT: I'm 5'10" tall, my diet is great to bulk (still working on my cutting diet tho)
last question, do I just go on gear or shall i continue use of other supps such as NO Xplode.
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wow a reply while i was editing my post, thanks. How come I dont need the EQ? because its the first cycle? I want to avoid as much water bloat as poss.

I really want to ask how much gains i'll make lol just because I read the noob forum lol but I wont...
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why are you so afraid of water retention? didnt you say you will have time to cut later?

gains depend on too many factors to even guess what yours will be.
The gains part was a joke lol.

I want 'as clean as gains can be' and to look as natural as poss.
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I dont mind some water weight, or perhaps some Winstrol (winny) near the end of the cycle to aid with the retention
you dont need any winny.

1-12 test e 500mg a week
1-16 aromasin 12.5mg ED
15-18 clomid 50mg ED

thats it- simple-and all you will need
hey guys, just done my first jab a couple of days ago, I took what I got, he didnt have test e but what he said he'll get me in the first place, but the guy told me to take omna for the first 5 weeks and eq for the whole 10, the thing that got me is its only 200mg of eq and i've read on many sight that i need double at 400mg and 500mg om.

So will om250 and eq200 per week be effective or shall i run that twice per week?

I'm looking for mild but lean gains as I think I mentioned before and I know my diet will be the decider of how much mass I put on.

I have noticed a few zits and my back is alittle oily, am getting hungry almost as fast as I can feed which i thought wasn't supose to kick in for a couple of weeks at least.

Again this is my first time using both substances
Current supply;
5 ampuls of omna 1250mg (now 4, 1000mg)
10ml 200mg/1ml eq 2000mg (now 9ml, 1800mg)
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Shall I pin twice a week?

I've just orders 15amps of omna and another 10ml bold

hey buddy i personally wouldnt bother running eq unless its at 600mg/week, and you should have waited for test e and added test to your cycle, very important to have test during a 10week cycle.. also eq takes a while to kick in, you wont notice much until week 8-9 (or anything on that dose) should run it at least 12-14 weeks.. good luck mate
Yeah will do, just got another 15 bottles of omna and the other 10ml eq i'll get another 2 bottles of eq to make the 600mg and 5 more om to have 15 weeks supply. thanks.
Do I need to pin twice? or shall i do the om @ 500mg and eq 400mg once a week? I'm going to see how I get on and may do a few more weeks but i will decide near week 10
1/2 way through now and i thought i'd let you guys know my progress.

After being out with food poisening for a week i'm still up 7kg, am pinning every 4 days, hunger pains are gone now normally only feel them on pinning days.

Gains are great, lean solid mass, am starting to get a bit of a belly now as well but thats cos i'm not getting enough cardio in at the moment cos of work and studies.

Am starting to feel everything kick in, I also had some dbols lying around that I used to kick start cycle.

I read somewhere that the pins should happen every 3 days? I get some mood swings and am thinking its cos my test levels are dropping, anyone wanna comment about that i'd appriciate it.

Other than that getting more vascular and am thinking about some Winstrol (winny) to finish it off, I have about 2 weeks worth in my cubbord mite buy another tub to make it a month.

Looking to do next cycle in the summer when I can really dedicate some time to gym and sleep without having to worry about studies, and maybe looking at a shorter and stronger cycle.

Thanks guys I would have been lost if it wasn't for you guys and the forums here.

oh also had some mild e build-up a bit of 1 or 2 clomids done the job to keep it in check was on heavy training and pinning days while I was on dbol.

I'm also going to extend eq for another 5 weeks
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The Winstrol (winny) will make you strong but it will also probably fuck up your lipids. The EQ should help with the joint dryness from Winstrol (winny). I dont think you need the Winstrol (winny) but dont really see a problem with it as long as you have been off the dbol 4-6 weeks.
loool I just read my post from the start, I can't believe I was so worried about water bloat, it was such a minor thing and is all gone now :D
ok guys prob final update to this thread, just started my post cycle therapy (pct) a week early as my nipples started to get really puffy and sore.

Gains are still coming a week into my pct, done 4 days clomid and 7 nolva, was thinking nolva would be best so i've stopped clomid, wasn't on a high dose or strong drug. So far i've not really lost any weight or stregth.

My bench went up 20kgs in the last week. I would have thought i'd slow down, been doing more cardio too, so any gear I guess in my fat is being absorbed.

Only thing is my whole body hurts - I think recovery time has slowed down now.

Will update with final stats after pct, but I think i've put on 15 - 20 kgs in weight. Want to wait until i finish to see :D

ps. Stopped the Winstrol (winny) after 2 weeks as i started to get mood swings, and didnt really need to lose body fat.