First injections - Need help guys


New member
This will be my second cycle after doing a Var/Andriol cycle for 8 weeks. I've decided to go with an injectable this time round - 300-400mg Test Enan or Cyp weeks 1-10 and D-bol 25mg ed wks 1-6. I have Nolva & proviron on hand and plan to use Clomid/HCG post cycle.

Now to my questions:

I also have Winstrol (winny) - would anyone suggest running this weeks 6-10 to "harden up" a bit?

Injection sites: - From research it seems that glutes & quads are most popular. However, I reckon that this is not an option for me as I have no muscle (and I mean NONE at all) to inject into in these areas. Those of you that have seen my pics on here will know why.

I am correct in thinking that test injects need to be shot intra-muscularly and not subcutaneously aren't i? If so then my options are delts,bi&tri or pec (pec shots, are these safe??).

Would you recommend for these areas say a 25 or 26 gauge 5/8" or will I get away with using a smaller pin, say a 30 gauge 1/2"?

Thanks in advance for any ideas bro's
Dude..use a 25 guage 1inch pin and do it in your quad.. they even give injections like to little kids in the quads... go to to see exactly where to inject.. a little hint.. slap your thigh real hard a couple times right before you won't even feel the pin going in
thefantom1 said:
Dude..use a 25 guage 1inch pin and do it in your quad.. they even give injections like to little kids in the quads... go to to see exactly where to inject.. a little hint.. slap your thigh real hard a couple times right before you won't even feel the pin going in

I want to go in the quad if I could - I wouldn't feel a thing! But I don't think I can - I'm a paraplegic therefore I have completely no muscle in the quad or glutes at all - That is the problem!
This is what I would do if running both D-bol and Winny....

1-10 400mg Test
1-4 25mg D-Bol
7-12 50mg ED Winny

Also make sure you have all the needed supplements for your liver and kidneys.
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PartyBoy said:
I want to go in the quad if I could - I wouldn't feel a thing! But I don't think I can - I'm a paraplegic therefore I have completely no muscle in the quad or glutes at all - That is the problem!

25g 1" in your delts...
PartyBoy said:
I want to go in the quad if I could - I wouldn't feel a thing! But I don't think I can - I'm a paraplegic therefore I have completely no muscle in the quad or glutes at all - That is the problem!

I'd go with 1" for your delts & 5/8" for your bis and tris. Pec shots, I'd stay away from, but that's just me.