First Insulin Cycle/Insulin Protocol.

As long as you are safe and feeding the proper nutrients during the window. I will say I see a huge difference between 15 and 20 personally. I know guys who use 40ius Lantus + 10iu of log before every meal and 60iu R Post wo, mind you the guy I am talking about is an IFBB competitor. I think its all about finding your sweet spot and 20 at this point seems to be mine.. But I am also on a bulk at the moment and am able to afford the extra carbs. But I have been down to 110 carbs at 20iu and it was fine for me. I stress again to be careful though when reducing carbs and do it in levels..

6-7g carbs per IU seems to be enough for me too. I think GH lets you use higher doses since it causes insulin resistance.I will go over 15IU and see how it goes :)