first order with 1fast400


New member
Usually I order my stuff from netrition it was the only site I knew plus I got my stuff in a day since they were located within 200m of my house.

Now I find out about these forums here and a select few elsewhere get a bunch of info and have a ton of links to shop for the best prices so check this out.

This is what I ordered :


Netrition : 142.90 shipped

Affordable sups : 140.00 shipped

1fast400 : 117.19 shipped

Now thats sweet plus just got the email that the order placed last night has shipped already this afternoon
I feel that DPS service cannot touch the service from 1fast400, I used to always order from DPS until i found 1fast400, now i won't shop anywhere else
No one cant touch's service. But he wanted cheap prices, and I believe DPS is the cheapest out there and I have neverh ad a problem with their service.