First Peptide Stack


New member
Hey guys looking into peptides more specifically ghrp6 and cjc. Is it more cost effective to go with ghrp6 then it is to go with ghrp2[ or is it a preference based on the hunger sides? My goal is to lose some body fat and currently at about 12-14% and also help me recover since I do MMA 5days a week and lift 2 days a week. I want to be able to lift at least 4 times a week but I think i'm pushing it now with over training. Been doing this for a couple months now. Anyway any advise on the best peptides for my situation would be great.
Just my opinion but Id totally recommend Hexarelin if you want bang for buck. Hex has the benefits if not better than GHRP6, the only down side for me is it does raise cortisol levels a bit but then Im a highly strung person. My wife says she doesnt get any cortisol sides so horses for courses I guess but I think its said that woman dont get effected as much as men. Its fantastic at injury repair and I find I can eat what ever I want just about and barely put on a pound of fat,of course you need to keep excercising though. I wouldnt use GHRP 6 if you are looking to lose weight, in my experience it makes for a better appetite enhancer than even pot did when I was a youngster. Its ridiculous for about 1.5 hours after administering the stuff. GHRP-2 gives me serious hunger pains too. Plus If you're doing MMA and lifting as much as you say and you want to lose fat Id be looking at your diet coz you should be able to drop weight like a moro doing the rite diet and cardio + weights. Im a total fan of Paleo diet or more to the point cut the crap out and stay away from processed foods.
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Since hexarelin is a ghrp I can take a cjc right? Would it be worth it or does it work well on its own? I've been eating pretty clean for a while now and rarely cheat. Got a good cal range and macros are in check.
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Also I might get a job on an oilfield that requires a 2 week on 2 week off would hexarelin be good to use during my 2 weeks home then stop for 2 weeks? Depending on the person it stops working around 2 weeks anyway.
Since hexarelin is a ghrp I can take a cjc right? Would it be worth it or does it work well on its own? I've been eating pretty clean for a while now and rarely cheat. Got a good cal range and macros are in check.

yeah for sure you can use it solo but stacking with CJC 1295 no DAC would be ideal. The benefits would be that much better, 3 times a day, 100mcg Hex / 150 mcg CJC. Try to use on empty stomach, 1 when u wake, 1 after W/O and 1 before bed. Always on an empty stomach, about 3 hours after eating. I found thats actually the most difficult part, making sure you have the window of empty tummy for your shots so your eating times end up pretty regimented.

Your body builds (for lack of a better word) resistance to Hex at about 4 weeks so yeah 2 weeks on 2 weeks off would be ideal. The usual is 4 weeks on 4 off so 2 would be just as if not better.

Thats my experience anyway & theres plenty of posts & research to back that up.