First PH cycle of H-drol. Need help.


New member
Hey guys, i am currently 23 years old and will turn 24 at the beginning of January, which is when i plan to start my cycle.
I've been training consistently for the past year and 6 months.
I am always following a very strict diet.
I have a good amount of knowledge about weightlifting.
I am currently 5' 9" 194-197 pounds with 13-14% bodyfat.
When i first started bodybuilding i was 5" 9" and 125 pounds and i have packed on 70lbs of mass naturally up until now.

Now onto my cycle:
Here's what i have planned.
pre-load milk thistle and Hawthorne berry for 1 week before cycle and all the way through cycle.
taurine dosed at 5-10g a day for back pumps.
also would saw palmetto be useful to add in?
H-drol dosed 50/75/75/75/75/75

Nolva 20/20/10/10
lean extreme(starting on week 3 of cycle)

well let me know what you guys think.
I want to gain about 10 pounds of lean muscle and lose 3-4% bodyfat.
appreciate your time. thanks.
I'm familiar with h-drol, I used that as my first cycle.

Personally, I think the second and third week @ 75 is pretty high.

I'd try, 25/50/50/50/75/75

I weighed 220 at the beginning with about 14% BF, then got down to 210 with 9% by the end.

My leg strength went through the roof.

Your PCT looks good. I'd say 40/40/20/20 on the Nolva, but I'm sure 20/20/10/10 will work just fine.

I'm not sure how the PCT (including intra and post) should look with PHs, but I only ran milk thistle 2 weeks prior and through the end of my PCT and was fine. Of course I didn't have a single lip of alcohol either. Stay away from that stuff, regardless of the peer pressure you might incur.

Other than that, it looks g2g.

Btw, I'm having a hard time believing that you put on 70lbs of mass in 1.5 years. If you did, way to take advantage of your natural test!
Id do this
25/50/50/50/75/75 you could bump it quicker let your body be the guide which hdrol btw i ran helladrol from mr supps four weeks of 150 and got great gains
cycle support i like need2guard for mine it has everything in 1 shot

Nolva 20/20/10/10
Sustain Alpha