First Pin Experience!! Not So Bad Beginners!


New member
Injected test e for the first time today. Such a scary experience, I was shaking like a leaf. When I put the needle in I literally felt ZERO pain. Only problem was, when I tried aspirating. I pulled back the syringe and it wouldn't move, I kept trying and it'd move very slightly, then go back to where it was. The only other hard part was the injection itself. Took like a min, and I was pressing pretty damn hard. I might be sore later today or tomorrow since the entire time I was injecting I was shaking my hand so bad. Overall, nothing to be scared about, especially pain wise.
Aspirating is not recommended for IM injections. See the link below in my signature for more info on the topic.
I remember the first time i pinned. i had my buddy pin me in my glute. Didnt even realize he pinned me lol i pin in my quad now. no pain and the site is right in front of you. I dont recommend pinning in the quad after leg day though. quite bloody.
Where did you pin at? I pinned last week and it didn't hurt till the next day then 2 days later my leg looked like a tree trunk
Outer upper right flute.

Is it normal to have a chitty work out the day of pinning? I had a really great pump but felt weak and sick.
I just pinned my quad yesterday for the 4th time of my very first cycle. Yes, I too shake like a leaf. Running sust 250. Very mild pip the following days.
Congrats on ur first pin bro. I remember mine 20 years ago 18 ga 1-1/2 Sust redi-ject I shook like a leaf also brother

Lol, I'm shaking like a leaf just thinking about that needle. I don't even like subjecting innocent rubber stoppers to that kind of abuse.
its not the pin itself that scares off first time users.. its the PIP.. the soreness.. the virgin muscle pain
Aspirating is not recommended for IM injections. See the link below in my signature for more info on the topic.

Wait, WHAT?!

i thought that's what all the experienced guys preach is to aspirate whenever pinning???

what ever happened to that "don't inject gear directly into vein"?

in my personal experience with 4 cycles under my belt, I have always aspirated and have drawn blood 3 times

I read the link(only 1 works, other is expired). and it pretty much all states that:
Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommends that aspiration before injection of vaccines or toxoids is not necessary because no large blood vessels are present at the recommended injection sites

First off how the hell can they know that? Everyone is different. Plus like I said, I have hit a vein directly 3 times and did not pin gear into it as a result of aspirating. And I only have pinned glutes all my cycles which are supposed to have less blood vessels than other parts of body. And besides that, the article is not talking about gear....imagine injecting 150mg of Tren-A directly into a vein....
I've never seen a medical professional aspirate and I have never done it either. I've hit small veins a few times, best I can tell it just causes a bit of a mess and maybe some of your gear gets pumped back out. I've asked both of my TRT docs about it and they both said there is nothing big enough to matter in the locations they recommended (glute, thigh and shoulder). I just prefer to not dick around with the needle while it's inserted if I don't have to. The day I get my ass kicked by tren cough may be the day I change my tune though...
Injected test e for the first time today. Such a scary experience, I was shaking like a leaf. When I put the needle in I literally felt ZERO pain. Only problem was, when I tried aspirating. I pulled back the syringe and it wouldn't move, I kept trying and it'd move very slightly, then go back to where it was. The only other hard part was the injection itself. Took like a min, and I was pressing pretty damn hard. I might be sore later today or tomorrow since the entire time I was injecting I was shaking my hand so bad. Overall, nothing to be scared about, especially pain wise.

You said pulled back the syringe and it wouldn't move, so you kept trying and it'd move very slightly, then go back to where it was. Are you trying to get air in your syringe if you pull back and nothing happens then your G2G. IMO. NO I don't aspirate.
Aspirating is not recommended for IM injections. See the link below in my signature for more info on the topic.

i dont agree. i do say you dont NEED to move needle. a little tug and no big amount og blood and your good.
i know guy that did quad pin and ended up in big vain and injected and was caughing turning red and was half passing out. also myself i have hit a vain a couple times and had blod in pin. its not often, but for such a simple thing to do i think its a good idea. if you pull too much ect. then you are causing more damage or possible issue IMO. but ill always rec to aspirate.
I've never seen a medical professional aspirate and I have never done it either. I've hit small veins a few times, best I can tell it just causes a bit of a mess and maybe some of your gear gets pumped back out. I've asked both of my TRT docs about it and they both said there is nothing big enough to matter in the locations they recommended (glute, thigh and shoulder). I just prefer to not dick around with the needle while it's inserted if I don't have to. The day I get my ass kicked by tren cough may be the day I change my tune though...
iv had pins by docs and nurses and most dont care tbh..... and i know i rather pin myself over them. iv had some do it and some not. i rather do it imo
You can aspirate if you want to. But if you stick to the recommended IM sites and follow proper protocol the odds of injecting into a vein are very low. Even if it goes in a vein it will most likely shift before you get too much in there. When most guys see some blood come out they have usually just passed the needle through a capillary.

You will have to weigh the costs and benefits for yourself. There is a very small risk you could inject into a vein. But balance that against the additional scar tissue you will create and the fact that most people don't aspirate properly.

The CDC recommends against aspirating for a reason.
You can aspirate if you want to. But if you stick to the recommended IM sites and follow proper protocol the odds of injecting into a vein are very low. Even if it goes in a vein it will most likely shift before you get too much in there. When most guys see some blood come out they have usually just passed the needle through a capillary.

You will have to weigh the costs and benefits for yourself. There is a very small risk you could inject into a vein. But balance that against the additional scar tissue you will create and the fact that most people don't aspirate properly.

The CDC recommends against aspirating for a reason.

But what is that reason? From my understanding of what I've read in your link, they make it sound like a waste of time.
What I was going to say is, what damage can aspirating cause outside of the pinning process taking an extra 5 seconds?
I was in the doc's office late yesterday and asked them about this. I was surprised to get multiple opinions from the nursing staff there. Some do aspirate, most didn't.

Seems the consensus was that hitting a small vein or capillary is not anything to worry about and that aspirating and finding blood would just be a waste of a dose and syringe. Obviously these guys weren't talking about injecting tren ace into their selves though.

I've had quite a few bleeders injecting ace into my delt (sure I would have aspirate blood) and suffered no ill effects so I just don't mess with it. Seems like a good way to wiggle the thing around and possibly cause a little worse PIP.