First pro hormone cycle. Please help!!!


New member

I've been doing a lot of reading. I think I did too much reading as I am now confused as hell. Looked into HGH first and was going to try that but I decided to give pro hormones a try first. Now that I over read that I'm confused as f@$c again! I looked into this helladro cycle stack kit from mr supplement because i have no darn idea where else to start. Do you think this is a good start? Here is the link.

I'm 38, 6' 185lbs. I'm on a good diet and have a good exercise routine. Actually I've lost 10 pounds in the last 1.5-2 months and I'm happy about that and now I want to start cutting up and gaining muscle.

Any advice will greatly appreciated!!!!
Helladrol would be a good option. Look around here for helladrol threads. There's only a few hundred so you ll be able to pick and choose
You going to need cycle supports like n2 gaurd, post cycle therapy (pct) and a good increase in cals while in and in post cycle therapy (pct). make sure to use a serm in post cycle therapy (pct).