first test/ deca/ dbol cycle continued

Cool. Ha I should prob start some cardio then to burn some fat. I'm not lazy or neglecting cardio, I'm just that serious about adding size. I'm switching gyms tomorrow, they have treadmills...

Edit cause my lazy ass went back and read ur 1st post, pre cycle pic would be cool i think i remember u posting it in another thread my bad. What is your goal weight/bf%/ physique if you had to compare it to someone?
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Wuts up guys so here's an update- I've dropped the npp going into week 4 now. I was up to 195 at the beginning of the week now at 192. I don't feel as full or bulky now dropping the npp and dbol down to 20's.

My appetite is down, I don't know why, maybe AI?

My strength is still not up to where I was 2 months ago before taking a month off. (New baby) Hopefully that changes once everything starts kicking in.

Any thoughts on diet? I started eating my six meals/day executing calories and staying clean. Now I still eat clean just can't eat as much so do I start getting dirty and adding just filler or what? Thanks for the help bros
Wuts up guys so here's an update- I've dropped the npp going into week 4 now. I was up to 195 at the beginning of the week now at 192. I don't feel as full or bulky now dropping the npp and dbol down to 20's.

My appetite is down, I don't know why, maybe AI?

My strength is still not up to where I was 2 months ago before taking a month off. (New baby) Hopefully that changes once everything starts kicking in.

Any thoughts on diet? I started eating my six meals/day executing calories and staying clean. Now I still eat clean just can't eat as much so do I start getting dirty and adding just filler or what? Thanks for the help bros
If you want to add fillers make it nuts, fruits. what time do you eat your last meal/snack of the day?
Quick update, everything's going well up 16 lbs and strength is up in my 7th week now.

BUT my sex drive has been through the roof which has caused constant arguments with the wife thus throwing me into depression and constant up/down emotions. I've been taking .25 adex eod and quit for 3 days straight and felt normal not so emotional. I took 1 last night now I'm all emo from my sex drive. ( 3 days now without sex)

Is my libido dictating this ride or the adex...any thoughts other than just getting laid haha
Shit man i already had a high sex drive pre cycle but now I'm a maniac, i had this chick 3 times this morning and was still at attention, its crazy, thank god this chick can keep up with me although yea its led to a few arguments mostly cause I'm a spoiled brat when i don't get what i want. It's the gear dude, it definately magnifies everything.
My marriage suffered a little , well the sex because I wore her out back then when I was in my mid 30's. To this day she (ex) will tell me that I was too rough. Not violence just, I would pound her to death.

Also I was never satisfied meaning we would have sex (make love guys) and with my libido so, so high I wanted it several times a night and since it took a long time to cum it was too much. :dance2:
Wuts up guys, so I'm now into wk 12 and finished out my deca last wk and still on 500 test and accasional preworkout dbol. Staying right at 195 for the past couple wks which is cool.

Here's my thoughts on switching gears now and would like opinions... From here I want to transition straight into dropping my test down to 250/ wk and add tren ace @ 350/ wk and masteron e @400/wk starting next week. I want to now go into a 10-12 wk cut cycle with test and mast. Tren maybe 6-8 wks. I also want to add var in there at the end which I need to order. Thoughts?
My marriage suffered a little , well the sex because I wore her out back then when I was in my mid 30's. To this day she (ex) will tell me that I was too rough. Not violence just, I would pound her to death.

Also I was never satisfied meaning we would have sex (make love guys) and with my libido so, so high I wanted it several times a night and since it took a long time to cum it was too much. :dance2:

Wow that sounds all too familiar lol
Wuts up guys, so I'm now into wk 12 and finished out my deca last wk and still on 500 test and accasional preworkout dbol. Staying right at 195 for the past couple wks which is cool.

Here's my thoughts on switching gears now and would like opinions... From here I want to transition straight into dropping my test down to 250/ wk and add tren ace @ 350/ wk and masteron e @400/wk starting next week. I want to now go into a 10-12 wk cut cycle with test and mast. Tren maybe 6-8 wks. I also want to add var in there at the end which I need to order. Thoughts?

Go big or go home, right?!