first test/ deca/ dbol cycle continued

Anyone have any thoughts on keeping test high or low? As far as diet I'm eating less and cutting down on carbs, bread, etc. trying to stick to protein, fruits, and veggies.
Will do! my diets changing from calorie surplus, carbs, bulking etc to now I want fat to go away... any tips for new diet with these compounds? Thanks guys
Wk 1 photo then week 10 photo up 17 lbs and strength way up.
Now time to get those abs to show

Abs are all about diet. YU can have awesome abs muscles but unless you diet down and loose the water no on will see them. You are carrying too much BF% to worry about abs right now. Keep training for Muscle mass as you change your diet. Your pecs are not tight and cut and that's all about diet.

As you grow more mass if you are concerned with your definition then it is time to work harder on some aerobics after your workouts.
Do I need to keep taking adex now that I've lowered test to 250 and added tren and mast?...considering mast is like an AI?
Do I need to keep taking adex now that I've lowered test to 250 and added tren and mast?...considering mast is like an AI?

Mast is NOT like an AI. I has no control over your E2. It is just that Mast does not aromatize. I will not stop or hinder the aromatizing of other compound.

If I eat a lot of low calorie foods will that help reduce the effects of the high calorie food I eat at the same time ??? Huh

AN AI is an AI and a steroid is a steroid for god's sake