First Test E cycle --


New member
Heres my cycle i am looking at doing in the next few weeks, i just want to make sure everything is in line and i know exactly what im doing before i start it. My main question would be about liquidex on cycle. I currently have a little gyno from a shitty PH PCT and i dont want it to come back more or flare up, what should my dosage be ED or EOD for liquidex. I already have everything on hand, and some letro just incase of gyno.

Age: 22
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 200
BF: (Measured at the gym so not 100% sure) 8.5%
BMI: 25.0
Past cycles: I have done 2 PH cycles

Cycle info

Week 1-10 Test E @ 500mg/week. Monday AM and Thursday PM
week 11 and 12 nothing
Week 13,14,15,16 Begin my PCT With Nolva @ 40/40/20/20
How should i dose my liquidex?

Does this look suffice for a good Test E cycle?
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Heres my cycle i am looking at doing in the next few weeks, i just want to make sure everything is in line and i know exactly what im doing before i start it. My main question would be about liquidex on cycle. I currently have a little gyno from a shitty PH PCT and i dont want it to come back more or flare up, what should my dosage be ED or EOD for liquidex. I already have everything on hand, and some letro just incase of gyno.

Age: 22
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 200
BF: (Measured at the gym so not 100% sure) 8.5%
BMI: 25.0
Past cycles: I have done 2 PH cycles

Cycle info

Week 1-10 Test E @ 500mg/week. Monday AM and Thursday PM
week 11 and 12 nothing
Week 13,14,15,16 Begin my PCT With Nolva @ 40/40/20/20
How should i dose my liquidex?

Does this look suffice for a good Test E cycle?
ok bro this is how i would do it 12 weeks not 10 of test take adex from week 1 at .5mg eod.Your smart to have letro and i love the week 11 and 12 NOTHING lol thats great..Your pct should be clomid with nolva,u look good kid everyone will tell u your to young to cycle mayb wait till 25 which would be smart but its your choice at the end
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I agree with my other Ology brothers here. Good job brother. It's nice seeing someone who actually researched and prepared first. You are a little youg, but hey, your gonna do what you are gonna do. What lab are you using?
Thanks alot for the help guys! Just to clarify cause i wana make sure i got this, adex is liquidex? Like from Rui-Products, Also i got everything from them, i see they are the board sponsors but are they a reliable company?
You think i need clomid in there aswell as the nolva? Will just the nolva be enough
Thanks alot for the help guys! Just to clarify cause i wana make sure i got this, adex is liquidex? Like from Rui-Products, Also i got everything from them, i see they are the board sponsors but are they a reliable company?
You think i need clomid in there aswell as the nolva? Will just the nolva be enough

I my self like to use nolva and clomid on test only cycles

ok thanks ill throw some clomid in there aswell. What should the dosage be? Also do you think instead of 0.5mg of liquidex EOD should i do 0.25mg ED so my blood levels are more stable? or should i just stick with .5mg EOD