First Test Only Cycle, when to use arimidex?


New member
Hey guys!!

Just started my very first Test-E only cycle, doing 375mg each week.

Anyway, in my puberty i have never had any kind of gyno or fat on my body.

Now, while using Test i maybe will get some gyno, or maybe not.

My question is, when should i start using arimidex? IMO since its my first cycle, and not a mega dose.. i don't think i need to take arimidex the whole cycle, since i don't know how my body is going to react.

So.. can you guys give me some advice about when to start taking arimidex, which dose? 0.5mg each 2 days?

Let me know! :D
I have read them, theres writting that it's a good idea to have an AI like arimidex AT HAND. Just incase someones sensetive to aromatize and high estrogen levels. But i want to know WHEN to exactly start using arimidex. I know I dont have to panic if i get puffy nipples etc,

I'm just scared it's too late to cure gyno for 100% once the 'lump' is there, cuz thats 'THE' gyno indicator right??
you are too young to cycle but since you already started then take 0.5 Every other day. your test dose is low , up your doe to 400-500mg a week so you can at least get some benefit out of your cycle. start taking arimidex from the start of your cycle till the end. do you have PCT?
You could stay with the 375mg. More it does not always mean better. I would start taking the adex same day as your first shot. Then midcycle do bloods and see where you stand. Good luck !
I have read them, theres writting that it's a good idea to have an AI like arimidex AT HAND. Just incase someones sensetive to aromatize and high estrogen levels. But i want to know WHEN to exactly start using arimidex. I know I dont have to panic if i get puffy nipples etc,

I'm just scared it's too late to cure gyno for 100% once the 'lump' is there, cuz thats 'THE' gyno indicator right??

That would be an indicator of high e2. It's suggested to get bloodwork before cycle so u have a reference of how all your levels are before gear. Then get bloodwork midway thru cycle to see where your levels are to see if u need to adjust anything like your adex dosage.

U can start adex at .25 eod. Starting at .50 eod is a lil high. U can always adjust your dosage. U don't want to take too much adex cuz u can crash your e2 levels and its a bad feeling then. U get bloodwork done after pct to see where your levels are at compared to when u started. The idea is to run a successful pct so natty test levels return to where they were at before, if not a lil higher.
I haven't done my bloodwork, im from holland and normally im on a dutch bodybuilding forum and there they are alot different then here.
Pct with only nolva is not uncommon there. I moved here because i feel here are more experienced people and alot nicer.

So i guess im gonna do .25 arimidex each other day? Since its my first cycle.
Can i expect any additional hairloss from this arimidex dosage?
Adex is used to prevent e2 from getting out of control. Usually if u feel lumps under your nipple, u need to take a lil more aggressive route then adex. I shave my head so hairless is not a concern to me and never really looked into it. Do some reading up on here. You should be able to get all the info your looking for.
Shut up, every person on here will say you are too young, yet they started at 16. It's jealousy. If you want to go the safest way, yeah wait till you're 25. However, if you don't mind a micro risk (you shouldn't be taking steroids if you think this) then start injecting that shit. Quit being a little pussy, 1 fucking cycle won't jack your shit up unless you inject a large dose.
Shut up, every person on here will say you are too young, yet they started at 16. It's jealousy. If you want to go the safest way, yeah wait till you're 25. However, if you don't mind a micro risk (you shouldn't be taking steroids if you think this) then start injecting that shit. Quit being a little pussy, 1 fucking cycle won't jack your shit up unless you inject a large dose.

You're an idiot.
You should have known ahead of time how much Adex you needed to run and should have had it on hand BEFORE you ever started your cycle
Shut up, every person on here will say you are too young, yet they started at 16. It's jealousy. If you want to go the safest way, yeah wait till you're 25. However, if you don't mind a micro risk (you shouldn't be taking steroids if you think this) then start injecting that shit. Quit being a little pussy, 1 fucking cycle won't jack your shit up unless you inject a large dose.

That is just horrible advice.
Hey Im not the most hated guy

I would recommend upping the dose like the others said, so atleast u can get some benefit out of it. I'd be pissed If i got gyno for no reason, if i wasnt even doing enough for decent results. U see what im sayin?