First testosterone e cycle 625 a week 12 week cycle


New member
Hey guys I'm 22, 6'1, 210 pounds. This is my first cycle third week in. My dosage is 625 once a week. I have felt perfectly fine untill the past two days i got my blood pressure taken and it was 158/68 which is high for my age... Now I'm all paranoid and freaking out I feel like I can feel my heart beating kinda fast and what not but I think I'm just freaking my self out and I'm probably fine. Can anyone tell me if my blood pressure being at that is life risking. I don't want to have a heart attack or anything but I don't really know what to do it's already in my body.
Hey guys I'm 22, 6'1, 210 pounds. This is my first cycle third week in. My dosage is 625 once a week. I have felt perfectly fine untill the past two days i got my blood pressure taken and it was 158/68 which is high for my age... Now I'm all paranoid and freaking out I feel like I can feel my heart beating kinda fast and what not but I think I'm just freaking my self out and I'm probably fine. Can anyone tell me if my blood pressure being at that is life risking. I don't want to have a heart attack or anything but I don't really know what to do it's already in my body.
When I went on trt, my blood pressure went up from borderline high, to high. As long as you're taking the test, your BP will probably be high. And no, it's not safe to have high BP.

If you can't get your BP down to the normal range, you need to decide if your life is worth more than a steroid cycle.
AS Milton said are not going to have a heart attack. BP at 158/68 is NOT high. The bottom number is the major factor and 68 is low. I run 130 / 75-90 and never have had a problem. 90 is rather high but not where someone will have a heart attack

We really would like to know all your stats like : training history, and goal for this cycle. YOU ARE really too young because you haven't stopped growing yet. It seems you haven't done your homework in educating yourself on AAS.

Are you running an AI because without your estrogen has gone up and will cause you many sides. Anxiety is one. I thing much of your problem stems from your E2 being high and you are felling some things due to paranoia which another reason to educate your self.

Your turn OP ??

PS: what is your normal BP
If you are not taking any AI high estro could be why you have high bp! Why are you injecting only once a week?
Hey guys I'm 22, 6'1, 210 pounds. This is my first cycle third week in. My dosage is 625 once a week. I have felt perfectly fine untill the past two days i got my blood pressure taken and it was 158/68 which is high for my age... Now I'm all paranoid and freaking out I feel like I can feel my heart beating kinda fast and what not but I think I'm just freaking my self out and I'm probably fine. Can anyone tell me if my blood pressure being at that is life risking. I don't want to have a heart attack or anything but I don't really know what to do it's already in my body.

this is part of the 'game' . did you not expect to get any sides at all by injecting yourself with drugs that are going to dramatically effect your body systems? the more anabolic you get, the more prone you'll be to rapid heart beat, high blood pressure, feeling very very hot, sweating profusely for no reason, un-able to catch your breath and overall trouble breathing, anxiety, sleep apnea, and a whole host of life/health altering issues.

so man up and deal with it and grow , or go back to being average (and more healthy). personally , your better off waiting several more years.

also, do some more research . hopefully your running an AI an controlling estrogen , or you'll have all the above problems plus a nice pair of bitch tits to go with them.
I am taking an AI but I do have a history of anxiety... My doctor said for my age my blood pressure should be under 140 it has always been elevated though.... I just didn't know if 158/68 was to the point if I didn't stop I was risking my life. I was told test e was a slow acting ester and only once a week injection was needed I've heard vice versa as well though... Yes I'm young and have a lot to learn. I really appreciate all of yals help and not completely bashing me on this forum.
I am taking an AI but I do have a history of anxiety... My doctor said for my age my blood pressure should be under 140 it has always been elevated though.... I just didn't know if 158/68 was to the point if I didn't stop I was risking my life. I was told test e was a slow acting ester and only once a week injection was needed I've heard vice versa as well though... Yes I'm young and have a lot to learn. I really appreciate all of yals help and not completely bashing me on this forum.

yes once per week injection is all you need , but how do you get 625mg of test in one injection .. being most test e is dosed at 200mg per ml, and most syringes are only 3 ml (so guys usually split that into two injections per week).
unless you got some high dosed gear,, which for a first cycle and virgin muscle has got to be a real pain in the 'ass' literally
I am taking an AI but I do have a history of anxiety... My doctor said for my age my blood pressure should be under 140 it has always been elevated though.... I just didn't know if 158/68 was to the point if I didn't stop I was risking my life. I was told test e was a slow acting ester and only once a week injection was needed I've heard vice versa as well though... Yes I'm young and have a lot to learn. I really appreciate all of yals help and not completely bashing me on this forum.

Look man I understand anxiety, I have been Bi-Polar Type I since 75'. SO I know. Are you on any meds for anxiety or mental stabilizing meds? And no worries if you are.

Just because your systolic BP jumped to 158 it is nothing due to the 68 bottom #. Your anxiety and fears will do it. So as we said RELAX.

Start doing some real research. There is so much you need to learn. AND you must lean it if you are to continue safely.

PS: Roush my test n Deca are dosed 300mg/mL
I use to take cilexa for anxiety but I had absolutely no sex drive so I stopped and then took some time off... I was going to try lexapro but I didn't want to mix the medication and the cycle ... As you can probably understand I was paranoid about that as well.
As the other guys mentioned, the diastolic pressure (bottom number) is much more important. That's the pressure when your heart is at rest. The systolic (top number) is the pressure when your heart contracts.

It is normal to experience an elevated BP on cycle. I'm not concerned about your pressure because the diastolic pressure of 68 is very good. If you were at 158/90 I would be getting a bit concerned and at 158/100 I would be dropping your dose or ending your cycle.

Your dose is a little high for first time but not unreasonably so. The typical advice for a healthy first cycle is 500 mgs. per week and it makes sense. At 3 weeks in you are getting to close to the peak point in your due to the way esters work. I recommend looking up an old article in the articles section about "modern cycling" by Andy 13. Good stuff to understand.

You'll be fine. If you want you can lower your dose a tad but you needn't worry.
Dude, I sound like a broken record on this board, but why such a high dose for a first cycle? I bet you I could get better results from a cycle of just 300mg/ week of test than you will on over 600mg. Sounds arrogant, but shit, diet and training is 90% of this game. Save your self some money, lower your dose to 300mg /week, and spend the rest on healthy food and some vitamins. That's just my opinion, but less is more for allot of people, especially for a guy with high BP problems on gear.
Guys i have a question...i am 23 and i have always had a little higher blood presure, like up to 140 systolic. Diastolic was fine. My question is can high systolic BP cause headaches or feelings that you can feel the heart pulse in the middle of your head? Like right in the centre of your head?
Do i need to do more cardio? To clean my arteries?