First time on juice (Test E Only), help needed!


New member

Im 22 years old, 5'9 - 170lbs - BF aroun 9% and I never been on steroids before, just natural training long time. My diet and supplements are great. Anyway, as a first cycle I planned to do only Test E at 500mg/wk for 10weeks. My main problem is that Im really worried about getting gynecomastia, so whats your advice to me so I can avoid that? Should I lower the dosages at 250mg/wk? Also how should my post cycle therapy (pct) look like, should I start my post cycle therapy (pct) after the half-life of Test E (5-7days) or after 2 weeks, and with what? And for the final question, how much gains/strenght will I keep once I finish my cycle, as I said before the supplements and the diet is great, also my workout plan! Im working out 6 days/wk and though of going twice a day once I start the cycle. Thanks for your time.
Alright, are the dosages good at 500mg/wk (250mg x2) good or should decrease it to 250mg/wk? I want a secured cycle for the first time.
Many guys say have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand incase you need it. I say USE an Aromatase inhibitor (AI), so you don't have to worry about it. Run a small dose and increase if needed.

There is no disputing the fact that a cycle will increase your estro substantially. Just because you don't see the effects, does not mean you're not suffering the effects.

The biggest benefits I see personally running an Aromatase inhibitor (AI), are less water retention, less acne and higher free test levels.
Wish I had known about this site when i was in college. I couldve just posted everyday asking for answers to my homework questions that were in the HIGHLIGHTED section of my book. I would have had way more time to workout! Not sure how you vets do this day in and day out. Hats off to you all!
Many guys say have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand incase you need it. I say USE an Aromatase inhibitor (AI), so you don't have to worry about it. Run a small dose and increase if needed.

There is no disputing the fact that a cycle will increase your estro substantially. Just because you don't see the effects, does not mean you're not suffering the effects.

The biggest benefits I see personally running an Aromatase inhibitor (AI), are less water retention, less acne and higher free test levels.

Thank you for your advice. So at the very first week use Aromatase inhibitor (AI) also till the end of the cycle, any recommendned starting dosages? Anyway how big is the risk for gyno at 500mg/wk + Aromatase inhibitor (AI). Of course you cant avoid it completly, but what would you say? Thanks once again!
Thank you for your advice. So at the very first week use Aromatase inhibitor (AI) also till the end of the cycle, any recommendned starting dosages? Anyway how big is the risk for gyno at 500mg/wk + Aromatase inhibitor (AI). Of course you cant avoid it completly, but what would you say? Thanks once again!
If you're running an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and the risk is very small. You should also run labs at least once during cycle to see where you stand.

I personally dose based on my estro indicator.
Thank you for your advice. So at the very first week use Aromatase inhibitor (AI) also till the end of the cycle, any recommendned starting dosages? Anyway how big is the risk for gyno at 500mg/wk + Aromatase inhibitor (AI). Of course you cant avoid it completly, but what would you say? Thanks once again!

I would start the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) 2 weeks into your cycle and run .25mg of ADEX EOD or every 3 days. Test it out and see how you feel. Can't say how big the gyno risk for it is, some people are more prone to it then others. If you want to be safe, just run the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) like i explained and up the dose to .5 mg if you feel any nipple soreness on cycle.
2rude4u: What labs should I run? And how do you know your estro indicator for the dosages?

jkowal99: .25mg every 3 days? Should I extend the .5mg of ADEX EOD if I even feel funny at this dosage?

Also if its for your own good, why aint everyone running Aromatase inhibitor (AI) with the cycle? Thanks!
Seems like some users don't know what their doing and don't care about the big picture.. its always a good idea to educate yourself on what your doing..
2rude4u: What labs should I run? And how do you know your estro indicator for the dosages?

jkowal99: .25mg every 3 days? Should I extend the .5mg of ADEX EOD if I even feel funny at this dosage?

Also if its for your own good, why aint everyone running Aromatase inhibitor (AI) with the cycle? Thanks!
My estro indicator is kind off a joke I use, but for me it is true. I know I need to increase my Aromatase inhibitor (AI) when my nipples start getting stiff off & on.

You want to start with .25 eod, not e3d, it has a short halflife. At 500 pw you will probably find you need to be at about .5 eod, but you may not. Start off at .25 and increase to .5 if you notice symptoms or labs show high estro.

As far as "why aint everyone running Aromatase inhibitor (AI) with the cycle?" Some guys don't feel they need it, and a small percentage are right, but mostly it's because a lot of guys are just too smart for their own good.

Read thru some of the threads and you will know exactly what I mean!
tbonexl: and what do you mean exactly?

Thanks for the information 2rude4 and jkowal99. I will read more about this before hitting it up but thanks anyway.
Well what I was implying is there are a lot of people that are looking for instant results. They will just take whatever somebody sells them for probably too much money.. then, they think if one is good, ten is better. After a short period of time goes by and sll kinds of crazy side affects occur, they don't know what to do. Doing aas ain't like hitting the bong. Sure, there is people out there that do wreckless things with no ill affect. That doesn't always happen and people are left wondering why.. that's why its important to educate yourself so you can limit or not have possible sides that can last a lifetime. You dont want to live with mistakes you've made that can be avoided, do u?