First time on Sarms - Cycle recommendations


New member
So I've never done SARMS or any gear either.

But I've been just reading up and waiting to pull the trigger. Both myself and my girl are excited to give this a go.

Here's the plan

Me: 1-8 weeks
Ostarine (MK-2866) (12.5mg 1-3, 25mg 4-8)
Andarine (S-4) (50mg 1-3, 100mg 4-8)
GW-501516 1-8 (10mg)

Nolva 4 weeks

Her: 1-8 weeks
Ostarine (MK-2866) (12.5mg weeks 1-8)
Andarine (S-4) 1-8 (10mg weeks 1-8)

Does this sound right? Any recommended changes to dosages?
What's her pct look like?.....joke

Yeah man that looks good. Although clomid is cheap and easily accessible, it wouldn't hurt to add it into your pct.
I think it's a great idea to start with Sarms over aas, the pct recover is much easier and give you experience.
Ah the old triple stack. Looks good as far as set up, but do you think maybe being your first run you should start with one compound at a time?
The problem with running all 3 at once is that if one or multiple is giving you bad sides you won't know which one it is. You will also most likely be shutdown.
Though it's my first time, I don't want to do it half way, I prefer going 100% on something that works. :)

do a test cycle with an AI and PCT and maybe add in one of the sarms in there for 8 weeks.
being shut down wont feel good on cycle and i re you consider doing a safer more productive cycle of test with a sarm rather than a bunch of them and with no test base to make up for loss of your own.

its not about doing it half way its about not being reckless AND doing a worth while and fairly safe cycle. yo dont need to think you need to take a bunch of stuff or its not going 100%. more is not better here, specially when new to all this. just my op.

also personally i would avoid the GW but thats just me and my opinions on things i have read.
even for your girl i would maybe just do one of them this go aroundm, osta imo
What's her pct look like?.....joke

Yeah man that looks good. Although clomid is cheap and easily accessible, it wouldn't hurt to add it into your pct.
I think it's a great idea to start with Sarms over aas, the pct recover is much easier and give you experience.

I could really use a local doctor's name. I live in South Baton Rouge.

Hey... I had a stupid testosterone pellet inserter, whom I trust as a doctor in every other field, ruin my life about 2 1/2 months ago. She waaaaaaaaay overdosed me and my body is torn up with stress. I am not functioning at all. I am incapacitated. My TT is down to 1450 though.... ;) . Doesn't matter when your bod rejects it. I am losing my balls and she has no idea what to do with hcg during trt and/or nolva/clomid later.

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