First time trying to diet right.. but dont know shit.. still reading..

Sorry for my dumbness.. I still dont have a clue...

humm.. Can I just eat like chicken and rice for 3 meals? with some broc..?

I hate chicken...

ppl make it look easy.. but guess thats y I never diet..Lol

Is there any meal plan book that has meals with all the stats?

I know it wont be acurate for me... but thinking it would be better then me just eating whatever I Think is right..

This is where the difference lies. No one is saying you're stupid bro, but nutrition is a very complex subject and isn't fully understood. We have the basic principles to get the desired results but we're far from knowing everything about nutrition. You have to realize you've been giving the info, and what you make out of it will dictate your results. If you like you can talk to 3J to create a custom diet for you or you can post up a diet you create that fills thoughts macros and we'll critique it and verify your numbers. I think its important to do it in you own though so you understand what its like to count macros, weigh out portions, etc. you can just as fat off chicken and broccoli as you can with twinkles and Oreos. The only difference is you'd need to eat more chicken and broccoli to get the same calories.
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I understand what you're saying completely and I guess its how our approaches may differ slightly. I should clarify my personal recommendations to let's say around 20% BF as the upper limit give or take. For someone 30% BF at 300lbs is clinically obese and in that case I'd go by LBM. In someone not obese just looking to cut 10-15lbs going by body weight should be a pretty accurate starting point. AS ALWAYS, adjustments may need to be made but the starting points are a good place to start. I dislike ratios as percentages but find the 1g/lb BW protein and .3-.4g/lb BW fat to be a Great starting minimum and can be adjusted to suit someone more specifically if need be.

yes, absolutely.. there is always a need for microcalibration
Thanx doc! I thougth I could figure this out in a couple days.. Im reading the stickys.. but.. This is like u know.. but when u try it doesnt work thing..
Ill try to make a meal plan.. and guess ill post it up for some pointers..

diet is not easy..

No offense to 3j.. I want to understand how guys do it... but looks like im a potential soon to be customer of urs...Lol
yes agreed... its refreshing to have a bit of knowledge in the diet section other then me lol

I'm sure I can speak for Docd here to when I say, always glad to help out.

It concerns me that people consider using aas without having their diet down (this is not directed at you yadi, you're being proactive about it!). I mean after all, even when pharmaceutically enhanced, you are not going to get the results you want if you don't have your diet down. I think there is actually an example of this on the main aas forum just last week. Guy was mid cycle and was losing weight, did a quick TDEE calculation and he was likely eating under his TDEE.... Either way it is far too prevalent and imo is likely the cause of the absurdly high dosages we frequently see people using. Trying to compensation lack of gains due to poor nutrition with more ass...

Alright now to Yadi.

I would try and get a little more diversity in than just chicken, rice, and veggies. While these are definitely staples, they will get boring rather quickly (especially if you dislike chicken), in addition to this you would all find that you could not meet your fat intake with just those alone.

The concept of sticking to your macros is rather easy, however being strict with it is the difficult part! Just try to keep things you know you will end up snacking on out of the house.

As for a meal plan that would fit, it is easier just to divide your macros into x amount of meals and then just eat what fits. I don't want to put some cookie cutter eat exactly this every day thing together for you, that's how you develop a food allergy, however I can provide you with examples of foods to use to fill your macros.

Baked Sweet Potato
Multi-grain bread
Brown Rice (no white)

Green Beans
Salad Greens

Chicken Breast
Turkey Breast
Fish(cod, haddock, halibut, tuna, tilapia, etc)
Egg whites (can add it a few whole eggs to help meet fat intake)
Lean cuts of beef
Protein powder

Oil(Olive, coconut, Enova)
Peanuts/peanut butter
nuts-(almonds, Walnuts etc, etc)
Salad dressing

The easiest way to split your meals up will probably be three main meals (like you are probably used to), and then add in two snacks (say a protein bar or shake) between meals, and then have a shake before bed. The before bed shake does not have to be casein, in fact, recent studies suggest that it could be counter productive to protein synthesis.

Stick to your macros and you will lose weight, then with every 5lbs of weight change or when you stop losing weight, just post back here and we will recalculate your macros for you and keep you on your way.

What a great thread - really enjoying reading this and learning quite a bit also! I have been diligently watching my macros lately and feel I may be a little under what I need so definitely going to use this as a guide to rework my current diet and macros.
What a great thread - really enjoying reading this and learning quite a bit also! I have been diligently watching my macros lately and feel I may be a little under what I need so definitely going to use this as a guide to rework my current diet and macros.

Great to here! If you have been tracking your macros then you are already doing the most difficult part. The easy part is putting together your individualized macro set based on your goals! There are plenty of online calculators that will help you. Just make sure they are fitness oriented else the ratios will be far off what you actually need, case in point the myfitnesspal recommendations.

I'm sure I can speak for Docd here to when I say, always glad to help out.

It concerns me that people consider using aas without having their diet down (this is not directed at you yadi, you're being proactive about it!). I mean after all, even when pharmaceutically enhanced, you are not going to get the results you want if you don't have your diet down. I think there is actually an example of this on the main aas forum just last week. Guy was mid cycle and was losing weight, did a quick TDEE calculation and he was likely eating under his TDEE.... Either way it is far too prevalent and imo is likely the cause of the absurdly high dosages we frequently see people using. Trying to compensation lack of gains due to poor nutrition with more ass...


Lol yes you can speak for me here, we certainly do agree. Compensating for lack of diet with increased AAS is a recipe for disaster. Side effects of diet pale in comparison to sides of AAS. Lack of diet will ALWAYS bring you back to pre-cycle state in time which only leads to more AAS and compounds the problem over time.

Yadi we're here to help but if you would rather use 3J's services I can personally vouch for them as well as HUNDREDS of other members. I got a carb-cycling diet from 3J just to see what it was like. I was bulking at the time but I must say that's was surprised with the level of detail and personal attention as well as the setup of the diet. You see most trainers and so called nutritionists will give you a pre-packaged diet sometimes straight from a magazine. 6 servings of chicken 3cups rice and some
Broccoli or some such nonsense. They will not tailor it to you or just scale back on it some but still not tailored to your specific needs. 3J did all that, specific serving sizes, sources for each macro, etc. he initially had me eating cottage cheese before bed. I emailed him at 12am my time that I hated all cheese and to get another source. Within 20min he had gotten back to me with a few other options I could use instead. Tell me what other trainer or nutritionist (possibly hundreds or thousands of miles away) would do that for you? I'd argue none. Your choice what to do, but don't give up and don't put yourself down. Where there's a will there's a way :)
Sorry guys.. been busy couple days.. Im gonna try to make a meal plan this week..

btw, I found a preference tap on the myfit phone app.. change that to the recommanded right?

Do I really need to get those pinch machines to check my body fat? or there is a formula?
Sorry guys.. been busy couple days.. Im gonna try to make a meal plan this week..

btw, I found a preference tap on the myfit phone app.. change that to the recommanded right?

Do I really need to get those pinch machines to check my body fat? or there is a formula?

Change your calorie and macro goals to what Nosy recommended and you can always adjust them later if need be. The pinch machine thing is called a body fat caliper. They can be very inaccurate when used by someone who isn't experienced with them. My suggestion to you would be have a trainer at your gym use them, if you can afford it get a bodpod or hydrostatic BF testing done, or post up pics and we can get you a pretty close estimate.
Hi guys..

I couldnt make a meal plan.. I got so angry with the app.. I broke my phone.. so I didnt do anything..

I guess Im just gonna Pm 3J... This is so stress full for me to do...