First trenbolone cycle assistance


New member
Hi guys,
Thinking about doing my first tren cycle, this will be my third cycle my first 2 being test only cycles. I'm thinking of running 50mg tren ace eod along with 250mg twice a week of test e. I'll also be running aromasin and caber. Is this enough or should I up the dosage? Is there any other anabolics anyone would suggest running with it? Preferably oral.

Goals are gain lean mass and if I can lose a bit of fat that would be a nice bonus.

Stats are 25 y/old, 175cm, 94kg, around 15%

Bench 162.5kg, squat 2200kg, dead 265kg.
Cheers bro's
Hi guys,
Thinking about doing my first tren cycle, this will be my third cycle my first 2 being test only cycles. I'm thinking of running 50mg tren ace eod along with 250mg twice a week of test e. I'll also be running aromasin and caber. Is this enough or should I up the dosage? Is there any other anabolics anyone would suggest running with it? Preferably oral.

Goals are gain lean mass and if I can lose a bit of fat that would be a nice bonus.

Stats are 25 y/old, 175cm, 94kg, around 15%

Bench 162.5kg, squat 2200kg, dead 265kg.
Cheers bro's

Thats one hell of a squat.
So first of all, this being you first potential go with Tren make sure you run the Acetate ester. Doing this will allow you to bail out if you get the bad side effects Tren can potentially cause.

I also think that dose is too low. I would do 50mg ED for starters if I were you. ED injections are much better for keeping hormone levels even in you bloodstream.

Although an AI is required the length of the cycle a DA (prami or caber) IS NOT. You should keep it on hand in case you experience prolactin issues but if you manage you estradiol then your prolactin should stay fine. Some people runit full length this is not necessary, I never have to run either of those compounds with Tren.

And of course fat loss is going to be based on what your eating but I can say this with certainty because ive seen it on myself with my own eyes, Tren burns fat.
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Keep an eye on your BP as well as Tren tends to raise it. Most likely its not going to be a issue to the point of causing you problems or you having to do something about it but its good to be aware. Ill check mine once a week when im running it. I cant remember the number but mune went up quite a bit last time. Not high enough to require some action but like I said, always good to be aware and proactive rather than reactive once the damage is already done.

Keep your H2O intake up as well to keep the kidney flushing as well.
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Are the sides as crazy as everyone says, the night sweats, insomnia, dreams and aggression?
Those are potential side effects yes. But, the mental side effects it can potentially cause are the scary ones. Depression, anxiety, paranoia and agression as youve already stated.

What ive posted sounds pretty negative and I am in no way trying to scare you away from it im just giving you the facts. Not everyone gets these side effects. I personally dont get any other than the occasional hot flash and heartburn. Mentally I feel on top of the world to be honest and never a moment of bad thoughts.
Thoughts on test dosage? Some say low dose, some say higher than tren dose

You should run your test lower than tren.

Once you understand how your body reacts to the tren (if its ok) you can always bring your tren up and still keep
your test at a low level.
You should run your test lower than tren.

Once you understand how your body reacts to the tren (if its ok) you can always bring your tren up and still keep
your test at a low level.

I personally run my test high. Do you and other guys do this to have an easier time controling estradiol thus minimizing the side effects from Tren.
I personally run my test high. Do you and other guys do this to have an easier time controling estradiol thus minimizing the side effects from Tren.

That's my experience with lower test. I prefer it high too, but it took some serious patience and testing to find the optimal AI dose to pull it off.

OP: If you haven't pulled the trigger on picking up the tren yet, I'd opt for deca instead. Being only a few cycles in may not really prepare you for what lies ahead. I tend to recommend deca first as it gives you experience with a 19-nor that isn't as harsh, as well as learning how to take multiple compounds at once. Food for thought.

My .02c :)