first try with clen


New member
im new to the site im 6'3 300 lbs/ im pretty solid in the chest arms and back legs are so so im trying to get down to about 270 my diet is pretty clean as well. i recently got 40mg clen tabs and wondering how i should go about taking them i asked three different buddies n got three different answers none of which sound even close to the same...little help would be appreciated
thats what a buddy of mine recommended he said u will loose weight on clen but with ur size ur prob better off taking t3 so im just gonna try that instead. my diet is right i did powerlifting for a while so i was eating real bad and lifting for all strength but in the last 4 months ive totally changed my routine. i was 335 about 3 months ago im 296 right now and my goal weight is 260
Yeah I think T3 would help you out then bro. It is catabolic but with that much mass you don't have to worry as much with it you'll still be giant lol.