first winnar cykle


New member
Hi everyone!
just have to say that its so great there is a forum for women:).
So im looking for tips here if someone has any advice for my first wincykle.
im 29 and been training for 3 years.
i weight 65kg, 160cm and bodyfat somewhere 15-16%.
Done 3 anavar cykles before.
So now im thinking of doing 10mg win for 4-5weeks.
Should i start at a lower dose ?
Run it longer than 4-5 weeks and off for how long?
With anavar i did 4-8 weeks and off 3-4 months.
Would be great if someone could help out:)
Thanx for this forum!!
// Ambi
I would be careful with winstrol, especially the oral version for us ladies. Because it lowers SHDG, it will increase your free roaming testosterone, which will in turn possibly give you masculinizing effects. I personally would concentrate on growth hormone optimization and your diet. If you're interested in getting on a prescription program, let me know!

IMT Staff
Thats a good point, most people don't realize that oral Winstrol (winny) can do that to you. Things like this should be used pre comp only, so if thats the case :)
Ok, thanx for that:).
Hmm would u say that anavar would be better? I still look like a female, nothing else that just a swollen clit on anavar but now its back to normal haha.
A liitle pain in joints though.
Iv tried growth hormone too but did not notice anything moore than better skin and i slept better.
Sry my english is not so good.
Im getting better with dieting too and started doing alot of cardio so i have lost like 5 kg in 4 weeks, a lot of water i guess.
Want to tighten up a bit, have a bit muscle mass but fat that covers it all!.
My dream is to compete someday and hope i can do that but ill have o loong way to go.
Maybe i should just train hard and diet clean hmm..
Yes anavar would be better, I would hit Lindsay up, she can get you doctor prescribed stuff. Which is very important, if you get something that is not what you think it is, you could get very strong masculinizing effects.

Working with her and IMT will ensure that what you get is sterile, doses correctly and the compound it is supposed to be.

Hope this helps