Fisrt cycle Test E only and log


New member
Fisrt off let me say thank you guys for all your wisdom posted up here! Though this is my first post, I have been lurking for some time. I cant imagine how people got all this info before! I dont have any friends on gear so you guys have been all my info! So thanks!:biggthump And On to my log!

Ok first cycle ever! Test E 500mg (250 twice a week) Decided to listen and keep it to just that the first time through.

bf% 15-16? (Once I find a place to get it checked "accurately" ill do it.) Sorry no pics due to tattoos and work!
Training-3-4 years solid.

Weeks 1-10 500mg Test E pinned 250mg twice a week. (I wanted to do 12 weeks, but due to work travel I only have time for 10.)

PCT Weeks 13-16 Nolvadex 40/40/20/20
I also have liquidex (Anastrozole) on hand just in case of gyno issues or too much bloat. I did debate a LOT weather or not to use it the whole cycle though. Say .25-.5mg EOD? But decided to wait and see if I "needed it". Ill keep you posted. If I do decide to use it what dosage do you guys recomend for me? I couldnt get a solid answer searching?

Training split

Day 1-Legs
Day 2-Cardio/Abs
Day 3-Back/Bi's/Traps/Calf
Day 4-Cardio/Abs
Day 5-Chest/Tri/Shoulder
Day 6-Cardio/Abs
Day 7-Off

Goals-To gain more size 15-20lbs and cut down some bf%. Though once Im done with this cycle Ill be cutting more. Not till after I keep my gains the best I can for some time. After I feel like my body has "settled" Ill ramp up the cutting.


Ok so this has been the hardest part for me to figure out believe it or not. There is just SO MUCH info on this topic its hard to figure out! Heres where I stand as of now.

Meal 1
4 whole eggs scrambled
2 slices of whole grain wheat toast
4 slices of turkey bacon
1 glass of orange juice (tropicana omega 3)

Meal 2 (PWO)
2 scoops of whey protein in 2% milk
1 bannana

Meal 3
8oz boneless/skinless chicken breast
1/2 cup seasoned brown rice
1 cup mixed veggies

Meal 4 (snack)
1 large apple

Meal 5
6oz lean steak
1/2 cup seasoned brown rice
1 cup mixed veggies

Meal 6 (Snack)
1 Bannana

Meal 7
8oz boneless/skinless chicken breast
1/2 cup seasoned brown rice
1 cup mixed veggies

Meal 8 (right before bed)
2 scoops casien protein in 2% milk
(I realize the cottage chees would be better but I f#@king HATE cottage cheese!! Lol!

Im not sure of my cal count but Id guess 3-3500? Im still doing my homework though, and my end up upping it more to 4000ish. Well see.

So Im two pins in now but Ill write what I remember doing them.

Pin #1. (Right glute) Its a funny thing, a grown ass man standing in front of a mirror trying to figure out how hes going to reach (and see!) his own ass! Lol. I must have stood there trying to turn around more for like 10min! I did a LOT of reasearch on how to draw, what size neelde would be best for injecting, and perfect locations. I looked at pics, I watched videos, the whole deal. Nothing REALLY gets you ready for that first aquward angel turn around! Id line it up, then think I would be off and start over. Looking over your shoulder at a spot you never see isnt easy! Finally I push passed the nervous feeling rememberd why I was doing this and told myself "Jesus hates a pussy" and pushed the damned thing in! Haha! I didnt feel a thing! I aspirated, no blood, and pushed it in nice and slow. Never did get ANY site pain. Then went into the living room and told my girl "Well, now Im on roids!" She laughed and said your not ragging are you? Lol. All in all it was pretty easy. I do have a couple things I wasnt sure about tho. 1. when you switch needles from drawing to injecting do you just leave the last bit of gear in the drawing needle, or do you draw it in with a little air? And 2. is it normal to get a "small" amount of air when aspirating? I was sure I got it all out?

Pin #2. (Left glute,yesterday) That one didnt go "as smooth" as the first one. For a few reasons. 1, Im right handed and was forced to use my left. 2, I went a "little" high and outside I think so there was a "pin prick" feeling the whole way in that I didnt get the first time. From now on left glute is my girls job! Lol! I may end up tring the quads and delts too, just to see how I like those.

I know its way too soon to "feel" test E working, but im convinced my sex drive is up! And I keep feeling my balls and thining "maybe they are a little smaller now?" When does that usualy happen, like what week? No sides as of yet, but I feel prepared if I do see any. Im not usualy into posting a ton on the net, but I feel like as much as I used this site in getting ready I should give some back. Ill keep you guys all posted here!

Thanks again!!!:biggthump
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Awesome! You're going to love it!

Things will start to kick in by the 4 / 5th week. Be patient.

Also, make sure your diet is in check! You def want to betting 3,000++++. Test is useless if your diet is sufficient. I had to find that out the hard way.

If anything, eat closer to 4,000, just to be safe. You can always lose the fat later.

The only sides I've had were oily skin (3rd week and up), ball shrinkage (5th week and up), and sensitive nipples (9th week and up) - no gyno, though.
Yea like I said I "think" my diet is good to go. Ill try posting up in that forum and see what everyone thinks. Thanks.
So 3rd pin today (right glute again)
Went much smoother. Guess i need to take more time on the left? Anyways no pain at all again. Just got back from doing legs. This is only the start of week 2 so not much to report. I do think Im sweating more/easier than normal though? Could just be in my head.

I am starting to get an "all over better" feeling now. Might just be in my head as well, but I feel "better" its kinda hard to explain. Kinda like a runners high maybe. Whatever it is I dig it! My diet has been slipping a little this weekend. I have a hard time eating enough times a day on the weekends. At work I eat on a clock, but my off time its much harder. I had some pizza, and some other random non diet foods as well. I just keep telling myself im bulking and its ok. Lol, I should really cut that sh!t out! Not eating a BUNCH of crap, but not often enough for sure.
Like you said, you're bulking, so it's ok to eat that kind of stuff. There will be a time for you to cut and watch your diet 100% to the clock. But, as for now, just bulk, and get those calories!
Increase your caloric intake but, I would keep it clean. Less fat you put on now the more muscle that will show through.
Wait do you mean its important to increase your intake while bulking in general, or are you saying that my diet looks too low now???
I am starting to get an "all over better" feeling now. Might just be in my head as well, but I feel "better" its kinda hard to explain. Kinda like a runners high maybe. Whatever it is I dig it! My diet has been slipping a little this weekend. I have a hard time eating enough times a day on the weekends. At work I eat on a clock, but my off time its much harder. I had some pizza, and some other random non diet foods as well. I just keep telling myself im bulking and its ok. Lol, I should really cut that sh!t out! Not eating a BUNCH of crap, but not often enough for sure.

Christian Louboutin
Chanel Watches
4th pin today (left glute)
So I have pinning down on that side now too! No pain at all! Nothing new to note as of yet, but Im sure its coming! So far this log feels kinda pointless! Lol.
I was using 22's. 1" to draw and 1.5" to intect. But I just got some 23's in yesterday. I cant say it felt any different though? I wasnt going to have enough drawing needles so I ordered more. I havent pinned anywhere else yet, but I think Im gonna try the quads next, then maybe the delts. Gotta say tho, the glute is pain free! Just kinda a bitch to reach! I mean no pain at all! Not injecting, not after, nothing! Well just that one on the left, but it was my fault. Im going to try more though for sure. I figure I sould give the basics a try first time cycle. Ill keep you guys updated.
Some guys use slin pins to inject gear. Drawing with a larger gauge, pulling the plunger out of slin pin and injecting into the syringe replacing the plunger then injecting into site. Looks good for: delts, traps, calfs, bis/tris. I may try this. Most people use 23 x 1.5 for glutes/quads, 25 x 1/1.5 for deltoids. I think my favorite is going to be deltoids either with 25g or slin pin (28g). Im injecting IGF R3 with a slin pin into my delts and its quite painless.
Pin 5 (right glute)
Little pin prick! Lol. Still nothing new though. Going to hit legs now! I think next week ill try pinning my quads. I like the 23g's. I dont really see a reason to use a smaller pin since these dont hurt? Ill see how quads go though.
Good log. I'll be following. FYI: I use a 25G 1" for most injection sites at this time. After a while you could get some scar tissue probs injecting with a 22/23g (really no need to go that thick). However, a few people use them & thats ok if it works for you.

Agree w/ Humm- increase your diet a little bit and try to cut out as much bad fat cals as possible. However, if your having probs eating its better to eat dirty rather than not get enough intake during a bulking diet (if your main goal is just to add weight at this time).

What are you measurements: arms, legs??
Im happy you like the log. Seems like not much going on just yet. As for the pins Ill give the 25's (1.5" tho) next cycle. I just got the 23's in so I have a ton of them! Lol. I would think any smaller and it would take a week to push the gear in tho! Doing my research it seems like most guys ues 23g?

As far as my diet Im not having too much trouble eating what I listed here. Though I do miss a few here and there due to work!:( I wouldnt say I have been "dirty bulking" but on the weekends I have been eating more food not listed. I still dont feel "super hungry" but its picking up! I guess Ill start throwing in more food as needed?

I took some base line measurements the day I first pinned. I havent redone them yet but I did weigh myself today and Im up 8lbs!!!:D I dont look or feel any different though? Ill do the measurements again sunday and post them up! (Start of week 4)

Weight-195 (203 today!)

Any thoughts on my starting sizes are welcom! Well no "Man your small" would be nice thanks!;)
One more thing for the log. Im starting to notice that my skin is a little more oily now. Nothing CRAZY, but noticable to me. I was expecting it tho. Im pretty sure my balls are still normal, but I keep checking them waiting for them to be a quarter of their normal size! LOL!!! Its kinda funny!