Fisrt cycle Test E only and log

Pin 6 today (left glute)
Im happy Im keeping this log now cuz Im loosing track of what pin number im on! Lol, I just check my last pin post! So this is the last pin of week 3. I still have that "runners high" feeling I was talking about. I noticed its MUCH stronger the day I pin. Can you "feel" test working when you pin, or is that in my head? Either way I dig it!:D Im thinking about pinning my quads next week, but I really like the glutes! No pain at all and once you get used to the weird angle its sure easy! Well see I guess.

I also started another post to ask if I should miss 1 pin or double up due to a week n a half buisness trip in december. Looks like Ill be pinning 500mg the day I leave instead of missing one that week. Ill keep you guys posted.
Ok so pin 7 today (right quad)
Decided to mix it up a little today and shot my quad. I have been using 23g 1" to draw, and 1.5 to inject so I reversed them today for the quad. Just like the glute no pain went right in!:) I did notice the last 8th inch of the needle met some "resistance" and a little pain? Wondered if I should inject just shy of the whole needle in or push more? Decided to give it a little more pressure and it went. No blood on the draw back so I shot it in slow. Did legs afterwards and still no pain. I did get a few drops of blood taking the needle out after injecting. Normal puncture mark blood im sure. I dont think my glute does tho? Also did new measurements today as promised!;)

Week one pre first injection


Today start of week 4


I was really shocked to see the numbers all go up already!!!:D Well not my arm!:( Lol! I did loose a half inch off the waist tho!!!
i;m gone start my first cycle with testosterone E , i do have tamoxifene , please i want to know if ok with 12 weeks at 250mg , and how to use tamoxi .. more info will be helpful , i've been reading a lot but still confuse all of you ...
p-trainer, the search button is your friend, my thread/log off topic is not!;) Try making yor own post to get individual questions answered it works much better. Best of luck to you but from your one post you seem to have MUCH more reading to do before starting a cycle. Cheers
So pin 8 today (left quad) and finished off my first bottle of test.

So this didnt go smooth at all! The right quad was butter? Anyways I set up as normal. Draw, change needles, swab down, and all is well. Flex my quad, pick my spot 6in up and out 1.5 or so, relax my quad and start to push the needle in get 2/3 in and it stops. Then my leg twiches! Lol! Ok must be a nerve! Pull it back out, move it over a half inch or so push in again and same thing! Ok, pull back out move out an inch try again. Neeld goes in half way then feels "weird" so I decide to pull it out again and I get a decent amount of blood dripping. Blood vessel??? So on the FOURTH try all the way in smooth! Draw back, no blood, and inject. Funny thing is this was HOURS ago and still no pain!;) When they say one time use will dull a needle they werent kidding! SOOO much different the second time! And the fourth! LOL!!! So all is well! Went to the gym n hit back/shoulders. Workout was good. And im SHOCKED my leg dosent hurt! Ive taken to pushing the needle in kinda slow, and now im happy I did! Nerve wouda SUCKED!!!

I also noticed my nuts are DEFF smaller now! I wasnt sure before, but DEFF sure now! Lol! this is the end of week 4 and I can deff tell its working now! Cant wait for weeks 5-6! I hear thats where the magic is! :D
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Sorry guys, been kinda busy with work!

Pin number 9 (right quad) was sunday
All went well as usual. I moved the injection site out some and it seemed to work fine. I felt a "little" twitching feeling "going to" start but it never did? Guessing I was next to a nerve but not on like before? Im still not getting "dead leg" like I keep hearing about? I guess thats good.:D

Im still at the same weight, but Im sure thats my fault! I havent been able to eat enough this last week! Just too busy at work. 2-3 meals a day at best!:( Ive taken to grabbing fast food now when I can figuring its better than NOT eating.

I guess now Im just waiting for that week 5 explosion of strength and size! Lol!!! I dont really know what to expect, so Im kinda winging it!;)

O yea and sorry no pics. Posted in first post about work and tattoos. Thanks
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Ok so pin 7 today (right quad)
Decided to mix it up a little today and shot my quad. I have been using 23g 1" to draw, and 1.5 to inject so I reversed them today for the quad. Just like the glute no pain went right in!:) I did notice the last 8th inch of the needle met some "resistance" and a little pain? Wondered if I should inject just shy of the whole needle in or push more?

I always used 1in in the quad. i think 1.5 is a bit much. really depends if you have huge legs or bird legs as well.
Hey guys sorry to dissapoint! Too many issues and decided to pct before the end. The gear I got was short, (but sealed when i got itwith the break away bottle covers? 2 bottles 10ml each but only got 8 injections?) didnt seem to be the best quality either. Was working, but not as much as expected. My guy wanted WAY too much for more gear, and I wasnt happy the first 2 bottles were short 2cc each. My 10wk was realy only 8!:( That and work travel alot so I decided to just quit after 8 weeks and post cycle therapy (pct). Pct was bought elsewhere and im SURE is gtg! I also got my next run of gear from "my uncle" so I know it will be gtg as well. Im not going to "count" this first run with test, and will redo this same run (only 12 weeks this time) in a few months. Ill start a new log then. Sorry again guys! FYI my "uncle" got it here super quick! Thanks man! Later fellas. ;)
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