Flex Wheeler quote

"Most of these guys are a genetic Volkswagons using drugs to TRY to make themselves a Ferarri. Drugs just make a Ferarri faster, you can't soup up a genetic Volkswagon."

True dat!

Another real clip.

If they are done...do it at the right time and know you won't become The Rock if you are a genetic DaCaprio.
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Lots of guys with "bad genetics" go far. check out Cedric McMillan his before pics from his first comp compared to now
To me the whole point of the sport of bodybuilding is to build your specific body type to be the best that it could be. No matter what genetic disposition.
The point is...most guys that buy Gear do it with the impression they will be MUCH bigger than they can. Ignoring diet and proper lifting, starting WAY too young.

Spend $100's of $ on Felony illegal shit to go from 6'0" 175lbs to 185lbs???!!!

Why risk ur health and criminal background to still be "small" in the end?

If EVERYONE on this forum was actually training hard for YEARS, owned a food scale and 30+...then fine...But it's the irresponsible that made this shit as illegal as it is.

Steroids Part 5 with Jack Armstrong Guest.mov - YouTube