Follow me on my journey to my road to glory. Test Cyp Nadrolone cycle.

Why did you tell the doc that? Lol....3 am is kinda a strange time haha

goes hand and hand. It Figures, I tell the doc I take roids, she gives me a 3am appointment. I asked her about it to (obviously it was 3pm). I was like yeah you wrote 3am instead of 3pm, was that you or the receptionist. She was like yeah that was me, opps, what you don't wanna come see me in the middle of the night. It was madd funny, but yeah she is not happy about my roid useage.
Sorry guys havent been on in a couple of days, Ive been workin and trainin alot. Update: im upping it to 600mg a week. I shot 300mg of test yesterday. I didn't feel manly enough on 450 so I said fuck it, YOLO. LOL.
I do feel a little more manlier. I started running my supplement over da counter Aromatase inhibitor (AI). ROFL.