Food increases the bioavailability of accutane


Community Veteran
Food increases the bioavailability of isotretinoin.

Colburn WA, Gibson DM, Wiens RE, Hanigan JJ.

Twenty healthy male subjects received 80 mg (2 X 40 mg SEG capsules) oral isotretinoin separated by two-week washout periods in an open randomized crossover design. Isotretinoin was administered during a complete fast, 1 hour after a standard breakfast, with a standard breakfast, or 1 hour before a standard breakfast. Blood samples were obtained at specific times over a 72-hour period. Isotretinoin blood concentrations were determined by a specific HPLC method. The relative bioavailability (AUC) of isotretinoin was found to be approximately 1.5 to 2 times greater when the dose was administered 1 hour before, concomitantly with, or 1 hour after a meal than when it was given during a complete fast. In addition, because the Cmax value is lower when the dose is administered with food rather than 1 hour after a meal, coadministration of isotretinoin with food may be the best method of administration.


...Due to its high lipophilicity, oral absorption of isotretinoin is enhanced when given with a high-fat meal. In a crossover study, 74 healthy adult subjects received a single 80 mg oral dose (2 x 40 mg capsules) of Accutane under fasted and fed conditions. Both peak plasma concentration (Cmax) and the total exposure (AUC) of isotretinoin were more than doubled following a standardized high-fat meal when compared with Accutane given under fasted conditions.
The observed elimination half-life was unchanged. This lack of change in half-life suggests that food increases the bioavailability of isotretinoin without altering its disposition. The time to peak concentration (Tmax) was also increased with food and may be related to a longer absorption phase. Therefore, Accutane capsules should always be taken with food...
very interesting sir... i guess i will be taking my accutane with cheeseburgers from now on :D