Footlong's AML Review with pics! Test E, Mast E, Var


New member
Alright so about me. 22 years old, third cycle, loving life, lifting heavy.
Before: 5'9, 190, 15% body fat.
Currently: 5'9, 210, 10% body fat.

I'm 9 weeks in on my AML cycle of test e and masteron e. I started the var around week 5 at 60mg a day. I almost always use an oral mid cycle or at the end.

Here's how it looks:
Week 1-15: 500mg test e, 400mg masteron e
Shot every Monday and Thursday.

Week 3-15: arimidex eod .25mg

Week 5-11: var 60mg a day.
Week 11-15: var 40mg a day.

Standard post cycle therapy (pct) protocol 2 weeks after last shot. Nolva and clomid.

The var is used in a semi low dose for quite a long time. I understand it is liver toxic but very mild at that. It is tapered down near the end at 40mg because at about that doseage it helps with keeping the lean muscle mass.

The reason I chose test e and mast e is because the two together, like most anabolics are very synergistic. The masteron helps with elevated estrogen as all you may know and with that plus the arimidex I have managed to put on some lean mass. At the start I was 190 pounds at about 15% body fat and now I am 210 at about 10% body fat. Keep in mind I am only 9 weeks in and have 5-6 weeks left.

My routine has consisted of a combination of the kris Gethin workout plan and a regular bodybuilding 1-2 body groups a day 5-6 days a week. Cardio is done every other day for 30 minutes.

Diet consists of lots of lean protein, vegetables, brown rice, oatmeal, etc.

I personally enjoy the product: it's very smooth, no pip, very little sides and I am very acne prone. I dont know what much to say...

Anyways, pictures are worth 1000 words.

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What did you notice with the var??

I got an upset stomach for the first 5 or so days which is a good indicator that the var is real. I never had libido issues because I am using test as a base. I do notice that every time I take a pill I start to get hot though? I noticed increased vascularity, less muscle fatigue, and of course strength. I don't go too heavy because my wrists and elbows don't seem to like it.

Bench:265 5-8 reps at 6-8 sets
Squat:225 usually for 10-12 reps at 5-8 sets.
Deadlift 315 6-8 reps, 6-8 sets
looking good bro, seems like AML is treating you right

Thanks man, they are definitely exceptional. I took a ton of pics from start til now. It's funny because I personally never noticed the change or felt that great about how I look until I seen the pics from before. I'm always striving to look amazing, not just great. I looked shredded last summer but I was a hell of a lot smaller. 187 pounds.
I got an upset stomach for the first 5 or so days which is a good indicator that the var is real. I never had libido issues because I am using test as a base. I do notice that every time I take a pill I start to get hot though? I noticed increased vascularity, less muscle fatigue, and of course strength. I don't go too heavy because my wrists and elbows don't seem to like it.

Bench:265 5-8 reps at 6-8 sets
Squat:225 usually for 10-12 reps at 5-8 sets.
Deadlift 315 6-8 reps, 6-8 sets

Doesn't matter about the weight you push IMO, what you are putting up is more than enough. Its how you work the muscle you know? I personally would rather put up 265 for a good 8 then half ass 315-330 for 5. I am the same way I cant go heavy because of prior injuries both in and out of the gym. what you are doing is obviously working well, keep it up man. looking forward to 6 weeks from now and see the final results!
Def see progress man. Keep it up lift properly, keep diet clean, and break some necks turnin women's heads.

Keep the progress log/pics up. I am the same way and do not notice any progress until my cycle was over and I checked the scale and my camera haha
Doesn't matter about the weight you push IMO, what you are putting up is more than enough. Its how you work the muscle you know? I personally would rather put up 265 for a good 8 then half ass 315-330 for 5. I am the same way I cant go heavy because of prior injuries both in and out of the gym. what you are doing is obviously working well, keep it up man. looking forward to 6 weeks from now and see the final results!

Agree, I can lift a ton of weight sloppy, but I concentrate on the contraction of the muscle and really focus on squeezing. Thank you man, I will post another pic in 5-6 weeks.

Def see progress man. Keep it up lift properly, keep diet clean, and break some necks turnin women's heads.

Keep the progress log/pics up. I am the same way and do not notice any progress until my cycle was over and I checked the scale and my camera haha

Thank you bro, I will keep the log up for sure. I usually do a cycle every summer. Next one I am thinking tren e, and test e with some dbol.
Right on man. Keep it up it is nice to see people keep logs. Really helps some of the newbies see what to expect when proper work is put in. Also for some of you naysayers I don't see much of y'all putting your progress out in the public
Right on man. Keep it up it is nice to see people keep logs. Really helps some of the newbies see what to expect when proper work is put in. Also for some of you naysayers I don't see much of y'all putting your progress out in the public

Thank you, Yeah it's hard work. Lots of dieting, training, and self discipline. If you don't have that then it will be a waste of money. You will end up looking better most likely but not a drastic transformation

Definitely a difference. Nice job bud. Keep up the good work.
Thank you, I will of course keep it up. I usually look unreal end of august up until canadian thanksgiving. That's when shit hits the fan and bullk takes place.