For a 1st cycle will test cycle get me ripped?


New member

Pretty simple question, for my first cycle Test cycle get me ripped? 14%bf give or take 1% bf. 195Lb, 6'0, 25 YO Male.
No nothing you can take will get you ripped. But test will help maintain or increase your muscle mass on a cut.

It's best to bulk on cycle to gain more mass. I would cut to around 10-11% bf 1st, then run a cycle.
its all diet dude, you're not ready

Ok let me re-phrase the question because I am. I dont need to provide where I am or not. Ive done a lot of my research and Im waiting to fix my ****Ing health insurance so I can get my blood tests.

Can a test only cycle aid in shedding Body Fat?
No nothing you can take will get you ripped. But test will help maintain or increase your muscle mass on a cut.

It's best to bulk on cycle to gain more mass. I would cut to around 10-11% bf 1st, then run a cycle.

Hows that? So your telling me masterone, tren, Winstrol (winny), anavar wont get you ripped?
Ok let me re-phrase the question because I am. I dont need to provide where I am or not. Ive done a lot of my research and Im waiting to fix my ****Ing health insurance so I can get my blood tests.

Can a test only cycle aid in shedding Body Fat?

costs 50 bucks to get blood work done, you seriously telling me you cant afford $50? also stop asking what gets you ripped, eating in a low deficit will drop your body fat resulting in getting ripped after a long period of time...
Hows that? So your telling me masterone, tren, Winstrol (winny), ana Anavar (var) wont get you ripped?
Tren, Winstrol (winny), and Anavar (var) will help you to get ripped, but your diet is what really gonna get you ripped. With poor diet you can be overweight even if you take tren, Winstrol (winny) or Anavar (var) .
Your diet determines your muscle mass, body fat, and how you look. Use drugs to get big, use diet to get lean.

Many people think if you take steroids, everything is easy, you can train how you want and eat whatever you want, trust me it's not true, you have to put in hard work.

Diet is the king.
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also you can get ripped with being natty... test will get you ripped if ur diet is in check... you're not ready for steroids, you didn't research shit
yeah, steroids are magic pills that get you ripped overnight without lifting a weight and eating kraft dinner every day. :bash:
Hows that? So your telling me masterone, tren, Winstrol (winny), anavar wont get you ripped?

Simple answer...NO...
I know natural bodybuilders that get more "ripped" then the dumbasses at the gym that do a "cut.cycle" which turns out to be nothing but a drop in water weight because they didn't diet properly...
AAS preserve muscle while you lose weight with your DIET

How old are you?
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lol I know every ones going to hate me for saying this but I do notice a drop in body fat when taking steroids without changing my diet or work out schedule. Ive heard for every 10 pounds of muscle you gain you burn another 500 calories a day. I also think that It could maybe be a illusion to because the muscles are bigger and pressing up against the skin more making it look like you have less fat if that makes sense. I swear though I feel my metabolism ramp up and I just start sweating all the time. I think every one is effected by steroids differently to. Also ive always had my body fat around 10 percent when I used anabolic substances so its probably more noticeable than if I was to have a higher body fat percentage. I do agree though that to get any real substantial noticeable fat loss that people are gona comment on diet is the key. And there are short cuts but the short cuts will just fuck you up more and you could have just had a good diet to begin with and avoided making your thyroid dysfunctional from t3 or t4
Easiest way to put this is if you had to ask this question then you are not ready for AAS...proves an extreme lack of knowledge with AAS...
Post up your stats: age, weight, height, body fat %
Then post your typical diet on an average day (which should be every day) in the diet forum and get your diet critiqued...we will gladly help you with that if you want to lean out...
Very few will answer questions for those considering cycles that are not ready...