For experienced Tren Users

Give it time test and tren will all ways work good never seen it not put size on even the weakest non responders
I feel tren after my 4th shot both times i started it.. But brother, the real fun begins about 4-5 weeks into your cycle. ;)
if it makes u feel any better i dont feel the tren till about 2 1/2 weeks into it.... and i have little or no sides btw no night sweats or anything, guess im lucky
Yea my first cycle I felt some rage I guess, but after that tren is cool. No problems except better vascularity if you call it a problem. :)
Good cycle though i don't recommend eod injections.

Shoot both the tren and prop ed for best results. Personally i wasnt feeling the tren at that dose. For me 100mg ed was great(Only becouse i've used it before.)Not for the novice bodybuilder.

Good luck and happy lifting
Anabolica said:
Good cycle though i don't recommend eod injections.

Shoot both the tren and prop ed for best results. Personally i wasnt feeling the tren at that dose. For me 100mg ed was great(Only becouse i've used it before.)Not for the novice bodybuilder.

Good luck and happy lifting

EOD injections are fine on tren, You'll absorb it the same. vascularity is off the hook. I love it. :chomp:
I felt tren at about the 1.5 week mark, but as said before, it REALLY kicks in 4-5 weeks in. You'll know it when it does. People will think your crazy when you've got the AC cranked at work bringing it down to 12 degrees, and they're all shivering in big sweaters and your peelin off layers 'cause you find it so damn hot in there. I LOVE it. :D
tman55 said:
Bro be patient. You will notice something by the third week sometime. I would keep the cycle like it is and just eat,lift heavy and enjoy the cycle.

definitely the third week. i was taking 75mg ED. weights started jumping dramatically after the third to fourth week. be prepared to wake up at all hours starving and like he said, enjoy the ride brother. tren is twice as anabolic as test and you will be very pleased with the results. i obtained 17 inch arms after 6 weeks on 75mgED. of course, being the freak i am i did jump up to 150 for a few weeks. did not notice any difference past 150 though so don't waste your tren.
I am on a similar cycle as you right now and I have been on for a little over 2 weeks. I am doing tren @ 150 and Prop @ 100 EOD. I am also on Clen and T3 because I was looking for this cycle to lean me down and lose fat. Instead, I have fuckin gained weight from this, about 10 pounds!! I am on a good diet i think, i am trying to eat a lot of protein and cut down on sugar and carbs. I feel myself getting harder and a little stronger but I dont want to be gaining weight. What could be the problem? I train 3-4 days per week with weights and cardio. Let me know what you think.
thorsky said:
If I'm off completely, it takes prop about two weeks to really start kickin and the tren seems to take about a week. Depends on dose. Tren above 100mg/ED kicks in after 2 or 3 days.

As far as injection frequency, if you don't mind shooting ED, by all means shoot both ED. The only reason to switch to EOD is to avoid the extra pokes, so if you don't mind em stick with ED. I'm shooting prop/eq/tren we speak. ;)

Not to Hijack but show your cycle please!
hmmi feel tren my 4th day prop as well..both very fast acting so i dont see why your not feelin anything, your strength should be goin up far as the sides with tren.. everyone is diff, some people get no sides.. for me i had night sweats and a bad temper.. other than that i was good....if you made your own tren and you got the pellets from a vet store or whatever and its legit than your tren should be legit..