For Those Who've Done Anavar Only Cycle


New member
I'd like to know what side effects you experienced and what dosage you were doing throughout your cycle.

(Please, I don't want to hear it doesn't work, is expensive, etc. - just side effects please)

you will probably only notice a slight increase in hairloss if you are prone to it. i wouldnt say it is as harsh as winstrol or primo on hair, but it does effect me to a degree and i am very prone to baldness. it will also shut down your natural test if ran at a reasonable dose.
Suppressed appetite, shewed lipid profiles, and for some, lower back pumps. Let's not also forgot that Anavar (var) is more suppressive to HPTA than dbol.
lack of appetite for me but it didnt shut me down to hard. i heard from a few guys it shut them down HARD. guess i was lucky. it all depends what your prone to i guess.
insane pumps during workout, hair thinning , shut down , nut shrinkage. lethargy . didnt really get the appetite Suppressed made me hungry.
I did an anavar only cycle about 20 years ago. I ran about 25 mgs. per day and experienced no negative sides during the cycle. However, I was ignorant about post cycle therapy (pct) issues and experienced depression after the cycle.