formastane... is it suppressive?r

Highest Power

New member
i've read somewhere that formastane is supressive and shouldn't be ran during pct? Is there any truth to this? I figured I'd ask on the most legit of steroid forums :)

The reason I'm asking because I'm about to run my second cycle of halo and was considering putting this in my pct and possibly use it during my cycle.
There are logs up right now of people running Forma Stanzol throughout the entire cycle with great results, check them out.
U mean forma stanzol ??

forma stanzol is the brand name for formastane.

MMA, I already know about erase pro and love it. Do i even need to be running forma at all really if I plan on running erase? i dont want to waste money, but i also dont want to fuck myself out of results
It's fine for pct man. In fact it's something u want in their.

The T boosters, serms, etc will boost LH and FSH so u want to keep then just producing tes, not estrogen. Which gets a tiny kick when testosterone goes up. Also some get estrogen rebound which this stuff will stop.

I'd use it while on cycle too. Just a small dose to hold estrogen where it's at.

You don't want to crush it but keep it at a constant.
i've read somewhere that formastane is supressive and shouldn't be ran during pct? Is there any truth to this? I figured I'd ask on the most legit of steroid forums :)

The reason I'm asking because I'm about to run my second cycle of halo and was considering putting this in my pct and possibly use it during my cycle.

run it on cycle if your taking to keep water weight down or are somewhat prone to gyno or want to lean up a bit while on cycle.its suppressive if ran for a long long period of time otherwise you should be just fine
I run it at 6 pumps twice daily right now. Week2 of my Halo cycle.
Had gyno before, don't need that mess again...
run it on cycle if your taking to keep water weight down or are somewhat prone to gyno or want to lean up a bit while on cycle.its suppressive if ran for a long long period of time otherwise you should be just fine

Yea looks like im going to run it on cycle. full cycle and pct though? that would be for about 11 weeks on formastanzol. I didnt have gyno my first cycle and I even dosed hdrol 100 in its last week . I ran it with Diannobollica from the site's sponser as a T base (juicepump).

i didnt really get into much support supps for my cycle, but since im looking to eventually move on to real gear... i should start doing everything by the book now. I just dont want extra T suppression because I noticed i was definitely a little suppressed when I started PCT at the end of my first cycle.
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I would have assumed it is suppressive to a point considering 4-hydroxy-testosterone is a metabolite of it, but seems not?
It's the samething as BPS' is mildly suppersive but to a point that you should worry about it much...but you should cycle it and I do not believe you would need a PCT.

Have read people have taken it after a cycle and their balls still grew back to their normal based on ball size it is good to go.
Its only suppressive and only mildly if you run a ridiculous dosage of the stuff, forma stanzol is an amazing product and is very effective just follow the dosing guidelines and your fine