Found a small hair inside my test cyp bottle ?!? what to do?


New member
One of my buddies just finished a cycle and had a 10ml bottle of cyp test 250 left over, never opened. He got really good results on his cycle so I decided to buy his last bottle off him for my cycle. This is a brand I know that works. Anyway all that aside. Me being curious like I am, I decided to look at it under the light, and in the bottle I see a little hair inside it, about half a centimeter long.

What should I make of this? What should I do? And most of all is the bottle scrap?

if it was made with that much lack of safety i would trash it. i dont care if it was from dan dushane himself
They probably just accidentally pulled out a pube when they were jacking off into the vial. Nothing to worry about
its probably a good reflection on how the rest of their process is in terms of sanitization , dont take it , not worth it
That is hair is not just any hair. It is a pubic hair from a sexy brazilian girl. You should be good bro. Pin that shit. JK.
I never planned on using it. I thought it was was to sketchy. I was just so suprised to see it! I had to post it up!