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i would go day a everyday.. that looks like a decent diet there
Age: 28
Weight: 165
Height: 5'7.5"
Bodyfat: 15%
Goals: Lean bulk at the front of my cycle, cut at the end. After PCT goal is 170 at 10% bf.
BMR: 1770
TDEE: 2900
Weeks 1-14 Test E (300 mg 2x/week)
Weeks 1-16 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) (250 iu 2x/week)
Weeks 1-4 Dbol (12.5 mg 2x/day)
Weeks 10-16 Anavar (25 mg 2x/day)
Weeks 17-20 PCT with Nolva 40/40/20/20 (Possibly add clen)
Workout Schedule:
Sunday Chest/Tris
Monday Back/Bis
Tuesday Abs/Cardio
Wednesday Legs
Thursday Shoulders/Traps
Friday Abs/Cardio
Saturday Rest
Meal 1Cal/Fat/Carb/Pro
Orange Juice w/ Creatine (8 oz) 110/0/26/2
Egg Whites (8 oz ) 250/0/0/25
Oats (1 cup) 300/6/54/10
Blueberries (1/2 cup) 60/0/16/0
Fish Oil 30/3/0/0
Meal 2 Cal/Fat/Carb/Pro
Chicken Breast (8 oz) 260/2/0/54
Sweet Potato (1 cup) 120/0/28/2
Almond Butter (1.5 tbls) 150/14/4/3
Meal 3 Cal/Fat/Carb/Pro
Xtend/Vitargo 140/0/35/0
PWO Shake 510/4/62/56
Banana 105/0/27/1
Fish Oil 30/3/0/0
Meal 4 Cal/Fat/Carb/Pro
Brown Rice (8 oz) 300/9/48/5
Black Beans (5 oz) 140/3/21/7
Chicken (4 oz) 145/3/0/30
Meal 5 Cal/Fat/Carb/Pro
Steak (12 oz) 600/12/0/96
Vegetables, steamed (8 oz) 60/0/12/4
Meal 6 Cal/Fat/Carb/Pro
PM Shake (w/Glut BCAA) 230/2/3/51
Fat Free Lactaid Milk (8 oz) 90/0/13/8
Fish Oil 30/3/0/0
Totals Cal/Fat/Carb/Pro
Meal 1 Cal/Fat/Carb/Pro
Orange Juice w/ Creatine (8 oz) 110/0/26/2
Egg Whites ( 16 oz ) 500/0/0/50
Fish Oil 30/3/0/0
Meal 2 Cal/Fat/Carb/Pro
Chicken Breast (8 oz) 260/2/0/54
Vegetables, steamed (8 oz) 60/0/12/4
Olive Oil (1 tbls) 120/14/0/0
Meal 3 Cal/Fat/Carb/Pro
PM Shake 230/2/3/51
Banana 105/0/27/1
Fish Oil 30/3/0/0
Meal 4 Cal/Fat/Carb/Pro
Mixed Salad (16 oz) 150/4/20/8
Chicken (8 oz) 290/6/0/59
Salad Dressing 100/11/0/0
Meal 5 Cal/Fat/Carb/Pro
Steak (12 oz) 600/12/0/96
Vegetables, steamed (8 oz) 60/0/12/4
Meal 6 Cal/Fat/Carb/Pro
PM Shake (w/Glut BCAA) 230/2/3/51
Fat Free Lactaid Milk (8 oz) 90/0/13/8
Fish Oil 30/3/0/0
Totals Cal/Fat/Carb/Pro
Not sure If I should do Day A on the days I lift and Day B on cardio days throughout my bulk and then start from square one for my cut? Or do Day A through beginning of my cycle and Day B through the end (I know my BMR and TDEE will go up a bit from my increased mass)?
This is pretty much how I already eat on a daily basis (minus meal 2).
I know the macros are kinda out of whack; either I got the wrong info or I need to do some serious rethinking.