Free Diet Advice from 3J

i would go day a everyday.. that looks like a decent diet there
Age: 28
Weight: 165
Height: 5'7.5"
Bodyfat: 15%
Goals: Lean bulk at the front of my cycle, cut at the end. After PCT goal is 170 at 10% bf.
BMR: 1770
TDEE: 2900

Weeks 1-14 Test E (300 mg 2x/week)
Weeks 1-16 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) (250 iu 2x/week)
Weeks 1-4 Dbol (12.5 mg 2x/day)
Weeks 10-16 Anavar (25 mg 2x/day)
Weeks 17-20 PCT with Nolva 40/40/20/20 (Possibly add clen)

Workout Schedule:
Sunday Chest/Tris
Monday Back/Bis
Tuesday Abs/Cardio
Wednesday Legs
Thursday Shoulders/Traps
Friday Abs/Cardio
Saturday Rest

Meal 1Cal/Fat/Carb/Pro
Orange Juice w/ Creatine (8 oz) 110/0/26/2
Egg Whites (8 oz ) 250/0/0/25
Oats (1 cup) 300/6/54/10
Blueberries (1/2 cup) 60/0/16/0
Fish Oil 30/3/0/0
Meal 2 Cal/Fat/Carb/Pro
Chicken Breast (8 oz) 260/2/0/54
Sweet Potato (1 cup) 120/0/28/2
Almond Butter (1.5 tbls) 150/14/4/3
Meal 3 Cal/Fat/Carb/Pro
Xtend/Vitargo 140/0/35/0
PWO Shake 510/4/62/56
Banana 105/0/27/1
Fish Oil 30/3/0/0
Meal 4 Cal/Fat/Carb/Pro
Brown Rice (8 oz) 300/9/48/5
Black Beans (5 oz) 140/3/21/7
Chicken (4 oz) 145/3/0/30
Meal 5 Cal/Fat/Carb/Pro
Steak (12 oz) 600/12/0/96
Vegetables, steamed (8 oz) 60/0/12/4
Meal 6 Cal/Fat/Carb/Pro
PM Shake (w/Glut BCAA) 230/2/3/51
Fat Free Lactaid Milk (8 oz) 90/0/13/8
Fish Oil 30/3/0/0
Totals Cal/Fat/Carb/Pro

Meal 1 Cal/Fat/Carb/Pro
Orange Juice w/ Creatine (8 oz) 110/0/26/2
Egg Whites ( 16 oz ) 500/0/0/50
Fish Oil 30/3/0/0
Meal 2 Cal/Fat/Carb/Pro
Chicken Breast (8 oz) 260/2/0/54
Vegetables, steamed (8 oz) 60/0/12/4
Olive Oil (1 tbls) 120/14/0/0
Meal 3 Cal/Fat/Carb/Pro
PM Shake 230/2/3/51
Banana 105/0/27/1
Fish Oil 30/3/0/0
Meal 4 Cal/Fat/Carb/Pro
Mixed Salad (16 oz) 150/4/20/8
Chicken (8 oz) 290/6/0/59
Salad Dressing 100/11/0/0
Meal 5 Cal/Fat/Carb/Pro
Steak (12 oz) 600/12/0/96
Vegetables, steamed (8 oz) 60/0/12/4
Meal 6 Cal/Fat/Carb/Pro
PM Shake (w/Glut BCAA) 230/2/3/51
Fat Free Lactaid Milk (8 oz) 90/0/13/8
Fish Oil 30/3/0/0
Totals Cal/Fat/Carb/Pro

Not sure If I should do Day A on the days I lift and Day B on cardio days throughout my bulk and then start from square one for my cut? Or do Day A through beginning of my cycle and Day B through the end (I know my BMR and TDEE will go up a bit from my increased mass)?

This is pretty much how I already eat on a daily basis (minus meal 2).

I know the macros are kinda out of whack; either I got the wrong info or I need to do some serious rethinking.
you need to go back and read post 1 please
Hi, I saw your post on steroidology, just thought I'd ask for some advice. I've recently started bulking and just wanted to everything looked on

Age: 20
weight: 160
bf: 14% (Says scales, I'll attach pic for estimate)
goals.. BIG
BMR: 1828.5
TDEE: 2834.17

Workout Schedule:
Day 1: Chest/Biceps
Day 2: Legs
Day 3: Rest
Day 4: Delts/Tris
Day 5: Back
Dat 6-7:Rest

Cadio:Since I'm bulking the only cardio I'm doing at the moment is walking around, so none really. But open to suggestions of course.

I've attached my diet below.
View attachment 555021View attachment 555022View attachment 555023View attachment 555024

I also have a PWO Shake on workout days CNP Pro-recover 300cal/25pro/43carb/1fat
whats up buddy.. what you're describing is recomping.. and its a sensitive process.. it also depends on your genetics... the best way to recomp that i have seen is to carb cycle.. you know anything about carb cycling?
Cutting and bulking same time,
Hey 3J,I've always thought that you had to pick one to see results. I'm hearing lots now how you can do both at the same time. I'm curious to know how that works for your diet, are you in a calorie surplus or deficit.? Can u please give me a rough Marco breakdown and calories count for me to do this? Thanks.

Bf 15-16%

Age 35
I appreciate the help.
One more thing,I do have some test e on hand would run it at 500mg pw for 12 weeks. Not sure if want to a cycle due to not being enough time in between cycles but will c.
Hey 3J, thanks for the reply. All the research I have been doing talks about carb cycling for this lean bulk. I think I have enough info to get it going just started day 2 today. If this doesn't work for me I will probably look into your services.
Hey 3J, thanks for the reply. All the research I have been doing talks about carb cycling for this lean bulk. I think I have enough info to get it going just started day 2 today. If this doesn't work for me I will probably look into your services.

good luck with it!! i would say that's the way to go
Hey 3J would be great if you could take a look at my cutting diet.


Age: 26
Weight: 200
Height: 5'10"
Bodyfat: 18%
Goals: Cut down to 10% before beginning beginning a period of slow lean mass gains
BMR: ~2000
TDEE: ~3000

Workout Schedule:

Monday Chest/Triceps
Tuesday Shoulders/Back/Biceps
Wednesday Legs
Thursday Chest/Triceps
Friday Shoulders/Back/Biceps
Saturday Legs
Sunday Rest

All workouts first thing in the morning fasted at 5AM. Cardio 3-4 days a week 40mins incline walking after gym session.


Meal 1 8am - Cals/P/C/F

35g Oats - 129/4/21/3
30g Protein Powder - 120/24/4/1
1.5 Scoops Xtend (Intra-workout) - 50/12/0/0
4 Fish Oil Caps - 36/0/0/4
Total Meal 1 - 335/40/25/8

Meal 2 10am - Cals/P/C/F

125g Blueberries - 65/1/15/0
125g Chicken w/ seasoning - 158/25/8/3
15x Almonds - 104/4/2/9
Total Meal 2 - 327/30/25/12

Meal 3 12pm - Cals/P/C/F

125g Alfalfa - 28/4/2/0
200g Tomato - 36/2/7/0
250g Light Ricotta - 190/16/5/12
100g Turkey - 88/16/2/2
100ml Red Wine Vinegar - 16/0/4/0
Total Meal 3 - 359/38/20/14

Meal 4 2pm - Cals/P/C/F

35g Oats - 129/4/21/3
30g Protein Powder - 120/24/4/1
20g Chia Seeds - 89/4/5/6
Total Meal 4 - 338/32/30/10

Meal 5 4pm - Cals/P/C/F

125g Blueberries - 65/1/15/0
125g Chicken w/ seasoning - 158/25/8/3
15x Almonds - 104/4/2/9
Total Meal 5 - 327/30/25/12

Meal 6 6pm - Cals/P/C/F

125g Alfalfa - 28/4/2/0
200g Tomato - 36/2/7/0
250g Light Ricotta - 190/16/5/12
100g Turkey - 88/16/2/2
100ml Red Wine Vinegar - 16/0/4/0
Total Meal 6 - 359/38/20/14

Meal 7 8pm - Cals/P/C/F

200g Cottage Cheese - 170/20/14/4
10g Honey - 34/0/8/0
125g Blueberries - 65/1/15/0
4 Fish Oil Caps - 36/0/0/4
Total Meal 7 - 359/38/20/14

GRAND TOTAL - 2350/230/182/80
I would appreciate your opinion 3J. I really want to dial my diet in, but I don't think I'm quite there yet. This diet was created for me with the assistance of a friend that is a trainer. But first, the stats:
Age: 36
Weight: 172 (First thing in the morning, no clothes)
Height: 6'
BF: I was 9.3% about a month ago. I would say currently between 9.5%-10%
Goals: I want to build muscle, while staying as lean as possible. I do not want a bunch of unneeded fat along with gaining muscle.

Training typically starts between 4:30pm and 5:30pm

Week 1-12 Sustanon 750mg ew
Week5-12 Tren Acetate 300mg ew
Weeks 1-13: AI: Dex .5mg EOD
Weeks 9-14: HCG: 500iu 2x ew
Weeks 15-19: 50mg Clomid ED/20mg Tamox ed (May add one more week of Tamox at the end)

I'm currently in week 3 of the cycle.

I will go into detail about my current diet for mass, and give you a brief overview of how I have been eating. I had been using a method called Carb Back Loading created by Kiefer. It***8217;s basically Keto the first part of the day, and post workout you go for starchy and sometimes sugary carbs. I was using it to get even leaner, and it did work. I probably dropped about 1.5% body. I had been eating about 2200-2300 calories, sometimes as high as 3000 calories a day while back loading. That is how I have been eating leading up to the beginning of my bulking cycle. The last weekend before I started bulking I did go a bit heavy on carbs on Sat and Sun within a couple cheat meals. I have now been on my bulking diet for going on 3 weeks.

BMR based on my current stats: 1654.76
TDEE based on current stats using the moderate number of 1.55: 2564.88

Current Diet

Meal 1 - 8am
Meal Daily Log Protein Carbs Fat
Meal 1 6 egg whites (2whole egg 30 2 8
1 tbs of coconut oil or MCT oil 14
1 cup of oatmeal 10 54 5
10 grams creatine
2x Omega 3's 2

Totals 40 56 29

Meal 2 - 11am
Meal 2 8oz. 90% Lean Organ Ground Beef 46 20
1 cup brown rice 4 44 0.5
1-2 cups of greens 5.5 7 0.5
2x Omega 3's 2

Totals 55.5 51 23

Meal 3 - 1:30pm
Meal 3 6 oz of Chicken 36 2.4
1 tbs of MCT oil 14
2x Omega 3 2

Totals 36 0 18.4

Meal 4 PreWO - 4pm (1 hour pre-workout)
Meal 5 PostWO - Approx. 7pm

Meal 4/5 PREWO 50 grams carbs (Whole Oat Powder 1 hour before) 10.6 50.2 6.1
PWO 50 grams whey protein isolate/75grams Carb (Immediately Afterwards) 50 75 4.5
10 grams creatine

Totals 60.6 125.2 10.6

Meal 6 - 8pm or 8:30pm

Meal 6 6 oz Chicken ( PPWO MEAL) 36 2.4
1 cup of white rice 4 48 0

Totals 40 48 2.4

Meal 7 - Before Bed approx. 10pm-10:30pm

Meal 7 44 grams casein protein 38 2 0.8
2 Whole Eggs 12 2 8
one scoop fiberlyze

Totals 50 4 8.8

Daily Macronutrient Numbers 282.1 284.2 92.2

Daily Calories 1128.4 1136.8 829.8

Total Calories For The Day 3095
Macronutrient % 36% 37% 27%

My Current Training Regimen

Chest Sets Reps Rest
Dumbbell Incline Press 5 6-12 60 sec.
Dumbbell Fly 4 8-12 60 sec.
Dumbbell Press 4 6-12 60 sec.
Dumbbell Incline Fly 4 8-12 60 sec.
Cable Cross Over 3 8-12 60 sec.

Back/Traps Sets Reps Rest
Straight Arm Dumbbell Pullover 4 20 60 sec.
Pull ups 3 As many as possible 60 sec.
Barbell Deadlift 3 6-10 60-90 sec.
T-Bar Row 3 6-10, 3x drop set last set 60 sec.
Hammer Strength Iso-Lateral High Row 3 8-12 60 sec.
Split Stance Dumbbell Row 3 8-12 60 sec.
Inverted Cable Row 3 10-12 60 sec.
Barbell Shrugs 4 10-12 60 sec.
Dumbbell Shrugs 3 8-10 60 sec.

Delts Sets Reps Rest
Dumbbell Side Lateral Partial Raises 3 30 60 sec.
Front Plate Raise (Superset w/ Above) 3 10-15 60 sec.
Smith Machine Shoulder Press 4 8-12 60 sec.
Dumbbell Military Press 2 8-12 60 sec.
Cable Lateral Raise (Superset w/ Above) 2 10-15 60 sec.
Dumbbell Bent Over Delt Raise 3 8-10 60 sec.
Reverse Machine Flyes (FST-7) 7 10-12 20-30 sec.

Quads/Hamstrings Sets Reps Rest
Warmup ***8211; Walking Lunges 4 sets Length of Gym 60-90 sec.
Raised Hamstring Curls 4 10-15 60 sec.
Seated Single Leg Hamstring Curls 4 10-15 60 sec. Reps Rest
¾ Partial Hack Squat (No Lockout) 4 10-15 60-90 sec.
Seated leg Press 4 sets 20 reps (with escalating rest pause) 60-90 sec.
Occluded Leg Extensions (Last set drop set and partials) 4 8-15 20-30 sec.
Stiff Legged Dead lifts 4 8-15 60-90 sec.
Lying hamstring curl 4 8-15 60 sec.

Bi's/Tri's Sets Reps Rest
Standing Barbell Curls 4 6-10 60 sec.
Inclined Dumbbell Curls 3 6-10 60 sec.
Dumbbell Hammer Curls 3 6-10 60 sec.
Preacher Machine Curls (FST-7) 7 10-12 20-30 sec.
Straight Bar Pushdown 4 8-10 60 sec.
Close Grip Bench 4 6-8 60 sec.
Overhead Dumbbell Extensions 3 8-10 60 sec.
Skull Crushers (FST-7) 7 10-12 20-30 sec.

Let me know if you need anything else to assess my diet. I'd really like to do a Carb Cycle, but I'm not quite sure how to set up the days that are low carb, and where to place them.
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im answering this thread tomorrow guys make sure you followed the instructions in post 1 or I WILL SKIP YOU!
Hey 3J would be great if you could take a look at my cutting diet.


Age: 26
Weight: 200
Height: 5'10"
Bodyfat: 18%
Goals: Cut down to 10% before beginning beginning a period of slow lean mass gains
BMR: ~2000
TDEE: ~3000

Workout Schedule:

Monday Chest/Triceps
Tuesday Shoulders/Back/Biceps
Wednesday Legs
Thursday Chest/Triceps
Friday Shoulders/Back/Biceps
Saturday Legs
Sunday Rest

All workouts first thing in the morning fasted at 5AM. Cardio 3-4 days a week 40mins incline walking after gym session.


Meal 1 8am - Cals/P/C/F

35g Oats - 129/4/21/3
30g Protein Powder - 120/24/4/1
1.5 Scoops Xtend (Intra-workout) - 50/12/0/0
4 Fish Oil Caps - 36/0/0/4
Total Meal 1 - 335/40/25/8

Meal 2 10am - Cals/P/C/F

125g Blueberries - 65/1/15/0
125g Chicken w/ seasoning - 158/25/8/3
15x Almonds - 104/4/2/9
Total Meal 2 - 327/30/25/12

Meal 3 12pm - Cals/P/C/F

125g Alfalfa - 28/4/2/0
200g Tomato - 36/2/7/0
250g Light Ricotta - 190/16/5/12
100g Turkey - 88/16/2/2
100ml Red Wine Vinegar - 16/0/4/0
Total Meal 3 - 359/38/20/14

Meal 4 2pm - Cals/P/C/F

35g Oats - 129/4/21/3
30g Protein Powder - 120/24/4/1
20g Chia Seeds - 89/4/5/6
Total Meal 4 - 338/32/30/10

Meal 5 4pm - Cals/P/C/F

125g Blueberries - 65/1/15/0
125g Chicken w/ seasoning - 158/25/8/3
15x Almonds - 104/4/2/9
Total Meal 5 - 327/30/25/12

Meal 6 6pm - Cals/P/C/F

125g Alfalfa - 28/4/2/0
200g Tomato - 36/2/7/0
250g Light Ricotta - 190/16/5/12
100g Turkey - 88/16/2/2
100ml Red Wine Vinegar - 16/0/4/0
Total Meal 6 - 359/38/20/14

Meal 7 8pm - Cals/P/C/F

200g Cottage Cheese - 170/20/14/4
10g Honey - 34/0/8/0
125g Blueberries - 65/1/15/0
4 Fish Oil Caps - 36/0/0/4
Total Meal 7 - 359/38/20/14

GRAND TOTAL - 2350/230/182/80

ok! lets see what we can change here.. you can make the whole thing 6 meals instead of 7.. there is no need for 7...

also, i would replace the blueberries for something that is going to do a better job of restoring glycogen in the muscle... fructose is notorious for getting its ass kicked in the liver and not making it to the muscles.. so potatoes?

the big red flag i see here is your lifting weights on an empty stomach... its horrible for you.. you are better off eating a meal and then doing your workout session
hey 3j, im trying to find a start on my macro breakdown for carb cycling, long story short it looks like this,

No-Carb Days
250g protein / 50g Carbs / 220g Fat

Low-Carb Days
250g protein / 100g Carbs/ 220g Fat

High-Carb Days
250g protein/ 200g Carbs/ 220g Fat

Im 5'11 & 190lbs
Calories per Day= 3200

going for a lean bulk
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Hi 3J be great if you could help me out aswell, Much appreciated man!!! :)

Age- 25
Weight- 195 lbs
Height- 183cm (roughly 6 foot)
BF- 18%
Goal- currently lean bulking

BMR- 1909
TDEE= 2959

Training -

Mon - chest/ abs (1 hour)
Tue - Back/ biceps (1 hour) + moderate 15 min cardio in afternoon
Wed - Legs (45 min)
Thurs - Shoulders/ abs (1 hour)
Fri - Triceps/ wrists (45 min) + moderate 15 min cardio in afternoon
Sat - biceps moderate (25 min) 10 min cardio
Sun - 20 min Moderate cardio

Protein / Carbs / Fats / Calories

6:00 AM - P - 46/ C - 43/ F - 4/ Calories - 392
prot shake 1 scoop
with milk (not fat) 500 mls
BCAAs 5 grams
oats 27g blended 1/4 cup


7:45 AM 64/103/10/763 cal
prot shake w/water 1 scoop
oats 110 grams blended 1 cup
with no fat milk 250mls
egg whites 150ml
creatine 5 grams

9:30 40/55/26/ 618 cal
tuna tin - in springwater
helgas soy and linsead (low gi bread) 127.5g (3 slices)
peanuts 1/4 of a cup 40grams

12:00 59/ 62/ 4.5/ 524 cal
chicken breast uncooked 200g
broccoli/beans/peas/corn 1 cup
pasta 75g 3/4 cup

2:45 26/53/30/ 586 cal
helgas soy and linsead (low gi bread) 127.5g (3 slices)
w/ penut butter -40g

4:45 28/17/3.5/ 195 cal
prot shake 1 scoop w/ WATER
oats 27g blended 1/4 cup

7pm 53/ 53/ 8/ 497 cal
steak 200g or chicken breast 200g
broccoli/beans/peas/corn 1 cup
sweet potato 1 cup
or pasta (75g) or brown rice (70g)

9:30 38/ 15.5/ 5.5/ 259 cal
prot shake 1 scoop
with no fat milk 250mls
flaxseed meal (seeds) 1/4 scoop 10g
x 3 fish oil caps (100mg ea)

total per day - 353/ 401/ 92/ 3848 calories
PLUS about 5 Liters of water per day (maybe more)

Any feedback is appreciated.
5ft 10
goal: Lose BF, get between 8-12%BF

BMR: 2058
239g of Protein, 237g Carbohydrates, 62g Fat
This is the meal plan i just made if you good critique it or give me any recommendations please i am also adding green vegetables like spinach or broccoli to this meals, should i count them, I have been told to count them by some people and not by others.

Meal 1 10am
2 scoop AllWhey- 240 Calories, 2g Fat, 6g Carb, 50g Protein
2 Slices Demsters 12 Grain Bread- 240 Calories, 4g fat, 40g Carb, 10g Protein
I saw you recommended to people not having whey unless its post workout, Eggs make me feel nauseous when I eat them no matter how I prepare them which is why I have protein here in the morning.

Meal 2 11:00-12:20 (School Lunch)
200g Chicken Breast 216 Calories, 3g fat, 48g Protein
1 cup (88g) Minute White Rice- 320 Calories, 72g Carb, 8g Protein
2TBSB Olive Oil- 80 Calories, 9g fat

Meal 3: 3-4pm (pre workout)
1 Can of Tuna- 140 calories, 2g fat, 32g Pro
1 Cup Dark Kidney Beans- 200calories, 1g fat, 35 carb, 12g pro
2tbsb olive oil- 80 calories, 9g fat

Meal 4: 7-8 (Post Workout/Afternoon Snack)
2 scoop AllWhey- 240 Calories, 2g Fat, 6g Carb, 50g Protein
1 cup (80g) rolled oats- 300cal, 5g fat, 54 carb, 12 g pro

Train between 3:30-4 to 6:30-7

Meal 5: 10pm (Night Snack)
¼ Cup mixed nuts- 190 cal, 17g fat, 7g carb, 6g pro
Vector Protein Bar-170 calories, 8gfat,17carb,11g pro

I lift 5-6 days a week mixing high volume and strength training, hitting each muscle group twice; once with a volume day, once focusing on strength and Cardio 3 days a week

Also what are your thoughts on the macros and total calories

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5ft 10
goal: Lose BF, get between 8-12%BF

BMR: 2058
239g of Protein, 237g Carbohydrates, 62g Fat
This is the meal plan i just made if you good critique it or give me any recommendations please i am also adding green vegetables like spinach or broccoli to this meals, should i count them, I have been told to count them by some people and not by others.

Meal 1 10am
2 scoop AllWhey- 240 Calories, 2g Fat, 6g Carb, 50g Protein
2 Slices Demsters 12 Grain Bread- 240 Calories, 4g fat, 40g Carb, 10g Protein
I saw you recommended to people not having whey unless its post workout, Eggs make me feel nauseous when I eat them no matter how I prepare them which is why I have protein here in the morning.

Meal 2 11:00-12:20 (School Lunch)
200g Chicken Breast 216 Calories, 3g fat, 48g Protein
1 cup (88g) Minute White Rice- 320 Calories, 72g Carb, 8g Protein
2TBSB Olive Oil- 80 Calories, 9g fat

Meal 3: 3-4pm (pre workout)
1 Can of Tuna- 140 calories, 2g fat, 32g Pro
1 Cup Dark Kidney Beans- 200calories, 1g fat, 35 carb, 12g pro
2tbsb olive oil- 80 calories, 9g fat

Meal 4: 7-8 (Post Workout/Afternoon Snack)
2 scoop AllWhey- 240 Calories, 2g Fat, 6g Carb, 50g Protein
1 cup (80g) rolled oats- 300cal, 5g fat, 54 carb, 12 g pro

Train between 3:30-4 to 6:30-7

Meal 5: 10pm (Night Snack)
¼ Cup mixed nuts- 190 cal, 17g fat, 7g carb, 6g pro
Vector Protein Bar-170 calories, 8gfat,17carb,11g pro

I lift 5-6 days a week mixing high volume and strength training, hitting each muscle group twice; once with a volume day, once focusing on strength and Cardio 3 days a week

Also what are your thoughts on the macros and total calories


Edit: Current Bf 20%
I would really appreciate your feedback 3J. I have let go of my nutrition over the last year because of school/partying. I have been trying to be consistent for the 6 weeks though, and will be a walk on for my Universitys soccer practice squad.
Age: 24
Weight: 204
Height: 6 ft
Bf: 20%
BF(lb): 40
LBM: 164
BMR= 2,088(total weight) 1,838.92(LBM)
TDEE: 3,236(total weight) 2,848.9(LBM)
sub 10% maintain/slightly increase strength. Improved cardio endurance (for soccer)
Macro Breakdown: varies depending on day but a typical day looks like this:
Meal Cal/P/C/F
Meal 1
2 whole eggs+
2 egg whites 181/17/0/9
½ cup oatmeal 150/5/27/3
Green Tea N/A
Total: 331/22/27/12

Meal 2 (usually post workout)
10oz milk 145/14/15/9
ON Whey:130/24/5/3 (x2 depending how hard workouot)
½ scoop oatmeal: 150/5/27/3
Tbspn honey: 60/0/16/0
Bananna* : 105/1/27/1 *depending on how hard workout
Tbspn Pnt Btr* 94/4/3/8
Total: 485/43/63/15
Total:* 1013/72/97/27 (had no idea combined macros was this high post workout)

Meal 3
Chicken (6oz) 230/51/0/4
Brown rice (cup) 215/5/44/2
Veggies galore ~50/0/~8/0
Total: 505/56/52/6

Meal 4
Non fat plain yogurt 130/16/19/0
Banana 105/1/27/1
Scoop ON whey 130/24/5/3
½ Oatmeal dry 150/5/27/3
Total: 515/30/59/7 (had no idea this meal was so high)

Daily Totals: 2,334/180/235/52
Had no idea how fast calories add up,(especially last meal) and how low I am on protein. Almost embarrassing to post.

Work out Regimen:
It is usually 4 days a week.
Right now I am taking it day by day depending on how my body feels.
I have been doing a lot of speed training lately (for soccer) sprints, intervals, cone drills, and then I***8217;ll do one day of long distance running (4-6 miles). I try to target muscles at least two or three times a week, mostly pushups, shoulder press, curls and more push ups.

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Stats: 31 5-11 210 lbs @ 16-18%
Goal: 185-190 @ 10% over 18-20 weeks
BMR: 1930
TDEE (based on Mifflin-St Jeor formula): 2900

Meal 1 530am
Whole wheat wraps
Hard boiled Eggs
Franks red hot sauce

Meal 2 9am

Meal 3 12pm
Sweet Potatoes
Outside Round Beef
Green Veg

Meal 4 330pm
Basmati Rice
Boneless Skinless Breast
Green Veg

Post Workout Shake 6pm
Gatorade Mix

Meal 5 7pm
Basmati Rice
Boneless Skinless Breast
Green Veg

Meal 6 10pm
Outside Round
Green Veg

Daily Totals = 260/200/60/2512
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this actually doesn't look that bad.. but if you really want to lose the fat i recommend you focus your carbs to breakfast, pre and post workout... replace the carbs in the other meals with fats
Stats: 31 5-11 210 lbs @ 16-18%
Goal: 185-190 @ 10% over 18-20 weeks
BMR: 1930
TDEE (based on Mifflin-St Jeor formula): 2900

Meal 1 530am
Whole wheat wraps
Hard boiled Eggs
Franks red hot sauce

Meal 2 9am

Meal 3 12pm
Sweet Potatoes
Outside Round Beef
Green Veg

Meal 4 330pm
Basmati Rice
Boneless Skinless Breast
Green Veg

Post Workout Shake 6pm
Gatorade Mix

Meal 5 7pm
Basmati Rice
Boneless Skinless Breast
Green Veg

Meal 6 10pm
Outside Round
Green Veg

Daily Totals = 260/200/60/2512
I would really appreciate your feedback 3J. I have let go of my nutrition over the last year because of school/partying. I have been trying to be consistent for the 6 weeks though, and will be a walk on for my Universitys soccer practice squad.
Age: 24
Weight: 204
Height: 6 ft
Bf: 20%
BF(lb): 40
LBM: 164
BMR= 2,088(total weight) 1,838.92(LBM)
TDEE: 3,236(total weight) 2,848.9(LBM)
sub 10% maintain/slightly increase strength. Improved cardio endurance (for soccer)
Macro Breakdown: varies depending on day but a typical day looks like this:
Meal Cal/P/C/F
Meal 1
2 whole eggs+
2 egg whites 181/17/0/9
½ cup oatmeal 150/5/27/3
Green Tea N/A
Total: 331/22/27/12

Meal 2 (usually post workout)
10oz milk 145/14/15/9
ON Whey:130/24/5/3 (x2 depending how hard workouot)
½ scoop oatmeal: 150/5/27/3
Tbspn honey: 60/0/16/0
Bananna* : 105/1/27/1 *depending on how hard workout
Tbspn Pnt Btr* 94/4/3/8
Total: 485/43/63/15
Total:* 1013/72/97/27 (had no idea combined macros was this high post workout)

Meal 3
Chicken (6oz) 230/51/0/4
Brown rice (cup) 215/5/44/2
Veggies galore ~50/0/~8/0
Total: 505/56/52/6

Meal 4
Non fat plain yogurt 130/16/19/0
Banana 105/1/27/1
Scoop ON whey 130/24/5/3
½ Oatmeal dry 150/5/27/3
Total: 515/30/59/7 (had no idea this meal was so high)

Daily Totals: 2,334/180/235/52
Had no idea how fast calories add up,(especially last meal) and how low I am on protein. Almost embarrassing to post.

Work out Regimen:
It is usually 4 days a week.
Right now I am taking it day by day depending on how my body feels.
I have been doing a lot of speed training lately (for soccer) sprints, intervals, cone drills, and then I***8217;ll do one day of long distance running (4-6 miles). I try to target muscles at least two or three times a week, mostly pushups, shoulder press, curls and more push ups.

i dont know what you are embarrassed about.. the diet looks decent.. and if you are running as much as you say you are you should be losing weight
Hi 3J be great if you could help me out aswell, Much appreciated man!!! :)

Age- 25
Weight- 195 lbs
Height- 183cm (roughly 6 foot)
BF- 18%
Goal- currently lean bulking

BMR- 1909
TDEE= 2959

Training -

Mon - chest/ abs (1 hour)
Tue - Back/ biceps (1 hour) + moderate 15 min cardio in afternoon
Wed - Legs (45 min)
Thurs - Shoulders/ abs (1 hour)
Fri - Triceps/ wrists (45 min) + moderate 15 min cardio in afternoon
Sat - biceps moderate (25 min) 10 min cardio
Sun - 20 min Moderate cardio

Protein / Carbs / Fats / Calories

6:00 AM - P - 46/ C - 43/ F - 4/ Calories - 392
prot shake 1 scoop
with milk (not fat) 500 mls
BCAAs 5 grams
oats 27g blended 1/4 cup


7:45 AM 64/103/10/763 cal
prot shake w/water 1 scoop
oats 110 grams blended 1 cup
with no fat milk 250mls
egg whites 150ml
creatine 5 grams

9:30 40/55/26/ 618 cal
tuna tin - in springwater
helgas soy and linsead (low gi bread) 127.5g (3 slices)
peanuts 1/4 of a cup 40grams

12:00 59/ 62/ 4.5/ 524 cal
chicken breast uncooked 200g
broccoli/beans/peas/corn 1 cup
pasta 75g 3/4 cup

2:45 26/53/30/ 586 cal
helgas soy and linsead (low gi bread) 127.5g (3 slices)
w/ penut butter -40g

4:45 28/17/3.5/ 195 cal
prot shake 1 scoop w/ WATER
oats 27g blended 1/4 cup

7pm 53/ 53/ 8/ 497 cal
steak 200g or chicken breast 200g
broccoli/beans/peas/corn 1 cup
sweet potato 1 cup
or pasta (75g) or brown rice (70g)

9:30 38/ 15.5/ 5.5/ 259 cal
prot shake 1 scoop
with no fat milk 250mls
flaxseed meal (seeds) 1/4 scoop 10g
x 3 fish oil caps (100mg ea)

total per day - 353/ 401/ 92/ 3848 calories
PLUS about 5 Liters of water per day (maybe more)

Any feedback is appreciated.

you are eating 4 protein shakes a day???

cut it down to 1.. eat real food
5ft 10
goal: Lose BF, get between 8-12%BF

BMR: 2058
239g of Protein, 237g Carbohydrates, 62g Fat
This is the meal plan i just made if you good critique it or give me any recommendations please i am also adding green vegetables like spinach or broccoli to this meals, should i count them, I have been told to count them by some people and not by others.

Meal 1 10am
2 scoop AllWhey- 240 Calories, 2g Fat, 6g Carb, 50g Protein
2 Slices Demsters 12 Grain Bread- 240 Calories, 4g fat, 40g Carb, 10g Protein
I saw you recommended to people not having whey unless its post workout, Eggs make me feel nauseous when I eat them no matter how I prepare them which is why I have protein here in the morning.

Meal 2 11:00-12:20 (School Lunch)
200g Chicken Breast 216 Calories, 3g fat, 48g Protein
1 cup (88g) Minute White Rice- 320 Calories, 72g Carb, 8g Protein
2TBSB Olive Oil- 80 Calories, 9g fat

Meal 3: 3-4pm (pre workout)
1 Can of Tuna- 140 calories, 2g fat, 32g Pro
1 Cup Dark Kidney Beans- 200calories, 1g fat, 35 carb, 12g pro
2tbsb olive oil- 80 calories, 9g fat

Meal 4: 7-8 (Post Workout/Afternoon Snack)
2 scoop AllWhey- 240 Calories, 2g Fat, 6g Carb, 50g Protein
1 cup (80g) rolled oats- 300cal, 5g fat, 54 carb, 12 g pro

Train between 3:30-4 to 6:30-7

Meal 5: 10pm (Night Snack)
¼ Cup mixed nuts- 190 cal, 17g fat, 7g carb, 6g pro
Vector Protein Bar-170 calories, 8gfat,17carb,11g pro

I lift 5-6 days a week mixing high volume and strength training, hitting each muscle group twice; once with a volume day, once focusing on strength and Cardio 3 days a week

Also what are your thoughts on the macros and total calories


not enough whole foods.. you have about 45% of your protein coming from whey and a bar??