Free Diet Advice from 3J

also, 3 servings of veggies daily.. the greener they are the better it is...

i don't know... people might think i am weird if i take 40 broccolis off the shelf and carefully inspect them to determine which few are the greenest
youre eating 1600 calories??? what made you think that was ok??
Hey 3J,

I was reading up on your thread and was looking for a bit of a critique. I'm 7 weeks into my cut and have already went from 198 to starting bodyfat was about 21% and I am around 16% now. My goal is 10% but I have 5 weeks left to go in this 12 week stint I am doing.

My exercise regime is basically 6 days a week right now ranging in 3 exercises for each body group starting at reps of 10 and working up to reps of 30 for 3 sets on the last exercise for the body group. It's a 3 day split basically 2 times a week. I do cardio 4 times a week and add an additional 20-30 minutes of swimming 2 times a week.

My BMR is 1911 and my TDEE is 2962, my current diet is around 1600 calories and I am taking in 100grams of carbs (not subtracting for dietary fiber), 180 grams of protein (~1g per lb of bw) and 40-50grams of fat.

Example diet:

1/2 Cup Quinoa
4 EggWhites and 2 Whole Eggs
1/2 tspn of cinnamon

2 Cups of Chile (Hot Beans, lean ground beef, diced tomatoes, onion)
Chipotle Bowl (Brown Rice, Black Beans, Guac, Chicken, Lettuce) Roughly 660calories

1 Chicken Breast
1-2 cups mixed veggies

100cal granola bar or Chobani greek yogurt
Or 2 Tbs of Peanut Butter
2 Protein Shakes after workout and before bed.

The diet varies but basically as long as I am hitting my macros, I try not to eat after 8pm and also try to get the majority of my carbs in before 4pm.

My only supplements are Protein and a Preworkout.
ham and cheese?? foot long chicken breast???

you need to bring food with you... cook for yourself

also want you to drop to 2500 calories... drop your carbs to 150.. eat carbs breakfast, pre and post workout only... if your not working out that day eat carbs meal 1-3...
I know i private messages you before but i didnt see this section till now so i figured my info may be similar to others and they may benefit from it so i will post here too.

lean mass=76

goals: drop down to 12%bf and maintain weight with a little more lean muscle..get my 2 pack back to my six pack

now for embarasssing facts:

I workout 3/4 times a week...cardio twice a week (30min on stair climber pace 10)..i excersice playing sports(baseball+golf walking the course) every other weekend and a few times during week.
i take a multivitam, omega, vit e pill everyday

breakfast #1
cup oatmeal 5/27/3/150
coffee w/ sugar 0/4/0/17
3 hard boiled eggs 18/0/15/210
8oz water

meal #2
ham n cheese omlette hashbrowns 41/27/43/660
8oz water
peanut butter sandwich

candy 0/39/0/150

12" footlong chicken breast sandwich/lettuce/banana peppers/oil/pepper jack cheese 54/90/36/920
1 small bag bbq chips 2/24/4/140
8.4oz redbull 1/28/0/110

meal #4 pwo
shake 60/4/1/260
8oz water

meal #5
8oz chicken breast w green beans white rice 63/51/11/560
80z water

Total is 233/298/86/2877

I currently have access to clen/winy/t3/ephedrine(my wifes diet pills) and also 4 bottles of a blend (Trenbolone Enanthate 100 mg /ml Drostanolone Enanthate 100 mg /ml Testosterone Enanthate 100 mg /ml) that i was going to play with when i start really regimenting my diet with some help from you.

so there it is...start giving me the bad news
Advice from a NASM-certified personal trainer for a 12 week transformation contest I am doing. Also my strength on this hasn't really dwindled current lifting stats:

Bench: 260
Dead: 375
Squat: 375

I noticed I hadn't lost any additional weight eating that amount of calories and I fluctuate between 185-187. I would get a 100 grams of carbs in, 1-1.2 grams of protein and anywhere from 35-50grams of fat. So yes, based on that 1600 calories.

youre eating 1600 calories??? what made you think that was ok??
i cant agree with it... your eating at the level of a bikini competitior when cutting
Advice from a NASM-certified personal trainer for a 12 week transformation contest I am doing. Also my strength on this hasn't really dwindled current lifting stats:

Bench: 260
Dead: 375
Squat: 375

I noticed I hadn't lost any additional weight eating that amount of calories and I fluctuate between 185-187. I would get a 100 grams of carbs in, 1-1.2 grams of protein and anywhere from 35-50grams of fat. So yes, based on that 1600 calories.
Right, which is why I came here for your advice rather than a yes or no answer, respectfully. I would say I am carb sensitive so would raising my carb intake to around 150 grams be more beneficial? I'd like to continue a 2lb a week loss with a bit of better guidance. Thanks.

i cant agree with it... your eating at the level of a bikini competitior when cutting
Hey 3J, this will be a long one as I'm carb cycling. Day 1 is considered high with around 300g of carbs, then it tapers down daily to under 30 for 3 straight days.
age: 20
weight: 190
height: 6ft
bf: 11-12%
tdee: Roughly 2700-2800
goals: Cut down to around 7-8%, for now...

Note: I do eat a lot of veggies that I tend to count towards the daily carb and calorie totals, but I just didn't put the macros for them here. Also, meal 2 isn't always necessarily my 2nd of the day, they switch around except for post workout and breakfast.

High carb day
Meal 1:
1 1/2 scoops of whey: 36/5/2/180
80g of oatmeal: 11/53/5/320

Meal 2:
2 slices of whole wheat bread: 5/26/1/136
175g of eggwhites: 19/0/0/83

Meal 3:
135g of Chicken: 43/0/5/221
250g of sweet potato: 5/53/1/225

Meal 4: (Postworkout)
1 1/2 scoops of whey: 36/5/2/180
120g of oatmeal: 19/80/7/461

Meal 5:
135g of chicken: 43/0/5/221
250g of sweet potatoes: 5/53/1/225

Meal 6:
1 scoop of casein: 25/4/0/108

Total: 245/296/26/2400
This is also leg day.

Day 2:

Meal 1:
3 whole eggs: 18/0/12/95
175g of eggwhites: 19/0/0/83
45g of oatmeal:6/30/3/180
1 scoop of whey:24/3/1/120

Meal 2:
30g PB: 6/8/16/180
slice of bread: 4/14/2/85

Meal 3:
165g of chicken: 53/0/6/271
70g of sweet potatoes: 1/15/0/63

Meal 4: (Post)

1.5 scoops of whey: 38/5/2/195
60g of oats: 10/40/4/230

Meal 5:
165g of chicken: 53/0/6/271
70g of sweet potatoes: 1/15/0/63

Meal 6:

Casein: 25/4/0/108

Totals: around 264/149/52/2123

Day 3:
Meal 1:
4eggs: 24/0/16/260
200g Eggwhites: 22/0/0/95
slice of bread: 3/14/1/72

40g of PB: 8/11/21/240
bread: 3/14/1/72
220ml Almond Milk: 1/1/2/26

300g Pollock: 71/0/3/339
45g Sweet potatoes: 1/9/0/41

Meal4: (post)
225g Eggwhites: 25/0/0/107
1 scoop of whey: 25/3/2/130
40g of oats: 6/27/2/154 (usually make some waffles)

Meal 5:
225g of chicken: 72/0/8/369
45g quinoa: 2/9/1/154

Meal 6:
casein: 25/4/0/108
Totals: 294/106/57/2136

Meal 1:
5 eggs: 30/0/20/325
200g Eggwhites: 22/0/0/95
200ml Almond milk: 1/1/2/24

120g canned tuna: 32/0/2/140
70g Feta: 16/0/12/163

200g chicken: 64/0/7/326
45g sweet potatoes: 1/9/0/41

Meal4: Post
150g Eggwhites: 17/0/0/71
1 scoop of whey: 25/3/2/130
30g of oats: 5/20/2/115

200g chicken: 64/0/7/326
45g sweet potatoes: 1/9/0/41
70g feta: 16/0/12/163

Casein: 25/4/0/106
Totals: 326/64/65/2158

LAST DAY, Sorry for the length haha. Day 5 is repeated for 6 and 7.
Meal 1:
5 eggs: 30/0/20/325
150g eggwhites: 17/0/0/71

240g Canned tuna: 64/0/4/280
70g feta: 16/0/12/163

Meal 3:
300g Pollock: 71/0/3/339

Meal4: post
2 scoops of whey: 38/5/2/195
80g eggwhites: 9/0/0/38

200g of chicken: 64/0/7/328
40g feta: 9/0/7/93

Meal 6:
Casein: 25/4/0/108
20g coconut oil: 0/0/14/117
Totals: 350/26/69/2143

Thanks in advance, I understand if you don't feel like reading it all, it's a lot. But I'm just concerned with this type of carb cycle, never seen it before.
Right, which is why I came here for your advice rather than a yes or no answer, respectfully. I would say I am carb sensitive so would raising my carb intake to around 150 grams be more beneficial? I'd like to continue a 2lb a week loss with a bit of better guidance. Thanks.

so you are losing 2lbs a week on your current calorie intake?
Hey 3J, this will be a long one as I'm carb cycling. Day 1 is considered high with around 300g of carbs, then it tapers down daily to under 30 for 3 straight days.
age: 20
weight: 190
height: 6ft
bf: 11-12%
tdee: Roughly 2700-2800
goals: Cut down to around 7-8%, for now...

Note: I do eat a lot of veggies that I tend to count towards the daily carb and calorie totals, but I just didn't put the macros for them here. Also, meal 2 isn't always necessarily my 2nd of the day, they switch around except for post workout and breakfast.

High carb day
Meal 1:
1 1/2 scoops of whey: 36/5/2/180
80g of oatmeal: 11/53/5/320

Meal 2:
2 slices of whole wheat bread: 5/26/1/136
175g of eggwhites: 19/0/0/83

Meal 3:
135g of Chicken: 43/0/5/221
250g of sweet potato: 5/53/1/225

Meal 4: (Postworkout)
1 1/2 scoops of whey: 36/5/2/180
120g of oatmeal: 19/80/7/461

Meal 5:
135g of chicken: 43/0/5/221
250g of sweet potatoes: 5/53/1/225

Meal 6:
1 scoop of casein: 25/4/0/108

Total: 245/296/26/2400
This is also leg day.

Day 2:

Meal 1:
3 whole eggs: 18/0/12/95
175g of eggwhites: 19/0/0/83
45g of oatmeal:6/30/3/180
1 scoop of whey:24/3/1/120

Meal 2:
30g PB: 6/8/16/180
slice of bread: 4/14/2/85

Meal 3:
165g of chicken: 53/0/6/271
70g of sweet potatoes: 1/15/0/63

Meal 4: (Post)

1.5 scoops of whey: 38/5/2/195
60g of oats: 10/40/4/230

Meal 5:
165g of chicken: 53/0/6/271
70g of sweet potatoes: 1/15/0/63

Meal 6:

Casein: 25/4/0/108

Totals: around 264/149/52/2123

Day 3:
Meal 1:
4eggs: 24/0/16/260
200g Eggwhites: 22/0/0/95
slice of bread: 3/14/1/72

40g of PB: 8/11/21/240
bread: 3/14/1/72
220ml Almond Milk: 1/1/2/26

300g Pollock: 71/0/3/339
45g Sweet potatoes: 1/9/0/41

Meal4: (post)
225g Eggwhites: 25/0/0/107
1 scoop of whey: 25/3/2/130
40g of oats: 6/27/2/154 (usually make some waffles)

Meal 5:
225g of chicken: 72/0/8/369
45g quinoa: 2/9/1/154

Meal 6:
casein: 25/4/0/108
Totals: 294/106/57/2136

Meal 1:
5 eggs: 30/0/20/325
200g Eggwhites: 22/0/0/95
200ml Almond milk: 1/1/2/24

120g canned tuna: 32/0/2/140
70g Feta: 16/0/12/163

200g chicken: 64/0/7/326
45g sweet potatoes: 1/9/0/41

Meal4: Post
150g Eggwhites: 17/0/0/71
1 scoop of whey: 25/3/2/130
30g of oats: 5/20/2/115

200g chicken: 64/0/7/326
45g sweet potatoes: 1/9/0/41
70g feta: 16/0/12/163

Casein: 25/4/0/106
Totals: 326/64/65/2158

LAST DAY, Sorry for the length haha. Day 5 is repeated for 6 and 7.
Meal 1:
5 eggs: 30/0/20/325
150g eggwhites: 17/0/0/71

240g Canned tuna: 64/0/4/280
70g feta: 16/0/12/163

Meal 3:
300g Pollock: 71/0/3/339

Meal4: post
2 scoops of whey: 38/5/2/195
80g eggwhites: 9/0/0/38

200g of chicken: 64/0/7/328
40g feta: 9/0/7/93

Meal 6:
Casein: 25/4/0/108
20g coconut oil: 0/0/14/117
Totals: 350/26/69/2143

Thanks in advance, I understand if you don't feel like reading it all, it's a lot. But I'm just concerned with this type of carb cycle, never seen it before.

give me daily macros
Hey 3J,

I usually lurk on this site, but I made an account specifically to post to this thread.

Age 22
weight 187
height 5'10"
bf ~13%

I've been lifting weights for well over 6 years, but have plateaued for quite a while. My father used to compete, and I learned everything about weightlifting from him. I know that my weight training is up to par. My issue without a doubt has always been my diet. I have a hard time finding the will power to stay away from unhealthy foods and eat the right amount of good foods. This same time last year, I dropped the excuses and cut about 11 pounds over the course of about 7 weeks. I've gained the weight back since and am now looking to cut again. But I want more drastic results (trying to get to single-digit bf, while maintaining/gaining muscle mass. I'm more of an endo/meso). I have never done any form of steroids, but have been doing a lot of research. I'm looking to run a 12 week Test Cyp (450mg/week) with 8 week Anavar cycle soon (starting at 40mg ed, weeks 1-2, then possibly upping from there). I need to know what kind of diet I should maintain throughout in order to see the most results. I understand this kind of advice isn't exactly free, but any guidance is greatly appreciated.

2 egg whites, 1 full egg 10/0/5/108
BBQ chicken cold cuts 6.5/1/0.5/35
Protein cereal 10/19/1/110
Starbucks Quad Half Caf Espresso

4oz chicken breast cold cuts wrapped around 3 slices of mozzarella cheese
Baby carrots

Nutrition peanut mix
Small can of starkist Tuna
Small cottage cheese

PWO Protein Shake (Optimum Nutrition Whey, Fat free milk, 3 tbsp peanut butter)

2 grilled Chicken Breasts and Publix Caesar Salad Mix 50/5/1/-

All workouts at approx 7:30pm:

Monday: Back/Traps with 15 minute ab circuit and 15 min HIIT (Stairmaster)
Tuesday: Chest/Biceps, 15 minute ab circuit and 15 min cardio (Eliptical)
Wednesday: Cardio- Either 20 min run or stadium run (stairs)
Thursday: Legs, 15 ab circuit and 15 min cardio (bicycle)
Friday: Shoulders/Triceps, 15 ab circuit, no cardio (legs sore as shit)
Saturday/Sunday: Rest/Cardio (sports, etc).

BMR 1967.32

TDEE 3221.49

I know I don't have all my macros in there but I was hoping you might be able to advise. Bring on the criticism, I'm all ears. Thanks in advance.
Last edited:
Age: 22
Weight: 237
Height: 5'11"
BF: 13.6%

Goals: Have competed in two bodybuilding competitions so far. Previous diets were extreme caloric deficits, starting at 2900cal (12 weeks out) and finishing at 1200cal (one week out through stage). While this diet is somewhat effective in getting my bf% down I feel like I come into the show flat. Both times I have looked 100% better 2-3 weeks post-contest when muscles are rehydrated/refueled. Hoping to step on stage in Mid-July and take first place. I want to be peeled like an onion and striated like a mofo (glute striations).

BMR: 2380 cal
TDEE: 3500 cal

CURRENT DIET: I am cycling 2-3 low carb days followed by 1 high carb day, usually try to sync up with a heavy lifting day (legs/back)

Cal Fat Carb Protein
2 slices bread -220, 2g, 40g, 8g
1 cup rice -170, 2g, 40g, 4g
.5 cup egg whites -75, 0g, 0g, 15g
3 eggs whole -210, 15g, 0g, 18g
2 scoops protein -280, 5g, 6g, 50g
40 oz chicken -1000, 5g, 0g, 220g
4tbsp Almond butter-360, 32g, 12g, 14g

Total Cal 2315
Total Fat 61g
Total Carbs 98g
Total Protein 329g

#1 (7-9am) Eggs, 1 slice toast, 2 tbsp AB, 1 scoop Protein
#2 (11-1pm) 10oz Chicken, 1 slice toast
#3 (3-4pm) 10oz Chicken, ½ cup rice
#4 (6-7pm) 10oz Chicken, ½ cup rice
#5 Post-workout: 1 scoop Protein
#6 (9-10pm)10oz Chicken, 2 tbsp AB

Cal Fat Carb Protein
4 slices bread -440, 4g, 80g, 16g
2 cups rice -340, 3g, 80g, 8g
.5 cup egg whites -75, 0g, 0g, 15g
3 eggs whole -210, 15g, 0g, 18g
2 scoops protein -280, 5g, 6g, 50g
1 scoop ignition -102, 0g, 26g, 0g
1 apple -95, 0g, 25g, 0g
40 oz chicken -1000, 5g, 0g, 220g
Banana -105, 0g, 27g, 1g
4tbsp Almond butter-360, 32g, 12g, 14g

Total Cal 3000
Total Fat 64g
Total Carbs 256g
Total Protein 342g

#1 (7-9am) Eggs, 2 slice toast, 2 tbsp AB, 1 scoop Protein
#2 (11-1pm)10oz Chicken, Banana
#3 (3-4pm) 10oz Chicken, 1 cup rice
#4 Pre-workout
#5 (6-7pm) 10oz Chicken, 1 cup rice, Apple
#6 Post-workout: 1 scoop Protein and 1 scoop ignition
#7 (9-10pm)10oz Chicken, 2 slices toast, 2 tbsp AB


Morning cardio on an empty stomach. Rotate EOD between treadmill sprints (HIIT) and incline treadmill walk (LISS).

I workout around 6-7pm:

On a 5 day split where I work one muscle group twice a week with two rest days.
The order is as follows 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, Off, Off.
Next week I rotate the muscle group being hit twice.
The order is as follows 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, Off, Off.
And so on. (Hope that makes sense?)

As for the actual lifts I target...

4 sets of each lift with 10-8-6-10 for reps (weight is progressively increased).

Thank you in advanced for critiquing this diet. I am open to any and all advice you have for me. Let me know if you need anything else. Have a great day.
1. do not use steroids

2. where are your daily totals??
Hey 3J,

I usually lurk on this site, but I made an account specifically to post to this thread.

Age 22
weight 187
height 5'10"
bf ~13%

I've been lifting weights for well over 6 years, but have plateaued for quite a while. My father used to compete, and I learned everything about weightlifting from him. I know that my weight training is up to par. My issue without a doubt has always been my diet. I have a hard time finding the will power to stay away from unhealthy foods and eat the right amount of good foods. This same time last year, I dropped the excuses and cut about 11 pounds over the course of about 7 weeks. I've gained the weight back since and am now looking to cut again. But I want more drastic results (trying to get to single-digit bf, while maintaining/gaining muscle mass. I'm more of an endo/meso). I have never done any form of steroids, but have been doing a lot of research. I'm looking to run a 12 week Test Cyp (450mg/week) with 8 week Anavar cycle soon (starting at 40mg ed, weeks 1-2, then possibly upping from there). I need to know what kind of diet I should maintain throughout in order to see the most results. I understand this kind of advice isn't exactly free, but any guidance is greatly appreciated.

2 egg whites, 1 full egg 10/0/5/108
BBQ chicken cold cuts 6.5/1/0.5/35
Protein cereal 10/19/1/110
Starbucks Quad Half Caf Espresso

4oz chicken breast cold cuts wrapped around 3 slices of mozzarella cheese
Baby carrots

Nutrition peanut mix
Small can of starkist Tuna
Small cottage cheese

PWO Protein Shake (Optimum Nutrition Whey, Fat free milk, 3 tbsp peanut butter)

2 grilled Chicken Breasts and Publix Caesar Salad Mix 50/5/1/-

All workouts at approx 7:30pm:

Monday: Back/Traps with 15 minute ab circuit and 15 min HIIT (Stairmaster)
Tuesday: Chest/Biceps, 15 minute ab circuit and 15 min cardio (Eliptical)
Wednesday: Cardio- Either 20 min run or stadium run (stairs)
Thursday: Legs, 15 ab circuit and 15 min cardio (bicycle)
Friday: Shoulders/Triceps, 15 ab circuit, no cardio (legs sore as shit)
Saturday/Sunday: Rest/Cardio (sports, etc).

BMR 1967.32

TDEE 3221.49

I know I don't have all my macros in there but I was hoping you might be able to advise. Bring on the criticism, I'm all ears. Thanks in advance.
Age: 22
Weight: 237
Height: 5'11"
BF: 13.6%

Goals: Have competed in two bodybuilding competitions so far. Previous diets were extreme caloric deficits, starting at 2900cal (12 weeks out) and finishing at 1200cal (one week out through stage). While this diet is somewhat effective in getting my bf% down I feel like I come into the show flat. Both times I have looked 100% better 2-3 weeks post-contest when muscles are rehydrated/refueled. Hoping to step on stage in Mid-July and take first place. I want to be peeled like an onion and striated like a mofo (glute striations).

BMR: 2380 cal
TDEE: 3500 cal

CURRENT DIET: I am cycling 2-3 low carb days followed by 1 high carb day, usually try to sync up with a heavy lifting day (legs/back)

Cal Fat Carb Protein
2 slices bread -220, 2g, 40g, 8g
1 cup rice -170, 2g, 40g, 4g
.5 cup egg whites -75, 0g, 0g, 15g
3 eggs whole -210, 15g, 0g, 18g
2 scoops protein -280, 5g, 6g, 50g
40 oz chicken -1000, 5g, 0g, 220g
4tbsp Almond butter-360, 32g, 12g, 14g

Total Cal 2315
Total Fat 61g
Total Carbs 98g
Total Protein 329g

#1 (7-9am) Eggs, 1 slice toast, 2 tbsp AB, 1 scoop Protein
#2 (11-1pm) 10oz Chicken, 1 slice toast
#3 (3-4pm) 10oz Chicken, ½ cup rice
#4 (6-7pm) 10oz Chicken, ½ cup rice
#5 Post-workout: 1 scoop Protein
#6 (9-10pm)10oz Chicken, 2 tbsp AB

Cal Fat Carb Protein
4 slices bread -440, 4g, 80g, 16g
2 cups rice -340, 3g, 80g, 8g
.5 cup egg whites -75, 0g, 0g, 15g
3 eggs whole -210, 15g, 0g, 18g
2 scoops protein -280, 5g, 6g, 50g
1 scoop ignition -102, 0g, 26g, 0g
1 apple -95, 0g, 25g, 0g
40 oz chicken -1000, 5g, 0g, 220g
Banana -105, 0g, 27g, 1g
4tbsp Almond butter-360, 32g, 12g, 14g

Total Cal 3000
Total Fat 64g
Total Carbs 256g
Total Protein 342g

#1 (7-9am) Eggs, 2 slice toast, 2 tbsp AB, 1 scoop Protein
#2 (11-1pm)10oz Chicken, Banana
#3 (3-4pm) 10oz Chicken, 1 cup rice
#4 Pre-workout
#5 (6-7pm) 10oz Chicken, 1 cup rice, Apple
#6 Post-workout: 1 scoop Protein and 1 scoop ignition
#7 (9-10pm)10oz Chicken, 2 slices toast, 2 tbsp AB


Morning cardio on an empty stomach. Rotate EOD between treadmill sprints (HIIT) and incline treadmill walk (LISS).

I workout around 6-7pm:

On a 5 day split where I work one muscle group twice a week with two rest days.
The order is as follows 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, Off, Off.
Next week I rotate the muscle group being hit twice.
The order is as follows 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, Off, Off.
And so on. (Hope that makes sense?)

As for the actual lifts I target...

4 sets of each lift with 10-8-6-10 for reps (weight is progressively increased).

Thank you in advanced for critiquing this diet. I am open to any and all advice you have for me. Let me know if you need anything else. Have a great day.

ok you are following a different philosophy here..

here is what i would do.. i would make your diet 2500 calories daily..

only manipulate your protein carbs and fats to match the 2500 calories..

you should be able to get in 300g of carbs and 250g of protein on your high day causing a spill over like you need
ok you are following a different philosophy here..

here is what i would do.. i would make your diet 2500 calories daily..

only manipulate your protein carbs and fats to match the 2500 calories..

you should be able to get in 300g of carbs and 250g of protein on your high day causing a spill over like you need

Different philosophy than what you use in your diets? Is this one not optimal for my goals?

I'm not sure I get what you're saying. Just to make sure I understand you fully... Drop my low day to 2500 cals with high protein low carb ratio. p/c/f ratio (300p/150c/70f total ~2500 cal)

And make my high carb day 250p/300c/70f total ~2800cal?

Thanks for the help, 3J!