Free Diet Advice from 3J

That's nothing new... And refeeds are important.. The lower you go from your tdee the more you will need the refeed... I skip all this with Carb cycling
Age: 19
Weight: 94 kg
Height: 181 cm
bf: Somewhere between 17-20%, I can barely see the 2 upper packs but there is no visual of the other survivors lol.
goals: My goals right now is to loose all the fat after 4 year of training. I've always been on a cut during these years but never managed to lose all the belly fat which I'm really trying to loose right now. I would say that my bodytype is a typical endomorph. I can lift heavy weight easily, broad shoulders, above 15% bf all year round, very very carb sensitive. I really wan't to get below 10% bf, i've never experienced how my body looks in lower bf due to how hard it is for me to cut.

BMR: 2200 calories/day

TDEE (for keeping the same weight): 3326 calories/day sounds really much but that's what the calculator gave me.

MACROS = 130-150g/60-100g/1400-1700 calories/carbs in total: 2-5 carbs/day
I'm running a intermitting fasting low carb high fat diet due to my body being really carb sensitive. I start eating at 11:00 and stop eating at 17:00 which gives me a 6 hour window to eat. During my fasting window only thing i drink is bcaa, water and coffee. I avoid carbs all day except a little bit of milk. I also have 1 refeed day where i eat till i blow up but I still keep my 6 hour window.

I've tried a lot of different diets but i think the intermitting fasting combined with high protein/fat low carb diet suits me best.

Workout: Usually on empty stomach(if i workout on a empty stomach i take 7g of bcaa before and during my workout) or 3-4 scrambled eggs before workout in the morning (11:00)

11:00 3-4 eggs or 7 grams of bcaa.

around 16:00 i take my last meal which is: 5 eggs, 1-2 cans of tuna and 2 salamon file. (approx. 1300 cals)

16:00-bedtime: bcaa, lots of water.

4 eggs: 25g/1,6/28g/361

5 eggs: 31,3/2/35,2/451
2 cans of tuna in oil: 36/0/28/400
2 salmon file 52,5/0/27,5/450

total: protein: 144g/Carbs: 3,6g/Fats: 118,7/Cals: 1662

Training split:

Monday: Chest and Back
Tuesday: Shoulder, traps and arms
Wednesday: Legs and calves
Thursday: Chest, biceps and abs
Friday: Rest day
Saturday: Chest and Back or rest day
Sunday: Shoulder, traps and arms

A lot of drop sets, super sets, compound barbell movments, heaviest i can go, keep a 6-12 rep range, 15 min 15 degree inclined treadmile after each workout

I do walk for a hour sometimes on a empty stomach in the morning. 2-4 times a week.

Cycle I've done:
2 ECA cycles
3 clen cycles

Xtend Bcaa
ZMA before bedtime
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i am not a fan of the IF approach.. imo your taking in too much for one meal.. if youre going to run an IF approach you need to split that big meal up into two meals
Age: 19
Weight: 94 kg
Height: 181 cm
bf: Somewhere between 17-20%, I can barely see the 2 upper packs but there is no visual of the other survivors lol.
goals: My goals right now is to loose all the fat after 4 year of training. I've always been on a cut during these years but never managed to lose all the belly fat which I'm really trying to loose right now. I would say that my bodytype is a typical endomorph. I can lift heavy weight easily, broad shoulders, above 15% bf all year round, very very carb sensitive. I really wan't to get below 10% bf, i've never experienced how my body looks in lower bf due to how hard it is for me to cut.

BMR: 2200 calories/day

TDEE (for keeping the same weight): 3326 calories/day sounds really much but that's what the calculator gave me.

MACROS = 130-150g/60-100g/1400-1700 calories/carbs in total: 2-5 carbs/day
I'm running a intermitting fasting low carb high fat diet due to my body being really carb sensitive. I start eating at 11:00 and stop eating at 17:00 which gives me a 6 hour window to eat. During my fasting window only thing i drink is bcaa, water and coffee. I avoid carbs all day except a little bit of milk. I also have 1 refeed day where i eat till i blow up but I still keep my 6 hour window.

I've tried a lot of different diets but i think the intermitting fasting combined with high protein/fat low carb diet suits me best.

Workout: Usually on empty stomach(if i workout on a empty stomach i take 7g of bcaa before and during my workout) or 3-4 scrambled eggs before workout in the morning (11:00)

11:00 3-4 eggs or 7 grams of bcaa.

around 16:00 i take my last meal which is: 5 eggs, 1-2 cans of tuna and 2 salamon file. (approx. 1300 cals)

16:00-bedtime: bcaa, lots of water.

4 eggs: 25g/1,6/28g/361

5 eggs: 31,3/2/35,2/451
2 cans of tuna in oil: 36/0/28/400
2 salmon file 52,5/0/27,5/450

total: protein: 144g/Carbs: 3,6g/Fats: 118,7/Cals: 1662

Training split:

Monday: Chest and Back
Tuesday: Shoulder, traps and arms
Wednesday: Legs and calves
Thursday: Chest, biceps and abs
Friday: Rest day
Saturday: Chest and Back or rest day
Sunday: Shoulder, traps and arms

A lot of drop sets, super sets, compound barbell movments, heaviest i can go, keep a 6-12 rep range, 15 min 15 degree inclined treadmile after each workout

I do walk for a hour sometimes on a empty stomach in the morning. 2-4 times a week.

Cycle I've done:
2 ECA cycles
3 clen cycles

Xtend Bcaa
ZMA before bedtime
i am not a fan of the IF approach.. imo your taking in too much for one meal.. if youre going to run an IF approach you need to split that big meal up into two meals

Thank you for your response, I will do that. Is there anything else that I should change with my diet?
Hi from brazil 3j,

First sorry for the poor english, well let me try to give u a fast insight
Im not an athlete so i try to do my best to be better,
i think my 2 big problems are dessert ( i try to keep most for weekends) and alchool lol some whisky and vodka lets say 3 times a week.
Well i dit dukan twice the first time was great i wasnt at gym the second was crap i couldt workout i felt soooo weak almost fainted once. i Loved when I did intermitent fasting, however now i go to the gym in the morning so i cant start to eat late.
Im lifting weights 4 times a week AB AB.

Age 36
Height 1.72
Weight 73.2
BMR 1530.54208
Tdee 2372.340224 1.55
BF 26.6 i did the eletronic crap i think its lower probably around 23
Data 8/9/2014

Cut 1872.340224

here some examples of my diet now, of course I change for exmaple the pasta for pizza =[ or
the veggies well i think u got it, the last one the high carb is just cause i love pasta =] try to keep it for 2 times week:

Totals 1926 197.3 152.5 52.6
Breakfast Cal Prot Carb Fat
whole bread 133 5.5 20 3.2
Peanut butter 89 4.3 3.2 8.4
Banana 92 1.4 23.8 0
Neston 42 1.5 8.5 0
Oatmeal 32 0 4.5 0.7

Whey 120 24 3 1

Chicken 200gr 324 62 0 6
whole rice 25 0 5.2 0.2
beans 153 9.6 27.2 1
Brocolis 22 2.8 1.3 0.7

Around 1600
Nuts 2 52 0.6 0.5 2.7
Protein bar 138 11 15 3.6
Whole cookies 132 2.3 19 5

Red meat 200gr 460 67.5 0 19.2
Sweet potatoe 90 2 20 0.2
Brocolis 22 2.8 1.3 0.7

Totais 1778 199.1 103.3 56.4
Whole egg 76 6.3 0 5.5
Egg white 30 6 0 0
whole bread 133 5.5 20 3.2
Peanut butter 89 4.3 3.2 8.4

Pos wkt
Whey 120 24 3 1

Red meat 200gr 460 67.5 0 19.2
Sweet potatoe 90 2 20 0.2
Brocolis 22 2.8 1.3 0.7

Around 1600
Nuts 2 52 0.6 0.5 2.7
Protein bar 138 11 15 3.6
Whole cookies 132 2.3 19 5

Chicken 200gr 324 62 0 6
Sweet potatoe 90 2 20 0.2
Brocolis 22 2.8 1.3 0.7

high carb
Totals 2166 187.7 224.1 49.7
Breakfast Cal Prot Carb Fat
whole bread 133 5.5 20 3.2
Peanut butter 89 4.3 3.2 8.4
Banana 92 1.4 23.8 0
Neston 42 1.5 8.5 0
Oatmeal 32 0 4.5 0.7

Whey 120 24 3 1
Whole cookies 132 2.3 19 5

Chicken 200gr 324 62 0 6
whole rice 25 0 5.2 0.2
beans 153 9.6 27.2 1
Brocolis 22 2.8 1.3 0.7

Around 1600
Nuts 2 52 0.6 0.5 2.7
Protein bar 138 11 15 3.6

Spagheti 402 14.7 82.5 1.2
Sauce 40 0 10.4 0
Meat 200gr 370 48 0 16

well everything is metric heheh

tks in advance, and great work you do here

also forgot to say my goals, i would like to keep bf under 15 and then maybe try to reach 70 75Kg
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so youre looking to cut..

i have your tdee at about 2500 calories.. so 1800 might be a little too low.. where are your daily totals?
the totals are the first line of each "day" where say total ou totais hehe forgot to translate
1926 197.3 152.5 52.6
1778 199.1 103.3 56.4
2166 187.7 224.1 49.7

seeing these numbers i think i have 2 problems, 1 the measurement, prolly the chickenn/meat, cause u have to weight it after its cooked right?
and second and whts prolly killing me the freaking weekends lol its like have 2 trash days =[ but really trash not just a bite of sugar

the totals are the first line of each "day" where say total ou totais hehe forgot to translate
1926 197.3 152.5 52.6
1778 199.1 103.3 56.4
2166 187.7 224.1 49.7

seeing these numbers i think i have 2 problems, 1 the measurement, prolly the chickenn/meat, cause u have to weight it after its cooked right?
and second and whts prolly killing me the freaking weekends lol its like have 2 trash days =[ but really trash not just a bite of sugar


no.. usually i weigh my chicken before its cooked..

how long have you been on this diet.. how much weight a week are you losing?
sup 3J just wanting to know your opinion on a 1k surplus diet, obviously for bulking. you reviewed my diet before but i added around 500 calories more. i'm super ectomorph/high metabolism/whatever and i've never put on any fat in my life. i posted the meal plan on another forum and people started saying it's too much/you're gonna gain a lot of fat/etc.

will post meal plean if necessary although i'm just looking for an opinion.
hey 3j,
first sorry took so long, i took the week to check if im doing what i said i am,
well sadly i am, and i say sadly cause im losing nothing =[, and i started to wonder why, well as i said its not that i count and weight what i eat, i am doing it now, but its pretty much it
so wheres the issue? hte fraking weekends, cause its like i have a deficit of 500 5 days and 2000 over 2 days, so i "suffer" from the diet and dont get the goods of it.
So i ll try to reduce the alchool, sweet and carbs on the weekends =[.
Age: 20
Weight: 177lbs
Height: 5'11"
BF%: Between 12-14%

Macros 40/40/20 -P/C/F

Goal is to gain as much mass as possible with minimal fat gain. (I am skinny fat kind of)

Currently on a cycle of Test E at 500 mg/week.


Gym in the A.M at 5:30

Pre workout meal upon waking
4 Egg Whites 16/0/0
1 Whole egg. 6/0/5
1 Packet of quakers protein oatmeal. 10/40/5

Total: 32/40/10

Post Workout Meal
1 can of Del Monte Pineapple Chunks 0/56/0
2 Scoops of Protein powder 44/12/2


9:30 Meal/Snack at work
1oz Almonds 6/6/14
1 Starkist Tuna Packet 16/0/1
1 Brown Sugar and Cinnamon Pop-Tart 2/35/7

Total: 24/41/21

4 Tyson chicken Tenderloins (baked) 47/0/1
2 tbsp BBQ sauce 0/12-16/1
A tupperware full of broccoli probably 1.5 cups (Dont count)
1/2 cup of instant brown rice. 4/31/1


Meal Snack-3:30pm
1oz Almonds 6/6/14
1 Starkist Tuna Packet 16/0/1
1 Brown Sugar and Cinnamon Pop-Tart 2/35/7

Total: 24/41/21

4 Tyson chicken Tenderloins (baked) 47/0/1
2 tbsp BBQ sauce 0/12-16/1
A tupperware full of broccoli probably 1.5 cups (Dont count)
1/2 cup of instant brown rice. 4/31/1


Before Bed 9:30pm
3 Scoops of protein powder 66/18/3

Total: 292/302/61- 2,925 Calories
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sup 3J just wanting to know your opinion on a 1k surplus diet, obviously for bulking. you reviewed my diet before but i added around 500 calories more. i'm super ectomorph/high metabolism/whatever and i've never put on any fat in my life. i posted the meal plan on another forum and people started saying it's too much/you're gonna gain a lot of fat/etc.

will post meal plean if necessary although i'm just looking for an opinion.

what you are looking for is 1-2lbs of weight gain a week.. whether that takes 500 calories or 1000 will take time to see.. i recommend you start 500 and work your way up.. adding 200-300 calories a week when you stall
Age: 20
Weight: 177lbs
Height: 5'11"
BF%: Between 12-14%

Macros 40/40/20 -P/C/F

Goal is to gain as much mass as possible with minimal fat gain. (I am skinny fat kind of)

Currently on a cycle of Test E at 500 mg/week.


Gym in the A.M at 5:30

Pre workout meal upon waking
4 Egg Whites 16/0/0
1 Whole egg. 6/0/5
1 Packet of quakers protein oatmeal. 10/40/5

Total: 32/40/10

Post Workout Meal
1 can of Del Monte Pineapple Chunks 0/56/0
2 Scoops of Protein powder 44/12/2


9:30 Meal/Snack at work
1oz Almonds 6/6/14
1 Starkist Tuna Packet 16/0/1
1 Brown Sugar and Cinnamon Pop-Tart 2/35/7

Total: 24/41/21

4 Tyson chicken Tenderloins (baked) 47/0/1
2 tbsp BBQ sauce 0/12-16/1
A tupperware full of broccoli probably 1.5 cups (Dont count)
1/2 cup of instant brown rice. 4/31/1


Meal Snack-3:30pm
1oz Almonds 6/6/14
1 Starkist Tuna Packet 16/0/1
1 Brown Sugar and Cinnamon Pop-Tart 2/35/7

Total: 24/41/21

4 Tyson chicken Tenderloins (baked) 47/0/1
2 tbsp BBQ sauce 0/12-16/1
A tupperware full of broccoli probably 1.5 cups (Dont count)
1/2 cup of instant brown rice. 4/31/1


Before Bed 9:30pm
2 Scoops of protein powder 44/12/2
edit this with daily totals.. i already see a few issues
Age: 20
Weight: 177lbs
Height: 5'11"
BF%: Between 12-14%

Macros 40/40/20 -P/C/F

Goal is to gain as much mass as possible with minimal fat gain. (I am skinny fat kind of)

Currently on a cycle of Test E at 500 mg/week.


Gym in the A.M at 5:30

Pre workout meal upon waking
4 Egg Whites 16/0/0
1 Whole egg. 6/0/5
1 Packet of quakers protein oatmeal. 10/40/5
Total: 32/40/10

Post Workout Meal
1 can of Del Monte Pineapple Chunks 0/56/0
2 Scoops of Protein powder 44/12/2
fructose has a hard time reaching muscle glycogen stores.. i recommend you switch to a semi-simple carb like white bagels.. or you can use dextrose to make it easy..

9:30 Meal/Snack at work
1oz Almonds 6/6/14
1 Starkist Tuna Packet 16/0/1
1 Brown Sugar and Cinnamon Pop-Tart 2/35/7
pop tart?? seriously?? lol..
Total: 24/41/21

4 Tyson chicken Tenderloins (baked) 47/0/1
2 tbsp BBQ sauce 0/12-16/1
A tupperware full of broccoli probably 1.5 cups (Dont count)
1/2 cup of instant brown rice. 4/31/1

Meal Snack-3:30pm
1oz Almonds 6/6/14
1 Starkist Tuna Packet 16/0/1
1 Brown Sugar and Cinnamon Pop-Tart 2/35/7
Total: 24/41/21

4 Tyson chicken Tenderloins (baked) 47/0/1
2 tbsp BBQ sauce 0/12-16/1
A tupperware full of broccoli probably 1.5 cups (Dont count)
1/2 cup of instant brown rice. 4/31/1
dinner needs to be a slow digesting protein.. i recommend switching to beef.. or doing casein with added fats

Before Bed 9:30pm
3 Scoops of protein powder 66/18/3
if this is casein disregard the last comment
Total: 292/302/61- 2,925 Calories

so what youre planning to do is run this and see how much weight you gain weekly..

if you dont know how to properly do weight and measurements i recommend you read my sticky in the anabolic forum..

as you progress you will likely have to add calories.. i recommend upping your carbs until you get around 450-500.. then start upping fats
so what youre planning to do is run this and see how much weight you gain weekly..

if you dont know how to properly do weight and measurements i recommend you read my sticky in the anabolic forum..

as you progress you will likely have to add calories.. i recommend upping your carbs until you get around 450-500.. then start upping fats

Thanks I agree with all that you said,makes sense. I do know how to do measurements and have tailors tape measure as well as bodyfat calipers and a scale. I weigh myself in the morning every Tuesday after using the bathroom if I have to.

My goal is to change my body composition from the skinny fat to be more muscular and pretty lean. Its hard to determine my calories being on cycle since my weight will most likely fluctuate alot and go up very fast during my cycle.

How often do you think I need to change these numbers since I am on cycle? Should I change them every week once I weigh in?

Also what should I eat that is quick and easy for my two snacks during work instead of a poptart lol. I love them and they help me from binging bad.
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Thanks I agree with all that you said,makes sense. I do know how to do measurements and have tailors tape measure as well as bodyfat calipers and a scale. I weigh myself in the morning every Tuesday after using the bathroom if I have to.

My goal is to change my body composition from the skinny fat to be more muscular and pretty lean. Its hard to determine my calories being on cycle since my weight will most likely fluctuate alot and go up very fast during my cycle.

How often do you think I need to change these numbers since I am on cycle? Should I change them every week once I weigh in?

Also what should I eat that is quick and easy for my two snacks during work instead of a poptart lol. I love them and they help me from binging bad.

youre bulking... so its semi-acceptable.. go ahead and have it..

as for being on cycle.. u know how i feel about you cycling at the age of 20.. but usually i do a 100-200 calorie increase starting week 3-4.. its hard to say since i wont be coaching you through it.. when i see measurements weekly its easy for me to say, ok its time to add calories
hey 3j,
first sorry took so long, i took the week to check if im doing what i said i am,
well sadly i am, and i say sadly cause im losing nothing =[, and i started to wonder why, well as i said its not that i count and weight what i eat, i am doing it now, but its pretty much it
so wheres the issue? hte fraking weekends, cause its like i have a deficit of 500 5 days and 2000 over 2 days, so i "suffer" from the diet and dont get the goods of it.
So i ll try to reduce the alchool, sweet and carbs on the weekends =[.

look at the math.. 2500 calories lost to put 2000 back in in the same week.. it takes a 3500 calorie deficit to lose 1lb
youre bulking... so its semi-acceptable.. go ahead and have it..

as for being on cycle.. u know how i feel about you cycling at the age of 20.. but usually i do a 100-200 calorie increase starting week 3-4.. its hard to say since i wont be coaching you through it.. when i see measurements weekly its easy for me to say, ok its time to add calories

You never know man you might be coaching me after all, Im good at guessing numbers ;) lol but I appreciate your help and advice more than you know man.

So I will basically up my carbs by 25g a week from week 3 on and then once I hit 450g a day start upping my fats a little each week?

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