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so its ok to have a pwo shake after am cardio? and ur meal an hour later?
so its ok to have a pwo shake after am cardio? and ur meal an hour later?
Hey 3J , you have a good post here. Interested to see if you can help me out.
37 yrs old
183-185 lb
5'11 - 6'0
16.8 % BF
BMR = 1882
TEED= 3082 (I think this is too low)
Goals; Wanna be 200-205lbs with less than 15% BF.
To figure out how many cals I needed I multiplied my weight by 19 to get Approx. 3600cal/day.
Spent the past 9 months eating around 3500-4000 cal/day on average.
diet was clean. I eat lots of chicken but I also eat beef & fish as well. Here are 2 sample days of my diet.
here is a slightly lighter eating day for me:
6 egg wht. 120/48/2/0
0%yogurt 90/15/7/0
orange 85/1/21/0
bannana 100/1/26/0
1 cup cheerios 100/3/21/2
8oz. skim milk 110/9/17/0
1/8 c. walnuts 100/2.5/2/10
Subtotal: 710/79.5/96/12
200grams chix breast 234/46.8/0/3.8
75 g. Brown rice 250/5/55/2.5
2tbl. olive oil 240/0/0/28
subtotal : 745/51.8/55/34
protein shake 190/25/9/2
1/4 lb Ground turkey (100g) 116/24.6/0/1.2
50g Feta cheese 125/10.5/3.5/7
multigrain bread 100/4/22/1
75g brwn rice 250/5/55/2.5
1c salad no dressing 7.5/1/2/0
5:00 pm
150g chix breast 175.5/35.1/0/2.85
150g broccoli 48/5.4/8.85/.45
250g homemade tom. sauce 117/2.5/22/2
100g multigrain pasta 200/10/35/2
1tbl olive oil 120/0/0/14
8:00 pm 16oz of skim milk 220/18/34/0
Grand total : 3385/273/343/109
Heres a heavy eating day:
8:30 am
3 egg wht. 60/24/1/0
1 whole egg 70/6/1/4
1-1/2 c oats 480/18/78/9
1/8c walnuts 100/2.5/2/10
1tbl. honey 60/0/17/0
1 tbl flax seed oil 110/0/0/11
subtotal: 985/52/126/34
11;00 post workout shake 190/25/9/2
100g chix breast 117/24/0/2
2oz. rice cheese 140/12/4/8
2c salad 15/2/4/0
100g brown rice 360/7.5/77.5/5
1 tbl. olive oil 120/0/0/14
1/2 c homemade sauce 70/2/12/3
subtotal: 822/47.5/98/32
shake: 16oz rice milk 260/2/52/5
1 bannana 100/1/26/0
1 scoop pro powder 190/25/9/2
subtotal : 555/28/87/7
150g chix breast 175.5/35.1/0/2.85
2c salad 20/2/4/0
4 tbl avacado dressing homemade (no info)
200g yam 202/4.2/46.4/.4
2 tbl flax seed oil 220/0/0/22
sub total: 598/42/52/26
Berry shake,
160z rice milk 260/2/52/5
1c frozen berries 90/2/22/.5
1 scoop pro powder 190/25/9/2
Grand total: 4030/ 228.5/ 527/108
The way it looks to me, my protein intake should be higher & my carb intake lower.
The end result:192lb @ 19.8% body fat (the gut got big!!!) and barely any decent muscle growth.
Work out routine was a all body 5x5 3x/wk
cardio 3x/week 20 min.
I decided to cut back on the eating and I got myself back down to 16.8% BF still doing the 5x5 routine.
My plan is to do my 1st cycle come this sept. so I wanna tune in to a good diet and let er rip.
Hey 3J , you have a good post here. Interested to see if you can help me out.
37 yrs old
183-185 lb
5'11 - 6'0
16.8 % BF
BMR = 1882
TEED= 3082 (I think this is too low)
Goals; Wanna be 200-205lbs with less than 15% BF.
To figure out how many cals I needed I multiplied my weight by 19 to get Approx. 3600cal/day.
Spent the past 9 months eating around 3500-4000 cal/day on average.
diet was clean. I eat lots of chicken but I also eat beef & fish as well. Here are 2 sample days of my diet.
here is a slightly lighter eating day for me:
6 egg wht. 120/48/2/0
0%yogurt 90/15/7/0
orange 85/1/21/0
bannana 100/1/26/0
1 cup cheerios 100/3/21/2
8oz. skim milk 110/9/17/0
1/8 c. walnuts 100/2.5/2/10
Subtotal: 710/79.5/96/12
drop the cheerios for oats
200grams chix breast 234/46.8/0/3.8
75 g. Brown rice 250/5/55/2.5
2tbl. olive oil 240/0/0/28
subtotal : 745/51.8/55/34
good stuff
protein shake 190/25/9/2
is this pwo?
1/4 lb Ground turkey (100g) 116/24.6/0/1.2
50g Feta cheese 125/10.5/3.5/7
multigrain bread 100/4/22/1
75g brwn rice 250/5/55/2.5
1c salad no dressing 7.5/1/2/0
ur overloading oncarbs here.. drop the bread.. too much brown rice.. u got problem with sweet potatos, yams, or red kidney beans??
5:00 pm
150g chix breast 175.5/35.1/0/2.85
150g broccoli 48/5.4/8.85/.45
250g homemade tom. sauce 117/2.5/22/2
100g multigrain pasta 200/10/35/2
1tbl olive oil 120/0/0/14
8:00 pm 16oz of skim milk 220/18/34/0
drop the skim milk to 8oz and add casein powder
Grand total : 3385/273/343/109
you should be eating about 200 calories more in this day
Heres a heavy eating day:
8:30 am
3 egg wht. 60/24/1/0
1 whole egg 70/6/1/4
1-1/2 c oats 480/18/78/9
1/8c walnuts 100/2.5/2/10
1tbl. honey 60/0/17/0
1 tbl flax seed oil 110/0/0/11
subtotal: 985/52/126/34
again, way too many carbs, drop the oats to 1 cup
11;00 post workout shake 190/25/9/2
100g chix breast 117/24/0/2
2oz. rice cheese 140/12/4/8
2c salad 15/2/4/0
100g brown rice 360/7.5/77.5/5
1 tbl. olive oil 120/0/0/14
1/2 c homemade sauce 70/2/12/3
wtf is rice cheese, thats a new one for me
subtotal: 822/47.5/98/32
shake: 16oz rice milk 260/2/52/5
1 bannana 100/1/26/0
1 scoop pro powder 190/25/9/2
drop the rice milk for reg skim milk
subtotal : 555/28/87/7
150g chix breast 175.5/35.1/0/2.85
2c salad 20/2/4/0
4 tbl avacado dressing homemade (no info)
200g yam 202/4.2/46.4/.4
2 tbl flax seed oil 220/0/0/22
sub total: 598/42/52/26
Berry shake,
160z rice milk 260/2/52/5
1c frozen berries 90/2/22/.5
1 scoop pro powder 190/25/9/2
again, drop the rice milk for skim milk, drop it to 8oz and add casein
Grand total: 4030/ 228.5/ 527/108
u should be eating about 500 calories less here
The way it looks to me, my protein intake should be higher & my carb intake lower.
ur damn right about that.. i have a perfect diet for you
The end result:192lb @ 19.8% body fat (the gut got big!!!) and barely any decent muscle growth.
thats because u were overeating.. no need to eat 4000 calories.. im 275lbs and i eat 4200calories to bulk
Work out routine was a all body 5x5 3x/wk
cardio 3x/week 20 min.
up your cardio to 5 times a week
I decided to cut back on the eating and I got myself back down to 16.8% BF still doing the 5x5 routine.
My plan is to do my 1st cycle come this sept. so I wanna tune in to a good diet and let er rip.
up your cardio.. can u do empty stomach am cardio??
as for your last meal.. get a slow digesting protein in there.. casein.. lean beef.. cottage cheese
Should I be ok switching meal 2 from an apple to say 3 egg whites and brocc.? For replacing the Zonebar in the afternoon should I just use some type lean protien or another small meal?
Thanks for the advice!
ran down stairs really quick and added up the fat and my fat intake is roughly 120g due to mostly olive oil and some cheese here and there so that's an extra 1080 calories which leaves me at a total of 2612 calories
what type of shake is that ur having before bed??
Honestly, it's just gold standard whey haha and I'm guessing from what I've read on here that you're gonna tell me to drink caesin lol, or eat a meal. I suppose I could do that, it's just a lot easier to drink a few scoops before bed ya know
casein comes powdered as well. I try and eat some lean roast beef or any type of lean beef. Don't like to cook that late usually but when i don't have roast beef i mix up a casein shake with water.
follow a 35/45/20 diet (roughly)
at 3500 calories you're macros should look like:
300g protien
400g carbs
77g fats
if ur on this diet and u notice that your still gaining too much weight.. u can do two things
1. lower ur calories through ur carbs 300 calories a week untill u ONLY gain 1-1.5lbs a week
2. drop your carbs and up your fats.. i would do this first..
for every 2 grams of carbs u drop add a gram of fat.. that'll rougly equal out..
so i would rather have it look like this
300g protein
300g carbs
122g fats
experiment with it.. it seems u dont exactly know what u need to do to bulk yet.. these are just starting points..
revamp your diet to meet one of the said criteria above and ill critique it again.. also look at my sample bulking diet on page one for inspiration and reference.. its good stuff
I noticed in your sample bulking diet that there was a lack of fiborous carbs. I like to eat my veggies and now at night I like a piece of london broil and brussle sprouts with some olive oil. What ya think of that?
Also, I did some reading on cardio and I`m getting alot of mixed messages on doing it on an empty stomach 1st thing a.m. I know you say its ok but others say its not (so confused) and that it will make you catabolic. Can you shed more light on this subject?